All Chapters of Let Me Go, Alpha: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
152 Chapters
111~The rumors are false?
The moment they both arrived at the chambers, Alpha Hercules was pacing about in his throne room in deep thought. From his peripheral vision, he sighted two people and when he turned to look, it was his sister and also his mate."I called for you May. I never ask to bring your maid." Audrey was hurt for being placed in the position of a maid, by her mate. The least she expected was a little bit of honor. The Alpha hadn't rejected her, but saw it fit that she serve as a maid in the palace."She is my maid and I have the right to do anything I want with her. Precise...." May stepped a little bit forward. "...She is your mate." She said,"You would not bring such frivolities to my sight again!" Hercules retorted with so much rage. He looked at Audrey and all he could feel for her was irritation."Why have you called me?" May asked."A scene happened at the market today. Apparently, a young man was horrifically killed by a mysterious creature. Many believe this creature would come back fo
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112:Audrey.... Benard is alive!
Standing before Audrey was the same stranger that had been killed barely a few hours ago. "He was dead when I checked him. His heart was plucked out, coupled with his eye socket." Audrey explained, as Hercules stared down at her. Even May was slowly beginning to doubt what Audrey had revealed to her."I guess you were looking for attention?" Audrey was hurt by Hercules' assumption. Even May had a slight look of disappointment on her face. "Get out of my sight" Hercules declared and slowly and painfully, Audrey crawled her way out of the hallway. She took a slight look at the stranger, whose eyes were on her as well.This was totally impossible! Audrey proclaimed to herself as she stepped into the chamber. She could have sworn that she had seen a creature kill the stranger. The only situation was she didn't know how he was alive.Audrey was sure she was not hallucinating.The door opened minutes later and May stepped in as well. She closed the door behind her and sighed, staring at Aud
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113~Martin's secret club
May opened her eyes and the horrors they came in contact with, was beyond expression of words. Fire burning down the pack houses and particularly the mansion. She was seeing people dying and what was worse, is that she couldn't see the enemy. All May could see was pain and agony."Wake up May!" Audrey tapped, seeing her struggling in her sleep. When May woke up, she cleaned a drop of tear that had made its way down to her cheeks. "You had a vision again?" Audrey speculated, after making sure she was fully comfortable."I don't know Audrey! It keeps hunting me; a vision of people in Agony. I can't seem to understand it." Audrey stayed silent for a moment, thinking through what May had said. For some odd reason, she tried to connect her vision to the strange phenomenon, wondering how they connected."I have something for you." Audrey pulled out the black handkerchief, and waved it right in front of May, who seemed uninterested. "This is Benard's black handkerchief. I found it at the spo
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114~The moon goddess has vindicated you
When Audrey got loose from the ropes, she favored her hands for a minute, observing how bruised they had become. "I noticed a long list of ancient texts and I would like to have one of the books to read."Audrey revealed."We don't give out books in this place. They are sacred books and we keep them safe."Martin replied. Audrey walked directly to him, staring him in the eyes."I guess your secret isn't safe with me then."She had a cheesy smile on her face and this made Martin really angry."Are you trying to black mail me?"Martin asked; a question that forced Audrey to laugh for a moment."This is no blackmail Beta Martin, this is just the plain truth. You give me what I want and I speak not of your group to any soul."Audrey could see from his eyes how conflicted he looked. It was a hard choice to make, but Martin knew that Audrey speaking of the group would spawn as a threat to the Alpha and he may be coerced to eliminate them all."Very well then. You can pick whichever you want."Se
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115~Don't keep him waiting
Audrey stared at May in disbelief. Just when she had high hopes that she would be termed a liar, even though she has always loved to be proven right, May's revelation shows things are getting darker in the pack. "Let's go check it out."May suggested that Audrey get out of the bed alongside May and they both head outside the chambers. On getting to the scene, which was barely outside the mansion, people had already gathered. Martin made sure no one came close to the dead bodies as they were horrific sights to behold. When Audrey laid eyes on the two dead bodies; one belonging to Benard and the other belonging to a pack member, she was fully satisfied that this was the act of the wyvern she read about."Pave way for the Alpha."Alexandros announced and Hercules stepped into the scene. Apparently, he had been informed by his gamma about the incident and he halted the meeting with Alpha Brandon.Upon seeing the dead corpse, Hercules was bewildered, especially seeing Benard as part of the
