All Chapters of Enslaved to the Ruthless Mafia: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
80 Chapters
Speaking with mafia lord
Chapter 61: Arianna's POVThe tears were already there just waiting to fall but I held them back. Gabriele's Godfather was a sensible man. Maybe there was still hope in all of this if last night's apology meant anything.Maybe he didn't mean to hurt me. Maybe he just didn't know how to express himself.I sniffled back my tears and tried to keep a hopeful mind as the plane descended onto the cockpit.We landed safely and soon we were ushered out of the plane."You don't have to worry Arianna, everything will be fine," Niko assured me as we made our way to the arrival point."Thank you," I whispered.Somehow, I believed him. I didn't know how things were going to get better but I just knew they would.We continued walking and I noticed a well-built man ahead of us. I squinted my eyes and I saw him. He was here.Agostino was standing with a very large pink card that read welcome home daughter.It brought a small smile to my face as I thought of my parents and the day I arrived in Italy.
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I have to survive
Chapter 62: Arianna's POV"I will leave you to rest. The day is almost over," Agostino said as we got to the mansion."Thank you so much, Agostino," I said as I stood by the door."Oh it's nothing," he waved. "Always remember to enjoy every moment life throws at you and remember I am only a call away. If my Angelo becomes too much, ring me my dear and I will be there to give him a good beating!" He said flashing me his white pearly teeth.I smiled too and he gave me a salute before he went into his car and his men drove out of the mansion.I let out a sigh as I turned and faced the house. We had only been gone for a couple of days and it felt like forever had gone by."Arianna!" Sofie screamed as she set her eyes on me.She ran towards me and I welcome her into a hug."Oh, my God! I have missed you so much!" She exclaimed happily."I missed you too. I think next time I will make sure to drag you out with me," I said and she smiled sweetly. "So, tell me, what did I miss?"I passed my a
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No my angel can't die
Chapter 63: Gabriele's POVThe blaring sound of my phone pulled me out of sleep.I groaned as I got off the bed. I had barely just gotten some sleep after downing three bottles of whisky and now a call had to come in.There was a massive ache at the side of my head and if the caller hadn't been so persistent I would have gotten up to switch off the damn phone.The sound continued blaring as I moved to the sofa where I had my little pity party. My eyes were barely opened as I saw the dimmed light flash underneath the bottles.With a hand on the side of my head, I picked up the damn device and made to switch it off when my eyes registered who it was.It was Basilio calling.The call ended as I stared at the device wondering why Basilio was calling by —two in the morning."Fuck..." I drawled.I had told the fool to take care of every matter why was he calling me so late at night—My thoughts paused as a cold breeze embraced my heart.Arianna."No," I hissed out. Niko had informed me when
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Live for me my angel
Chapter 64: Gabriele's POVI was on my toes throughout the car drive and the moment we got to the hospital, I jumped out of the car almost losing my balance this time but someone held me.I raised my eyes as I made to move to see who had helped me and I saw Basilio's droopy eyes.My rage intensified and I threw a hard punch at him."Why the hell were you not taking my fucking calls, Basilio?! Why didn't you keep me updated?" I grabbed him by the collar and pushed him to the wall, giving him another hit.Basilio said nothing. He didn't fight back, he only whimpered and my next punch was left hanging in the air as our eyes connected.There was a tear dropping from Basilio's eyes —Something was terribly wrong.My hands started trembling and the ringing in my ears intensified as I thought of all the worst scenarios I could imagine in that flash second.He shook his head and another tear dropped from his eye.That was when my heart shattered. Arianna...My hands grew weak and I dropped the
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Finally hearing the words I've always yearned to hear
Chapter 65: Arianna's POVMy consciousness returned and I felt worst than a bag of rotten potatoes. My body ached all over and my head was indecisive. At some point, it felt like it was hurting but then in the next, it wasn't.I heard Gabriele's prayers and for an instant, everything stopped. The pain was gone just by the sound of his voice.A smile covered my face and I opened my eyes to find his broken figure in front of me."Arianna?" He jumped to his feet and held my face with tears in his eyes."Oh, my God!" He laughed while still crying. He seemed unable to contain his happiness.I wished I could record this moment so that I could use it to mock him later. A mafia lord like him was crying and laughing at the same time.I tried to get up and the pain I felt in my body was so strong that I sat back in shock.Panic moved in my eyes as I tried to remember what happened. It was at that instance I looked around the place I was in."Where am I?"Gabriele saw the panic in my eyes and he
