All Chapters of The Broken Alpha's Rogue Luna: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
40 Chapters
Say Goodbye
[Marissa’s POV]My gaze remained fixed on the woman who was lying motionless on the floor. Scrambling forward, I reached out and grabbed hold of her, pulling her into my arms so that I could look into her lifeless eyes."No," I rasped, around the knot that was forming in my throat. "No, no, no."Snapping my gaze from her, I looked at the bastard that had caused this. Just seeing the smug look on his face sent waves of rage rushing through me."You," I growled, getting to my feet. "I’ll fucking kill you!""Marissa!"Strong arms that radiated comforting warmth wrapped around me, stopping me from attacking. I snarled and started fighting, clawing at them in an attempt to break free, but they held firm."NO!" I shrieked, strengthening my attempts as the need to kill took over any rational thought. "NO! LET ME GO! "As the words left my lips, tears began to roll down my cheeks. A pain so intense it felt like I was being ripped in half overtook me, threatening to suffocate me. It hurt. Damm
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Want To Forget
[Travis’s POV]I sat quietly as Marissa let out all the emotions she was feeling. It killed me to see her like that and know that there was literally nothing I could do.In a way, I understood how she felt since I lost my mother too, but I was so much younger than her and didn’t have the opportunity to spend as much time with her as she did."Travis," Marissa murmured, tightening her hold on me."What is it?" I asked."I want you."Confusion rolled through me as I felt the desire that was beginning to build up in her. However, I couldn’t find it in me to refuse her request. If anything, this was an act of desperation to forget what was happening, and who was I to deny her?Nodding, I quickly scooped her into my arms and made my way towards our room, all the while ignoring the curious gazes that were burning holes in my back.Once we were inside, I locked the door and made my way towards the bedroom, only stopping long enough to kick off my shoes."Are you sure about this?" I asked aft
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An Unforgettable Moment
[Marissa’s POV]My heart beat a mile a minute as Travis opened his mouth and extended his canines. Despite being scared shitless about this whole thing, I wasn’t about to back down. This was what I wanted. He was what I wanted and I had already wasted enough of our time.Leaning forward, Travis let his teeth glide against my skin while suddenly wrapping his arms around me."W-what are you doing?" I gasped when one of his hands slid down between my legs. "How is this marking?""You’re too tense." Travis explained, sliding his fingers between my folds and beginning to gently rub. "Loosen up, otherwise you will only remember this as something painful instead of what it actually is."Whimpering, I nodded while Travis pulled me closer to him so my back was against his chest. While his fingers continued to slowly work me, his other hand found my breast. Sliding my nipple between his fingers, he began to knead and tweak."Oh…goddess," I moaned, letting my eyes flutter closed. "That feels so
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Next Move
[Marissa’s POV]Later that day, I walked slowly towards where I had left my father, with Travis’s hand wrapped tightly around mine. Embarrassment flowed through me over what happened between the two of us, and I found myself becoming self-conscious about what others would say when they saw the fresh mark on my neck.As if the universe were helping me along, Kim popped out from around a corner and rushed forward, a look of relief forming on her face."Where have you…" she began, but stopped as soon as her eyes came to rest on my neck. "Oh!" She giggled. "I guess I don’t need to ask after all."Blushing ferociously, I lifted my fingers to my still-tender neck. Fuck, this was about as bad as walking around pregnant. It just screamed that I just had sex, especially since most wolves make it a habit to mark each other during intimacy."Why were you looking for her?" Travis asked, drawing Kim’s knowing eyes away from me. "You seemed to be in a hurry; was it important?""Her father wanted to
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The Calm Before The Storm
[Travis’s POV]I let my gaze slowly take in all that were gathered before me. All those present were the ones I trusted the most. I was sure there were more rats among my pack, but finding them would have to wait until I dealt with their leader."Welcome," I announced, bringing the meeting to attention. "I’m sure most of you are curious about why I called you here today."Growing quiet, I waited as murmurs began to sound around the table. Most were speculations about what today’s topic would be. Once it died down again, I sucked in a breath and prepared to continue."I’m sure most of you remember the attack on the packhouse two years ago." I began, earning myself a look of shock and confusion from Marissa. Shit, I forgot that she was already gone by the time it happened. It seemed I would have to explain everything to her later. "At the time, I couldn’t place blame on any particular individual because I didn’t have enough evidence."Growing quiet once more, I gathered my thoughts, pre
