All Chapters of MIDWICK: Chapter 21 - Chapter 25
25 Chapters
Cain Cadell The metallic stench of blood overwhelmed my wolf senses and excited both of us into fighting more vigorously and strongly. The desire to hunt, chase, and kill rose within myself and increased my hunger for blood. I was clutching one of the wolves, from the rogue pack targeting my pack in Jamestown, between my teeth. The taste of his blood and the pounding of his fearful heart echoed through me and urged me to kill him. The more human side of myself told me that we needed him alive, that I needed to question him and know more about this small pack that seemed solely after me. But the thrill of the kill was hard to resist. I heard Daniel through the mind link, "Alpha, I think this one is willing to talk." No sooner had I heard the words than I tore into the neck of the wolf. My wolf ran to my beta, my paws padding on the dirt of the forest and when I got to him, I saw a naked woman who seemed about to take her last breath. Daniel's brown wolf stood over her body. Sh
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TWENTY-TWO - Breakdown
Cordelia Blackwell In the past two days, I’ve noticed that my strength was failing me. I have become weaker and weaker. The mark no longer burned, but my magic remained uncontrolled, and I remained tired most of the time.Tonight is the coven meeting, and I dreaded it tonight more than ever. I was sitting in the armchair in our parlor when I heard Morgana’s heels clicking on the marble floor. “Don’t worry. Everything will be fine.” “I wish I can have your confidence. I’m even more worried that we didn’t hear from Cain for the past two days.” I turned to her, “Do you think something happened to him?” “Cordelia.” She had this scolding tone. “We need to focus…” Before she could finish, there was a knock on the door. Maria went to open it, and to my surprise I found Thomas standing there in all his blonde glory and black trench coat. He looked more rugged than usual. “Oh my God, Thomas.” I said jumping off my chair and wrapping my arms around him.He stumbled back in surprise but let
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TWENTY-THREE - Lost in Translation
Cordelia BlackwellCain marched towards us with a look of fury in his eyes. It shook me to my bones, and I instantly jolted away from Tom as if his mere closeness burned my skin. The feelings I had were confusing; they contradicted each other greatly. I was elated and relieved to see Cain with my own eyes safe and sound after being worried for so long. But at the same time, I found myself fearing what he would do. Thomas and Cain stood face to face staring at each other. It looked like each one was trying to prove he's the Alpha Male. "What do you think you're doing with my mate?" Cain gritted out. His voice remained low, but menacing and dangerous. "What you've been failing to do all along." Tom answered, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. I stood there, watching Cain taking a hold of Tom by the collar of his white shirt, baring his teeth at him. "Who do you think you are to touch my mate so freely?!" Cain all but growled at him. "I'm the one person who knows her
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TWENTY-FOUR - Dear Mother II
Cordelia Blackwell “You have to come downstairs, love.” I heard Tom’s voice in the background of my mind. “We’re keeping her in the East Wing.” His hand touched my shoulder softly, “You’ve been cooped up in this room for three days now, Delia.” Three days? Is that how long it has been? It felt longer than that. “Fiona said she’ll only talk to you.” He urged me further, but it didn’t matter to me. Nothing matters with him not around. “Why should I care? Fiona and Debra can kill him for all I care.” I mumbled without averting my eyes from the sight of the afternoon’s sun through my window. Tom let out a soft breath, then sat on the edge of bed. “If only this was true.” He muttered softly. “This isn’t about Cadell, it’s about you. Fiona is your mother, a terrible one at that, but we need to know what she’s planning.” “Fine.” I agreed with a petulant huff. “I’ll meet you there.” Once Tom left, I took a shower and dressed to impress. Fiona has always been peculiar about the way I loo
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TWENTY-FIVE - Seeking Answers
Cordelia Blackwell "Daniel, it has been a week! You can't tell me you have no clue where he is or what he's doing!" I exclaimed in fury, my anger burning bright and its flames heating my skin. I was currently in the Blood Moon Pack's mansion. Standing in their foyer, and hoping that Daniel would let any useful information slip. "We don't know where he is." He let out a sigh, "The entire pack is distressed. He came back that night, told me to manage the pack till he returns, I asked him where he was going, but he gave nothing away." "It's true." Sheila added in a sad tone. "The pack needs him now more than ever, I tried asking him what had happened." She shook her head, "Can you tell me what happened?" "No." I answered firmly, letting my glare drift to Daniel. "You tell me what happened during your visit to Jamestown. Everything changed after he came back." Daniel sighed, "Please have a seat." I raised an eyebrow, "I think the witch he met said something to him.""What witch?" …
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