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Keeping my cool
Chapter 66: Gabriele's POVMy aura immediately changed and I would have pounced on him if not for Arianna's tight grip on my hand.Anger boiled within me. For all, I knew Brett could have been responsible for the attack. How else did he find out about this?!The news just got out a few hours ago. He couldn't have left the US at that time and taken a flight to Italy only to be here now. It made no sense!The only logistical explanation was that he left as soon as I did which was impossible because the news wasn't out yet.Arianna's hold on my hand tightened once more and I had to forcefully peel my eyes off the annoying man by the door and drop them to meet her soft orbs."Gabriele, please... Trust me," she whispered and I felt all of my barriers break.I couldn't refuse her.I didn't want her to think I didn't trust her. I would have explained my doubts to her but Brett was right in the room and I didn't want him to think there was a crack between us."Let me handle him, please," she
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Home at last
Chapter 67: Arianna's POVMy room was filled with flowers from Gabriele. He had suspended every activity and took care of my every need. Last night, Agostino had to push him out of my ward, so he could get proper sleep.He had been nothing but sweet to me. I knew it was too late now. I had fallen completely in love with him.When Brett had come to visit a few weeks ago after I regained consciousness, I couldn't speak with him for long. He wanted to probe me and ask me about the relationship I shared with Gabriele but I couldn't speak with him.I felt uncomfortable talking about Gabriele with someone he wasn't on good terms with. I told him politely, not to come and visit me anymore.He was obviously hurt by my words but he was a good friend. In the end, he respected my decision and left promising to keep in touch somehow.I felt bad that we had to put a boundary to our friendship but Gabriele wasn't happy about his presence in my life. He didn't say it but I knew Gabriele suspected Br
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Anything for my angel
Chapter 68: Gabriele's POVArianna had ways of just bringing up demands without giving as much as a warning. We were headed home from the hospital and suddenly she blurted out a new demand."Babe I know you are concerned about me and I won't even argue if you say you want to assign me with guards and security and everything... But I can't stay indoors all the time again, please. I need to be out and receive fresh air..." She insisted before I could respond.I wasn't comfortable with this idea of hers. I would readily give her the entire world if I could but her safety was out of the question. I couldn't jeopardize that."Arianna, my love," I cajoled as I brushed my fingers along her chin."It isn't safe out there...""But Gabriel you are no longer doing mafia stuff, why isn't it safe?" She argued.She had a point there. My casinos and other businesses I have decided to focus on were very much legal but I still had a problem with Gianni. What if he decided to harm her?"Arianna, I will
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Movie night
Chapter 69: Arianna's POVA week later, Gabriele led me to the newly opened business consulting firm just a couple of blocks from the house."All workers here have been screened. You have nothing to worry about," He assured me as he dropped me off himself that morning.I kissed him on the lip and carried my laptop bag as I stepped out of the vehicle. "Thank you so much, Gabriele, I will make you proud!" I said like a child that was going to school for the first time."Get ready by four in the evening, I will come to pick you up. Remember we have our movie night?" He asked and I nodded.Of course, I remembered. I have been anticipating the first movie night ever since we moved into the new house."Yes, babe. Bye!" I said waving at him as I watched his blue Ferrari drive away from the building.As I walked into the building, I couldn't help but smile at how happy my life had become. I had Gabriele all to myself. He had really kept his promise. Nadia and Eleana were somewhere in Naples.
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I need a free time with friends
Chapter 70: Arianna's POVMy heart was racing as the beads of sweat formed and dropped from my face. My toes were shaking as the adrenaline pushed through my veins.I shook off my fingers, waking them from the sleep they were starting to go into. The attack could come at any moment and it would be bad.I had to be ready.From the corner of my eyes, I saw movements and at the last second, I moved and threw a punch in the opposite direction with as much force as I could."Huh!" I grunted as my fist hit the padded glove. The resistance that came through was enough to send me howling to the floor but I stood my ground and threw another punch, hoping to get to his face but he held my hand."You need to feel the enemies' aura and detect from which angle they will be attacking... Good job Arianna!"Agostino said and patted my shoulder with his ungloved hand.I dropped to the floor in a heap of sweat and let my breathing regain its original tempo."I need water!" I cried out.Training with Ag
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