All Chapters of Marry Me Now: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
93 Chapters
Chapter 41
~ I spent three days in and out of the hospital. I went home thrice to prepare food for Anne. She woke up the second day and the doctor said I could take her home on the third day. No, we're at home. My joy knew no bounds. "Are you crying?" Anne asked. "What? No, no, I'm not. My eyes are just watery." I lied. She nodded her head and continued eating her food. Seeing her back home makes me so happy. I don't know what I would have done if I had loosed her. She finished eating. I took her to her room, and we slept together. ~ It was in the afternoon, and -- Anne and I were watching a movie. I was glad, we've been living in peace, not a perfect life but in peace. I heard a click from the backyard. It was sharp and loud. Who could be there? It was definitely not my neighbour. Recently, I've not been comfortable in this house, like someone was watching me. I was expecting someone later, Loren. She'd asked how was Anne and she'd be coming over to see how she is. After the help I've bee
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Chapter 42
"What am I going to do now?" I cried when Gwyneth told me all my things were burnt in the fire. "Where am I going to go from here? What'd I tell the landlord? he'd probably make me pay for his properties." I winced. It seems like life itself hates me, I've been through hell since the day I was born. Never a day have I been in peace, well, I was for some time. I curled myself on the bed. My body ached, and my head ached. I've been crying for the past hour, and no matter how I tried to keep myself from crying, I couldn't stop myself. The situation was overwhelming. "Tessa, will you just stop crying? You've been like that for the past one hour and about the house. A solution will surely come up later, come, you've to take a bath." She said grabbing my hand and trying to pull me out of the bed. She successfully pulled me out of the bed to the bathroom, instructed me what to do and told me there'd be a cloth waiting on the bed for me. I managed to whisper a thank you. She walked out. I
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Chapter 43
Well, neither do I. "I don't know.." "You don't know? You know, you really have to do something about this, if you let her get away she might do something much worst sooner or later, remember, you've got a child." She was absolutely right. A huge part of me wanted to get her back, wanted revenge. But what can I do? She's rich, powerful, obviously, there's nothing I could do. "I know, but what can I do?" I asked. She sighed. Her phone dinged. "Jake is here." She said. She stood up and went away. She came back a minute later with Jake trailing behind her. I looked down. Unable to look at him, I was ashamed. "No case was charged. The landlord demands his property money." Jake said. Normally, he'd first ask how I was. For some reason, I don't like this Jake. Yeah, he seems like a different man. Not in terms of looks, but character. Something tells me he's mad. "Oh, how much did he demand?" Gwyneth asked. "54,000 dollars." He said. My eyes widened. 54,000 dollars? Where am I going to
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Chapter 44
If looks could kill, I'd have been ten feet under right now. "Well, I get you're worried for Anne but I never asked for you to be worried about me, if you're here to see Anne, why not come back some other time?" I asked. He looked taken aback by my tone. Probably because he's never heard me speak this way before. "Tessa.." "Are you going to go or not?" "See baby? This is why I asked you to take custody of the little girl.." Sara whispered, but it wasn't low enough. She's been telling him that? Did she even think he could take custody of Anne? What fantasy do they live in? Anne wasn't asleep but I felt some possessiveness towards her. I don't want her to grow attached to someone like him. "Guess what, Tessa, my husband and I have decided to take custody of your daughter, Isn't that great news?" Sara said. I reached closer to her, how dare she say that to my face? I slapped her. She screamed jumping back like someone had poured boiling water on her body. Speaking of water... "How
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Chapter 45
A lot of thoughts were going through my mind. Did I have the heart to use him for revenge? That’d mean hurting him. Why was I even scared of hurting him? he has always used every chance he has got to hurt me. But doing that would be so heartless. Thinking deeply about it discouraged me. I shouldn’t be thinking of something like this. There are lots of other ways I could have revenge... Well, not lots, but there might be a way apart from this. There must be a way. No! There isn't! This is the only way! There is, actually. Two voices argued in my head. “What do you want here?” I asked immediately as we parted. My voice was meaner than intended. He looked taken aback by my sudden tone. I shouldn’t have hugged him back. I hated how my body reacted when he was close to me. I wish I have full control of my body. I once did, but suddenly I didn’t. “I heard what happened,” he said after a minute of remaining quiet. “I got so worried,” he said. My jaw dropped for a quick second before I
