All Chapters of The Lost Royal: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
61 Chapters
Fifty One
The passages twisted and branched, though Lanna seemed to know them well, taking each turn as though confident of where it led. After a while, she slowed her pace, as she traced her fingers along the walls, seeking.. something. Eventually, she found it, stopping and placing both hands on the wall, shimmying the loose panel upwards this time. She climbed through, holding it up for the three of us to do the same, then carefully lowered it, trying not to make a sound. The sound of harsh laughter suddenly came from behind us, followed by a match strike, filling the room with an eerie, dancing light as we turned to face them. I could feel Ceridwen immediately on edge, stirring again in the depths of my mind. "Excellent!" exclaimed the haughty male voice Haden and I had heard earlier, its owner standing before us, as several others moved out of the shadows behind him. "Reagan," Ceridwen snarled inside my mind, her fury kick-starting my adrenaline into overdrive.I froze, staring up at h
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Fifty Two
Reagan screamed the last few words with such vigor that he was panting for breath by the end, his eyes bulging wide and his veins pulsing with obvious bloodlust. "No!" I screamed at him, trying to shake Aerin and Lanna off me again. They both looked pale, in shock, but determined as they still held me firmly, even as Ceridwen began infusing me with her own strength, and her own rage. "Get off me!" I snarled, struggling in their grip, Ceridwen's fury mixing with my own as I tried to get to Reagan, but their combined Lycan strength was far stronger than my own. "She's getting stronger," I heard Lanna mutter towards Aerin, who acknowledged her comment with the smallest of nods. Her expression was steely, and I could sense them getting ready, for.. something.What, though, was unknown, and my attention was drawn to Reagan instead, who had turned to me. His expression was one of anger, at first, but upon meeting my eyes, it split into a wide, triumphant looking grin. "Now, that is beau
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Fifty Three
I woke slowly, my hearing returning first, before I'd even regained the strength to open my eyes. As my mind slowly cleared of the heavy foginess, I kept them closed, listening to the voices around me. My heart sank as I desperately tried to hear Haden, but Ceridwen's voice in the back of my mind was soothing. "He's close," she murmured groggily, "I can feel him." Her words brought some relief, and I focused on assessing the situation we now found ourselves in. Listening for a long moment, it was clear there were guards around us, yet I couldn't hear any signs of Reagan himself close by. I was grateful for that, but a new rush of fear swept through me, as I thought of Saxon. Had they warned him? Was Reagan hunting him now? Or worse, I wondered, with a deep feeling of dread. Ceridwen made her frustration clear, though, and I turned to gently testing the binds I felt around my wrists, feet, and chest, instead. They felt strong, and tight, and I dared not test them too much, in case
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Fifty Four
A dismissive grunt was followed by the sound of someone being roughly shoved aside, then heavy footsteps coming closer. Lifting my eyelids as much as I could without being noticed, I could see only one pair of worn, bedraggled, yet impracticably ornate boots on the floor in front of us. They had to be Reagan's. He was silent for a long moment, as though watching us, thinking, as the rest of the footsteps followed. They were much more hesitant, yet still fell in behind their madman leader. I wondered what he had promised them. For the twins, it seemed obvious, they only really wanted one thing. And the werewolves of course had their own reasons. But the rest?Why would the rest of the Silver Waters Lycans follow a werewolf Royal, hellbent on revenge against their kind? I was pulled from my thoughts by Reagan's uncomfortably cold fingers suddenly gripping my cheeks, lifting my head and roughly turning it back and forth. "Wakey, wakey, my sweet Princess," he cooed in a sing-song ki
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Fifty Five
Reagan looked confused, caught off guard for a moment by Haden's expression. He looked between the two of us and his six men, seeming uncertain, before he looked at Haden again, drawing another of his hidden silver daggers. "What's wrong with you?" he asked, staring down into Haden's eyes, as he turned the dagger around and around between his long, slender fingers. "Is the poison affecting your wits, boy?" he continued, with a laugh that sounded a little forced. Reagan's head snapped around to his six men, "Look! The poor, pathetic Lycan boy's going mad!" he said with another bout of laughter, this time chorused by his men. Haden smiled wider, and it seemed to bother Reagan even further. "Well, come on," he said, gesturing grandly and raising his voice, clearly mocking, "Enlighten us with this joy you've found, at the end of your miserable life!"Haden muttered something, barely audible to my ears, and entirely imperceptible to theirs. My eyes widened, but I barely managed to swall