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A Late Night Stakeout
[Travis’ POV]Later, I lay in bed with Marissa and Kayden curled up beside me. And as much as I would have loved to just stay where I was, I knew that there was still much to be done in order to achieve the future that both Marissa and I were hoping for.After finishing with Bex’s send off, everyone went their separate ways. Where Ken went with Max and Thomas back to his home to try to gather some supplies for his stay with my pack, Marissa, Kayden, and I came here to shower and then read Kayden a story.After he fell asleep, neither of us wanted to move out of fear of waking him, so we stayed, and soon Marissa drifted off as well. Based on the light shining in the room from the moon, I could only assume it was getting close to midnight and that it was time for me to make my move.Being cautious not to wake the sleeping duo beside me, I slowly climbed out of bed and made my way across the room."I’ll be back soon," I whispered, shooting Marissa and Kayden one more glance before headin
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The Wendigos Domain
[Marissa’s POV]"How much longer are we going to sit here?" I grumbled, shifting positions for the fourth time since arriving. "I can't feel my ass anymore."After convincing Travis to allow me to accompany him on his wendigo hunt, we wasted no time in heading out. With Thomas leading the way due to his tracker background, we made our way deep into the woods until we arrived at a spot that radiated a good amount of wendigo energy.By Thomas’ assumption, this was a spot that they frequented, and the chances of us finding one here were pretty good. We could only hope that this evening they would be out and about. Otherwise, we would have to retrace our steps again and again until we found them.Hoping for the best, we set up camp downwind on the limbs of a tree above to wait."You didn’t have to come," Travis points out, giving me a smirk. "But once we’ve done what we came here to do, I’ll massage your ass.""Who wants you to massage their ass?" I grumped, though the thought of him doin
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The Plane Of The Dead
[Travis’ POV]I watched in horror as Kim and Marissa grabbed hands and leapt forward, disappearing beyond the ledge of the cliff. What the hell did they think they were doing? Were they trying to bring about their own deaths?Cursing, I rushed forward, preparing to jump too, but stopped as Thomas’ arm wrapped around me."Let go!" I growled, unable to control my raging emotions. "I can’t just...""Use your eyes, asshole," Thomas huffed, nodding towards the abyss below. "One wrong leap and your ass is done, can’t you see it?"See it? What the fuck was he talking about?Peering down, I took in the empty space below. There was no sign of Marissa and Kim, nor were there any signs of the damned wendigos that we were hunting. Where the fuck did they all go?"Do you see any human pancakes down there?" Thomas continued, acting smug. "That means that there is something that we are missing, but Marissa and Kim managed to find."Trying to calm my emotions, I began to search the area, trying to fi
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To Lose A Friend
[Marissa’s POV]I did my best to stay ahead of Travis so that he wouldn’t see the look of worry that I was sure was showing on my face. Though I had promised not to get myself killed, I didn’t quite know what would happen during this upcoming battle, and I was making a promise I had no control over."Hey!"Gasping, I found myself being tugged backwards as Travis’ arm wrapped around my waist, sending tingles of delight through me."What’s up with the avoidance?""Nothing," I responded, keeping my gaze fixed on those ahead of me. "I’m doing no such thing.""Try that on someone who doesn’t know better."Huffing, I looked at our group, which was clearly oblivious to mine and Travis’ back and forth, before wriggling around to meet Travis’ worried gaze. Immediately, I felt my heart clench and regretted my actions, but I was trying to be realistic."Tomorrow isn’t promised."It was the easiest way to describe exactly what I was feeling. No matter how hard we fought, we couldn’t change what w
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We Must Bring Him Back
[Marissa’s POV]We continued to run until I could just make out the portal that would take us back to our world. Just as Thomas had intended, we managed to escape, but was it really something to be relieved about?"That…" Ace huffed as we stopped at our exit. "How could someone...""Ace," Travis warned, stopping him before he could say anything more. "Not the time."As he scolded his delta, I could feel his eyes on the back of my neck. Since stopping, I couldn’t focus on anything except for Thomas’ figure slamming into a fully ablaze wendigo.How could he do something so reckless? We could have figured out a way to escape without that!"Hey."Tensing, I slowly turned my attention to Kim, who was standing beside me with an unreadable look on her heart-shaped face."Hm?""We aren’t just going to leave him, right?"Not leave him… No, I didn’t like the sound of that. We all came here together to try to eliminate a threat, and we should all be going home together. But as of now, we don’t k
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