All Chapters of My Luna is a witch; Illegitimate prince: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
92 Chapters
Wolfless wolf
The ambience at the palace had been crappy and sought of gloom, especially amongst the royal family of the kingdom, which affected the look of every servants in the palace. Everyone wore on their faces stern looks and worked even more, having not the littlest chance to stuff their faces in each other's armpits, and make jokes about something funny. It had gotten to the hearing of the king and queen about their twins feisty brawl, and settling the situation amicably had been so futile, because Edla wasn't ready to even talk to anyone about the issue. She didn't tell to anybody the why she was so pissed, even when everyone in the family had gathered at the royal dinning room. The craziest part of it was that even Eadlin knew not why her sister had acted that way, and showed no unnecessary anger or curiosity when Elliott tried to end the bad blood between them, in the presence of their parents as the eldest son. She just remained so impassive, without any much words to say or things to
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Plans for the prince
"Mother. Why are you so against my relationship with Gianna? I have done everything to please you, ever since I was a child. Can you not just allow me make this decision for myself?" Elliott asked his mother, with pain evident in the tone of his voice. He could not bear to listen to anything she had to say, in defense to her cause of actions again what he wanted."You shall not marry that lady, and that is final. Why have you decided to bring your own problems to me, when there is still an unsettled case with Eadlin and Edla? Do not make me stress," the queen warned, as she sat on her beautiful golden throne with Arturo sitting at the corner of the room. His presence at the palace seemed to be a spontaneous one, with him being around on specific days and not on another. "Just why mother, can I not marry her? Isn't she beautiful enough? Noble enough? Well mannered enough?" Elliott frustratedly wanted to know. He had given Gianna every reasons to be at peace in heart, when he asked the
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Ayden could not stop grinning from ear to ear, for many days over little things that didn't even warrant smiling about. Normally, he wasn't that kind of person to flash such lively demeanor, which surprised the many people that was watching him especially for the fact that, he had even looked so downcast and sad through the past weeks. He even looked so much better and glad at heart, than they had first seen him months ago, when he had just found out about the secret tunnel. He had spent more time than ever at Zachary's room, and voluntarily helped him to paint the perfect pictures for the scenes in his book. He helped him review his drafts and also gave him the plot ideas, that he had ideas about from being too much around the palace, and hearing the servants snitch words amongst themselves in secret. Zachary couldn't be more than shocked and utterly dumbfounded, at the nice attitude that Ayden had shown towards him without wanting any return. He then started to have the thoughts
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Splattered, Gone
Edla who was still pissed about everything even after venting out on Azalea, decided to go and confront Eadlin about it for good, and take out the pain from herself. She had read unusually from a book, that the mind's final resolution with the person involved, would be an easy way out to be at peace with one's self. It made her make a decision to take that way out, and set it all straight with Eadlin once and for all. She stood before her mirror a thousand times while checking her makeup, to be sure that it looked fierce enough to challenge her sister to fear. It was hers to make sure that, the hours that her maid who was good at facials had used to doll her face up, would not in any way be for waste. Her entirety heaved a sign of relief and confidence in front of the mirror, with thoughts to storm into her sister's room that she had not been to in weeks. Without any thoughts filling her mind again, Edla's eyes became more darker in the maliciousness that dwelt within her, and a
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Force at the cliff
Hendrix sat at the city library all day flipping through the numerous amount of books, he really had no idea about what they were. His mind had felt so out of it and tired lately, that it had been hard for him to even stay around his family. His mother had chosen to ignore his wishes against getting married, and decided to push for it without his permission. She had gone to visit the richest merchant that spun and sold the best quality of luxurious clothes, that would be presented as gift to the new daughter-in-law that she had always longed for. Coral who had been released from the grounding of her inability to leave the house, had surprisingly become less grouchy and just did her own things, while trying to please her brother. It was much harder for her to see her brother in a very tight spot, that her mother made it worse by forcing her to accompany her, whenever she went to the merchant's shop. It was almost an hopeless situation for her because, Edla who was her own friend did