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Fifty Six
It was beautiful. Terrifying, no doubt, yet truly beautiful. Like thousands of tiny fireflies, aligned in pairs, blinking in the darkness.In a vibrant shade of royal purple. 'Saxon?'' I called to him, through the mindlink, and immediately felt his warmth. He was close, I could tell.'We're here, love,' he repeated, and I felt an enormous surge of relief, though it quickly changed to horror as Reagan stopped his pacing, slowly turning to Haden with a wildly savage look on his face. Then he grinned, a grin of complete, malevolent, insanity, that made my stomach turn, and lunged for him, daggers in each hand. "NO!" I screamed, shoving myself up and towards him, with all of the strength I had remaining. It wasn't enough. He was too far, and I was too weak.. but I had to try. I screamed again, as pain filled me, a fleeting thought wondered if I'd broken a limb, or several, but I ignored it. Reaching Haden was the only thing that mattered. Haden moved even quicker though, suddenly k
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Fifty Seven
I stepped backwards as one reached a thickly-muscled arm towards me, crying out as I put weight on my momentarily-forgotten injured leg. His hand only gripped my shoulder reassuringly though, then my waist as his expression turned to one of concern. His eyes went blank for a moment, presumably communicating with the two who had climbed through after him, their weapons already drawn as they moved towards Haden and Reagan. I attempted to struggle as he lifted me easily, shaking my head, but he was exceptionally strong, even for a Lycan, and gave a soft laugh in response. "Relax, Princess," he said, sounding half-mocking, yet somehow warm, "We're friends, you're safe now." He carried me towards the window, but stood aside to allow two more to climb through, before calling out to one on the other side. "Marcus! Take her, carefully.. she's hurt," he said, and another huge Lycan came over to the outside of the window, waiting to gently grab my legs as the first passed them through, desp
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Fifty Eight
He'd been at the hospital when Mama had been brought in, I realised. Or, the woman I'd known as Mama, anyway, though it seemed like a lifetime ago, with all that had happened since. He smiled sympathetically, asking questions as he examined my leg, which I answered in something of a daze as all the memories came flooding back at once. So much, in such a short time, it was all too easy to get lost in it all. Saxon squeezed my hand as he sat beside me, bringing me back to the moment, as the nurse turned to report to a not so familiar pack doctor, who immediately began grabbing things from the largest med satchel I'd ever seen. He handed them to the nurse without a word, quickly moving on to help another nurse, then another. Far too many injuries, I realised, my stomach twisting in knots. I looked up at Saxon, barely managing to find my voice through the gut wrenching guilt and sadness. "I'm so sorry," I whispered, my voice turning to a whimper as the nurse began tightly bandaging my
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Fifty Nine
I stared back at her, not quite able to find the words to respond. The nurse keeping an eye on me seemed equally uncertain, glancing nervously between us, and where Saxon was checking in on Haden. The Luna gave a soft, casual laugh as she noticed. "Relax, I'm not about to bite her head off," she said to the nurse playfully, before turning back to me, "But I did think it was past time we properly met. We are apparently related, after all." The nurse gave her a sharp look, but gave us a little more space, physically at least, though he continued to watch us like a hawk. Laila smiled warmly, as she noticed, "They seem as protective of you, as mine are of me," she said quietly, and though I frowned doubtfully, her words brought a warming kind of comfort. They did seem to care about me, certainly far more than Silver Waters ever had. She watched me patiently, and my mind was drawn back to her previous comment. "Oh.. I suppose we are related, aren't we?" I said awkwardly, and she respond
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I swallowed, the realisation that my existence was the catalyst for so much atrocity making me feel suddenly ill. Laila gently squeezed my hand again, quickly burying her feelings of anger and disgust, "It's not your fault," she said gently, "You had no part in this, and from what I'm told, you've fought their vile plans just as hard as we have."I nodded, though her reassurance barely scratched the surface of the guilt that I felt. "I'm sorry," I said quietly, "I would never have wished for any of this, not even on my worse enemy. Certainly not on my mates.. or on yours," I added, as a further pang of guilt hit with the recollection that one of her mates had been gravely injured too. "Thane.." I began uncertainly, "Our Elders, they'd heard.." she nodded, saving me from trying to find the words that could never even begin to express the depth of the guilt that I felt. "He's.. healing," she said with a sad smile, "Elyanna, and Dorian - our lead Doctor - are both helping him as best
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