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Chapter 46
“Truth or Dare?” Dave asked... “Uh...” If I go with a dare, they might ask me to do something I didn’t want to do, I mean... That’s what dare is all about right? “I’d go with the truth..” “The person you have feelings for... Is he in our midst?” He asked. I choked. I looked at all of them. It was like their eyes were penetrating me... Especially Austin’s. “Uh..” “You choose truth so you have to say the truth,” Jake said. “Yeah, you did,” Loren said with an evil glint in her eyes which looked scary as hell. It was like her eyes were penetrating my soul. I gulped. “I.. I..” ~ End of the dream, lol ~ I jerked off the bed when I heard a loud storm. It was just a dream... Only a dream... Okay, that’s it. I’m not going back to sleep again. ~ I walked out of the room. I really need to take a walk, clear my head and think straight. “Finally, you’ve gotten out. I thought you strangled yourself in there.” Gwyneth said dramatically. “Uh. Sorry, I was uh..” “It’s okay, I guessed you
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Chapter 47
I glared at him. I wished nothing but for my glare to kill him right now. He was a nightmare! Why did Gwyneth have to go out? Now of all time? I didn't want to speak with him. Not after those dreams, I had of him last night. My brain tells me to run far away from this man, his appearance screamed nothing but danger. His smell was intoxicating, attractive and seductive. "What do you mean, we weren't talking about anything," I said. "That's why I came, to talk." He said. Even his voice was seductive or it was just my brain making these up. "W-what do you want to talk about - - I mean, I have nothing to talk about with you," I said quickly. "Are you and Jake together or were you guys dating?" He asked. I choked releasing the door. That was the last question I expected. How did we get to this subject again? "W-what? No, no. We're not.." "Do you like him?" He asked. I looked at him unbelievably. Why was he asking these questions? It doesn't seem like a question a person like him woul
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Chapter 48
'What are you staring at? I'd start doing as I was told if I were you.' The text says. Her breathing became ragged. She quickly walked to her car as fear took over her body. She had to send Tessa away if she wants to keep her family safe. Her family meant so much to her, she couldn't put them in such grave danger. She pitied Tessa. Tessa has gone through a lot already, and she wished there was something she could do to truly help her. She drove off quickly. The ride from her parent's home to hers was an hour and 20mins long. Her hands were shaking throughout the whole ride. She finally got home, and her phone dinged again before she stepped out of the car. 'Less than an hour... I wouldn't waste my time talking to her if I were you..' The text says. She was going crazy. She rushed to the front door and knocked on it. In less than 20 seconds, Tessa was at the door, with Anne in her arms. "You have to leave now," Gwyneth said. She walked past Tessa and walked into the room Tessa wa
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Chapter 49
Oh God, please save me... I cried over and over again. No one was going to help me this time, there wasn't any glimpse of hope. If anything happens to me, I'd just hope nothing bad happens to Anne. My poor baby deserves a normal life. I closed my eyes and waited for what was going to happen. It was sickening, what was happening. Tears just flew out of my closed eyes. Suddenly, the car stopped. The man redrew his hand from my thigh. I breathe out in relief. "What's that?" He asked the dude driving. "The cops." He replied. My eyes widened, and I could scream. The driver rolled down the front window. I was about to scream but a hand clamped my mouth, and I felt the cold metal on my head again. "Wasn't this the car we saw last night?" Whoever was outside asked. "Yes, it is." Another one answered. "Search the car, it's a suspect for the crime happening here lately." "Copy that." A man appeared in the front glass and asked for the driver's ID. Hope something happens and they get these
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Chapter 50
I picked up Anne and stepped away from the wall. Still quiet. That's a good thing, right? I ran towards the same road which lead me to this place. Minutes later, I reached a crowded place. Anne began crying. She hasn't eaten anything since we left Gwyneth's place and now, we're in another country. It was hard to believe. I needed to ask someone what country is this. I was getting attention from people because of Anne. She was crying so loud. I rocked her. "Hey, please excuse me," I spoke to a woman hoping they speak English here. "Hello." She said back. "Uh... What's the name of this country?" I asked. She gave me a weird look. I know, it's funny. "Switzerland." She replied. Oh my. That's like 10 hours from the US by plane. I thanked her and she walked away. What was I going to do now? I don't have my phone, I lost it earlier. I had to look for a place to stay before those people sees me. I can't take that risk... The cloud was getting thicker by the minute, it was like it was go
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