All Chapters of EVE NIGHTs : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
165 Chapters
A survivor
His hands went to his knees and he rubbed his hands over them. “Where’s Jacky? Where’s he?” She questioned when she suddenly remembered she’d asked about him. “He was shot, and I had to take him to the hospital, I couldn’t have safe the little I could but Jacky needed to be treated urgently, so I left, taking him to the hospital. When I came back, I found nothing, there was no clue of them leaving or anything at all. I was so stupid.”“You ain’t stupid, you save the one which is more important, a life.” She touches his knees and stood up, sitting by his side, he was trying to believe what she said. She took his hands. “You’re gonna get it back, and find out who has chosen to hurt you this much, I know you’ll, you’re strong. You said it yourself, you’re a solo king. You’re unfailingly gonna bounce back. I’m gonna help you the way I can. It’s alright to fail sometimes, so you learn what has probably caused you to fail.” She pulled him into a hug. He hugged her tightly, she could te
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Over sensitive
“So can you tell me what’s wrong, you’re acting this way because of what I said, if you’re acting that way then I’m sorry.” She said facing him after he shut the door. “I’m not acting this way because of it, your husband probably doesn’t wanna see me around you and you should leave before he starts looking for you.” He sat over at his desk. “Before you leave you should have this. I was gonna send them over to Wesley but now that you’re here. I’m just gonna give them to you.” He went through the files on his desk. She wanted to bring up the topic of that was acting this way because he liked her.But she couldn’t let the words off her mouth. He won’t be acting this way if he won’t like her, maybe they were mistaken about it.“What is it you wanna give me?” If he does he should have told her about it but he didn’t say a word about it and kept being indifferent to her. “I’m searching for it, you could check them over at home. I’m busy at the moment.” He pulled them out from beneath th
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No breaking up
She shouldn’t think too much about it. “What’s it that you wanted to show me?” He sat over at the easy chair, he had a glass on, that made him look like her father when he was reading a book. Had the same eyeglasses as he did. She squats in front of him, staring at the glass with a smile on her face. “I remembered my dad wearing this.” She said and touched them with he index finger. “I could give them to you if you want.”She shook her head at him. “It looks better on you. It’s not gonna lookthat good on me.” She laughed and stood up, taking the file that Moscow had given her earlier. “Ain’t looking like some sugar daddy.” She taunts him, he was giving her that kind of vibe. “I’m your sugar daddy.” He was good with words. She would give that to him. “Here it is.” She stretched them to him. “What is it?” He took them from her hands. “The list of asylum he visited and the ones he hasn’t been to yet, he wants us to go over it. He said this.. the one he’d marked last, he said t
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confide in her
They came to the care home in Moscow came, and the place was as if no one lived there. She walked side by side with Moscow, and they entered the place, the desk was empty. There was no one at the front desk. “Stay here I would search around.” He touched her shoulders and walked out. Eve nodded and sat at the empty chair she saw, she waited for Wesley to come back to her If he found anything. She saw a woman coming her way she was holding a mop and a bucket. She stood up and went to her. “Good day ma.” She looked around her briefly before having her gaze back at her. “Who are you and how may I help you?” She held the bucket with the other hand and looked up at Eve. “Why isn’t there anyone at the front desk, where are the people that work here?” She asked, staring at her. “This building has been sold.” She shrugged that she had no idea if anyone was supposed to be there.“Sold?” His jaw dropped.“We were cleaning for the new owners that are gonna come in today.” “The people who
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A mistake
Fanny met with the man with a face cap, she gave him her phone and he scroll down on it with a smile on his face. “This is gonna be big news.” He grinned, touching his lips. “You ain’t gonna do it now, give it a week or two before you upload them.” He nodded, giving her back her phone. He smiled at Fanny.“You’ve to send it to me, and I’ll do with it immediately.” Fanny snarled at him. “You shouldn’t be in haste, I would send it as long as you do as you’re told.” She warned. “You trust me.” He extended his hands. Fanny stared at the short hands of the man and shook them for a second and they walked out, hoping not to get seen. “I wasn’t hoping on seeing you Fanny, not anytime soon.” He looked up from the paper. “I just wanted to pay a visit. It seems we’ve to pay a ticket before we could see you, it wasn’t like that before, what’s wrong?” She places her hands on his desk and stared at him. “I’m busy,” he pressed his lips together. “You’re, I can see the look on your face.” He