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First real kiss
Zachary carried Edla out of the Eadlin's room carefully and safely in his arms, after he had given an order from inside the room that, he wants no maid found around or outside when he comes out. He had wrapped her shoulder in some extra clothes he found in Eadlin's wardrobe, to soak in the blood more before the entire piece of cloth would get soiled, and instinctively attract people's attention. He was having serious and nerve wreaking contemplatings about the next step to take in his head, as he moved hastily with his sister in his arms towards the direction of his room. Trying to fathom what had come over the twins to never ending their fight was hard, but thinking about what had come over Eadlin to such brutality and beast nature was harder. He could see the glint in her eyes. They were somewhat sober, and at the same time evil. His right hand found the opening knob to his door so quickly, as he entered inside and pushed the door close with his leg locking it behind. He droppe
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"I don't think this wound is healing at all, Zachary," Edla cried softly to her brother, who was busy scribbling words on the paper in front of him with an ink pen that was placed on the table. He had left her to sleep after brewing some kind of tea he had gone to ask for at the infirmary, and had lied that he had pains in his body and needed something to sleep. Edla had woken up later in the evening still sleeping on his bed, as she raised her body up noiselessly from the soft bed which sprang up from its little dip. The first thing that came to her mind impulsively, was the check her disfigured arm to see how well it was healing. To her utmost dismay, the wound didn't seem closing the way it was expected to be. Only the bleeding appeared to have ceased, from the large amount that it dripped before. It hadn't even stopped finally. "Not healing at all?" Zachary whose back was facing the bed turned his head immediately she called to him, as he stood up from the chair that he was sitti
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The final verdict
"I cannot believe Eadlin could go this out of control. You said she would be able to control the orb, but now it is controlling her! It is clearly controlling her! What if she had killed Edla?! What would I have done?!" Etheldreda ranted in a murmuring tone to Arturo, while biting her lips so hard in guilt till they bled. She paced to and fro the corners of the room with her long dress dragging along behind her, like there were hot embers attached to the under palm of her foot. "Did you see how raged her siblings were? To make things worse is that, she has no ideas of those things she is doing. She would not even be able to defend herself, if they would persecute her for being vicious towards her sister. Things are getting ruined slowly. The feast is just in few days. What am I going to .........." "Can you just shut up and act like the queen that you are, Dreda," Arturo's dulcet and calm voice chided, like there was barely anyone uttering out a word. He was sitting on the same chai
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Mismatched fits
The air around the palace walls to the feast hall was well permeated with great opulence, to match the class of the nobles that were invited to the feast and to show them who was the superior one. The newly arriving invited guest trotted in with elegance in twos and threes, each having a great expectation of the reason why they were invited by the queen herself. It took Scarlett lot of courage to make up her mind and dress up for the feast, without putting the disappointment of it not being her own son's day to be announced forward. Hendrix who had been informed by his sister about the postponement of the marriage, still could not feel any better because it didn't sound like a good news to him. It was still a guarantee that the wedding would still hold. The time didn't matter. The palace seamster who made special clothes for the king and princes, had been summoned by the queen days before the feast, in order for him to make the best quality of cloth that would fit Elliott's positio
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An unexpected meeting
Elliott who had perceived his brother's scent from behind, was distracted from answering to Armani's question as he turned to look at him. Oblivious of the familiar and dazed look that she had on her face at that point in time, Elliott called to his brother as a means to escape from the question she had asked him. He couldn't really trust her to answer to that question, when they had just met in the space of minutes.'What if his mother was using her to get out the truth from him? What if she wanted the marriage too? What if she told her mother about his true intentions, and that wasn't what the family also wanted. He couldn't risk it.'"Meet my brother, Zachary. The second prince of Casera kingdom," he turned his face back to Armani and introduced Zachary to her, "This is lady Armani Blackstal. First daughter of the Blackstals family." Zachary's entire system which was weak and blindly damped by alcohol initially, had come back to its normal state and the reality of who he had co
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