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116~He called her "Mate"
When Audrey arrived at the chamber, it was quiet that only the steps of her feet made noise. The evening time around Airpack was cool and it made the chamber a little extra cold as well. Audrey looked up and Hercules' eyes bore holes into her own. Audrey took a little step forward, before halting and bowing to the Alpha."Sometime ago, you came up with a supposed conspiracy. Everyone took it with a grain of salt because we all thought you were lying. However, with the incident that happened today, I have to fully believe there is truth in your story. So....."Hercules stood from the throne and walked down the little steps. "...Narrate the story once again." Audrey was fidgeting. Considering the fact that she had gathered new evidence, if Hercules gets to find out about the whole situation, without valid evidence, she could still be accused of lying."I got to the market that fateful day, and all I ever wanted was to do the bidding of your sister. While exchanging price offers on a cer
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117~The one who practices Black Magic
"As the tradition demands, you will casted into the burning flames and die a horrible death."Audrey's eyes widened."No brother. You can't do this to her, she is your mate."May attempted to intercept, but the deadly stare from Hercules, made her keep quiet."An evil deed has been done and as my father has taught me, I will get rid of all sages of black magic. Take her!"Hercules ordered as Martin, Bradley and himself left. The soldiers stepped inside and despite the struggle, she was hoisted up like a common thief. Audrey cried out as May stood there watching her with a look of pain written all over it. Certainly, there was nothing that would be done at this point.Audrey was tied round cannons as every member of the pack was made to be present. She was filled with tears as people rain curses and accusatory fingers at her. She looked behind to see May standing with so much pain written across her face. After a blast from the horn, Hercules and Martin stepped into the large gathering
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118~Don't trust Vampires
While everyone threw different shades of pure abhorrent words, Audrey was speechless. She had believed it would be Bradley like she suspected, but was surprised to see that it was William."Now that the ancient sword has been able to identify who has been an adept learner of black magic, it is pertinent I sound this warning to everyone, regardless of what you think is best I want you never to indulge yourselves with people outside the mansion."Mammon warns as William's lifeless body is taken away.The sword had struck deep into his stomach and rivers of blood flowed endlessly on the floor. Audrey turned to look at Bradley; clearly the sword had picked its victim and this meant that things were back to normal. She made it a mental note to ask later on why he had lied about being caught on fire.Once the gathering had been dismissed, Hercules, May, Martin and Audrey were left in the chambers. There was a tense atmosphere and right before Hercules could speak, Martin raised his hands to
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119~The Book
On getting to May's chambers, Audrey hesitated before knocking and after she did, the door opened almost immediately. May engulfed Audrey into a warm hug the moment she saw her friend. They both stood at the spot crying and for Audrey regardless of what transpired, May showed she was a true friend and despite there was nothing she could do, Audrey had a strong conviction that if May had powers like her brother, she would have halted the process."I am sorry!"May said the moment they both head into the chambers."There is nothing to be sorry about May, you tried your best. You proved that you can stand for me but nothing could be done. I am just glad Mammon came to the rescue."Audrey indicated. May still had a little guilt in her, she felt there was more she could do, despite everything that had ."It's all in the past now."Audrey replied, hugging her friend once more."How did your meeting with my brother go?"Audrey's lifted mood suddenly deflated as May brought the issue of Hercules.
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120~Stay Safe, Audrey!
Later that evening, Audrey slipped out of the room and made her way towards the wolf statue. If she was going to know the truth, she needed to go to any length to find it. After reading the Greek text on the statue, a crack sound forced the tunnel opened and she made her way into the tunnel. She had made sure to bring a fire torch with her, but was surprised to see there was several fire torch. Audrey walked directly towards the shelve, in a bit to see if there was a copy of the book of Alphas. While skimming through the series of books, she heard footsteps. She paused for a moment, and turned to see Martin standing right behind her. Audrey almost screamed, but held herself back. "I thought we had an agreement for you never to come here again!" Martin asked with rage written across his face. "There is something urgent I need to check out and I have this strong feeling that only your library could contain such book." Audrey replied, after regaining her composure. "You haven't retu
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