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Beast in him
“Eve!” Wesley yelled, from behind him. He marched down to them in a long stride. She pushed Moscow away from her and his head fell on the table. “This is what you’ve been doing!” He went to the table they were at. “Eve!” He shouted. His body was vibrating, his jaw tightened and his hands were in a fist. “It’s not it. We didn’t do anything, it wasn’t all that he was...” she rushed her words, seeing the angry look on Wesley. “I don’t...” she tried to explain but he shoved her aside and went to Moscow pulled him off his feet and punched him. His head fall into the table and he swept the bottles off the table with his head and wiped the ya me with it. He lift him with his hands and punched him again. The few persons in the bar were told to leave immediately and the bar was empty of them but Fanny hid in a corner with her phone up and was videoing what he was doing. Moscow groaned and blood came out of his mouth, he punched him again. Eve went to him and stood in front of him, she
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Now they are breaking up
“I’m so sorry Eve, you’re hurt.” She bite her lower lip and it was beginning to hurt, she was fighting against the urge to burst into tears. Her chest was hurting so much, seeing Eve this hurt. She couldn’t do this, she was being an agent for someone else plan. She stopped a cab and headed off to the hospital. He was bleeding so much, she had to place her shawl around his head. “Drive faster please!” Fanny urged the driver. He nodded and hit on the speed rate of the car. Eve wiped her tears off her face. And stared at her hands with blood in them. Wesley was so angry at her. She didn’t know what she’s gonna do. She disgust him now, the thought was making her cry, she wiped her eye as though the tears keep pouring out. “What am I gonna do?” She cried and buried her head in her hands. Fanny stared at her but she couldn’t say a word, her hands were shuddering where it was, what would Eve feel if she found out what she did, her heart was heavy and doesn’t wanna think more about
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Leaving him
Eve was a bit calm after she cried for a long time on the couch and her face had gone all sticky and wet. Jacky was beside her consoling her. “It’s fine, I’ll talk to Wesley, I’m sure there’s probably some mixup somewhere.” He touched her shoulders. Eve shook her head slightly, he probably didn’t want to hear anything from her at the moment or hear him say her name. Seeing how angry he was at her, she knew he was holding himself so much not to hurt her and she didn’t wanna dwell on the thought of what he did to her last night. “How are you feeling, I forgot to ask, you came home in the evening when I left home yesterday?” She sniffed and lift he puffy eyes at him. “Yes. Boss, took me from the hospital last night and then dropped me off at home and went out. I didn’t know where he went until... you know the rest.” He sighed sitting close to her, his knees touching hers where he sat. “I’m fine you don’t have to worry about me, you’re the one that’s more hurt. You should worry abou
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Stupid to believe
“What are you gonna do? I’m not gonna give this back to you. I already have them and too bad I’ve already uploaded them in the newsfeed, it would be just a while before it all starts buzzing.” The reporter laughed over the phone. Fanny's hands tighten around the phone. “How could you do it without my permission, I told you not to do anything without me telling you that!” She yelled over the phone. “Over something as that, I wasn’t the one being stupid not to do anything.” He chucked at her. “Do you know what this is, I wouldn’t let it slips off my fingers and I have to do something about it, you were the one who came to me at first and told me about the Wesley wedding, you know I’m a reporter and I most certainly do my job.” Eve groaned inwardly, she took the phone from her ears shortly and placed them back on his ear again. “You would take the post down immediately.”“I’m not doing any of that.” He hung up on her. Fanny yelled with her veins prodding out of her neck. She was her
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Finding leverage
Moscow watched the sex escapades video on his phone, none of this was real. He could have done this, he suspected Fanny. She’d been over at his house, she was closer to Eve. She could’ve done this. But he wasn’t gonna jump to conclusions yet. He would take his time to find that out. And he was gonna do it. He stared at his side, Eve was asleep on the couch she’d cried herself to sleep. He won’t sit and do nothing when he started all of this. His stupid feelings won’t go away. If she was asking about the poison could she have a clue about who the killer was? “You should tell me anything you find out so we could think and have this worked out. Isn’t that what’s important, I’m not gonna have you by my side when your heart longs for someone else.” He stretched out his hands if he would be able to touch her but it was a bit far from his reach. He dropped his hands back on the bed and removed the drip from his hands. He saw an update on the news when he was about to get off from bed,
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