All Chapters of The Doted Lady is Fuking Wild: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
764 Chapters
Chapter 151 Returning to the Company
The more Kristen spoke, the more worried she became. 'No, Ethan, how can you not listen to the doctor? It seems that we have to send you back to Doctor M.' Kristen was about to continue when Ethan pulled her into his embrace. 'Seeing you so concerned about me, these are much better than the catholicon.' In the face of Ethan's sudden sweet words, Kristen immediately blushed. 'Ethan, let me tell you, don't think that you can move me just by saying some nice words.' Kristen continued stubbornly, 'I tell you, you can either stay at home and rest well or return to Doctor M's island.' 'Then we'll make an exception this time, okay?' Ethan let go of Kristen, looked into her eyes, and asked seriously, 'I promise you that I'll rest at home after everything is over.' It was rare to see Ethan asking for her opinion like a child. Kristen felt like she was a parent. In the end, she couldn't convince him. 'Okay, but you have to finish it as soon as possible and take a re
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Chapter 152 Do You Know French?
'Oh, okay, I'll give it a try.' Kristen had to agree. Ethan smiled and gently lifted her chin. 'Come on, I have high hopes for you. After all, you are determined to be the Best Actress. Isn't it a piece of cake for you to be a celebrity endorsement?' Seeing Ethan trust her so much, Kristen couldn't help but smile. 'Thank you, Mr. Wharton. I will work hard.' Ethan raised an eyebrow. However, this kind of time that could hold her in his arms was quite good. 'Your mouth is really good at talking.' There was a bigger smile on Kristen's face. 'Are you satisfied?' 'Satisfied. Nothing makes me more satisfied than having you.' The eyes of the two surged waves and the atmosphere between them turned ambiguous. Jacob just wanted to find a place to hide at this moment. 'Ahem.' Jacob, who was standing aside, coughed softly to cover up his embarrassment. Then he whispered, 'Mr. Wharton, other shareholders are still waiting for you in the conference room.' Kristen did
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Chapter 153 Disdained by New Variety Show
Looking at the sleeping Kristen beside him, Ethan called Patrick. 'Go and investigate the background of Kristen.' 'What?!' Patrick thought that he had misheard. 'Ethan, why are you investigating Miss Healey again? Haven't we done it many times before? Miss Healey is just an ordinary person.' However, the more the result was like this, the more doubtful Ethan became. If Kristen was really an ordinary person, how could she know Doctor M? At the same time, she was related to the Oliver family in Nangania. Thinking that Kristen could read French books when she was alone, Ethan could not help but doubt her family background. 'Just do what I asked you to do.' Ethan's face darkened. 'Also, don't let Kristen know about this.' 'Alright, Ethan.' A few minutes after the call ended, Kristen woke up from her dream. 'Have I slept for a long time again?' Thinking that she still had work to do this afternoon, Kristen suddenly sat up. 'Oh my god, did I oversleep?' Kristen
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Chapter 154 Look Down on Whom
During the break of the program, Luna secretly watched the netizens' comments with her mobile phone. When she saw that the anti-fans she bought before going on stage had begun to lead the public criticism against Kristen, Luna felt very happy. Luna had investigated Kristen's background. She graduated from an ordinary college that can't be named and didn't have any outstanding background information at all. It was hard enough for someone of her status to be an actor, let alone to participate in such a cultural variety show. Thinking of this, Kristen deliberately asked Kristen in front of the camera, 'Kristen, I heard that you graduated from an unknown university. How did you think of coming to this kind of variety show?' As soon as Luna finished speaking, the atmosphere at the scene became anxious. 'Is there a threshold to participate in this kind of show?' When she met Luna's interrogative gaze, Kristen wasn't nervous at all. 'Isn't it what everyone should do to love
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Chapter 155 Public Opinion Reversal
'What? What do you mean that I don't need to continue recording? Director, I am the host of the Poetry Conference.' Luna shrieked, yet to figure out the situation. The director huffed coldly. 'You offended Mr. Wharton, not mention to the host of the Poetry Conference. You won't be able to continue working in this industry.' 'Had she offended Mr. Wharton? How was that possible? She didn't even have the chance to meet Mr. Wharton. How could she have offended him?' At the end of the Livestream, the bullet subtitles on the screen praise Kristen for her talent and beauty. 'Mr. Wharton, I'll make the headlines right away.' Jacob, who was on the other side of the phone, looked at the phone that had been hung up and wanted to cry. During this period of time, he had constantly done comment control and created publicity stunts for Miss Healey. He had almost become her assistant. Ethan hung up the phone and went forward to personally help Kristen get off the stage. The sta
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Chapter 156 Angels Are on Earth
'What kind of toys do you think children nowadays like, Ethan?' She thought about it for a long time. Ethan couldn't help but chuckle. 'I'll make all the preparations.' Kristen's phone rang and she glanced at it. It was Gavin. Kristen stood up and walked to the balcony with her phone in hand. As soon as the phone was connected, Gavin's questioning voice came. 'Why didn't you tell me what happened? What's going on? I have hired the most authoritative lawyer in the industry for you. Also, what's going on between you and Ethan?' Kristen said guiltily, 'Gavin, it's okay. That's what the entertainment industry is like. Rumors are everywhere. It'll be fine in a few days. Well, Gavin, I have to work now. I'll hang up first.' Kristen hurriedly hung up and patted her chest with lingering fear. According to Gavin's temper, she would not have had a peaceful life if he knew about it. Ethan darkened his face as he looked at the mysterious Kristen. He asked Patrick t
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Chapter 157 Warning from Aunt
'Miss Healey, you stay in this state. I believe that Angels Are on Earth will be an opportunity for you to change your fate.' The director looked excited. To be honest, he didn't expect a celebrity like Kristen to participate in this variety show. Both her appearance and figure were of the highest grade, and most importantly, she didn't put on any airs at all. She was rich and had gimmicks. He was sure that this episode would be a hit after broadcasting. 'Thank you, director, thank you...' Before Kristen could finish her words, Ethan pulled her into the caravan. Kristen changed her dirty clothes to feel comfortable all over. Ethan received a call from Patrick, sounding a little discouraged. 'It's still the same as the first time I found it. I didn't find anything special. Although there are no loopholes, it's strange.' Patrick really did run into a slippery road in his life. He couldn't even figure out a person. Kristen smiled and asked, 'Ethan, have you noti
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Chapter 158 End of the Recording
Deep into the night, Kristen was about to rest when her phone vibrated. She opened it and saw a text message. Aunt Heloise: Call me back. Kristen's heart skipped a beat. Glancing at Ethan, who was still sleeping soundly, she put on her clothes and got out of the caravan. In a secluded corner, she took a deep breath and dialed the number. 'Hello, Aunt Heloise.' 'Ethan's body needs to be conserved.' Heloise said coldly, and asked, 'When will you go back to get engaged?' Kicking a rock with her toes, Kristen explained with a guilty conscience, 'Aunt Heloise, I'm attending a variety show now and I can't go back for the time being. This variety show is very important to me. Aunt, please give me more time.' 'Kristen, don't even think about delaying.' Heloise saw through her thoughts with one glance. She knew her niece too well. She was foxy and people could easily be fooled by her if the one was not careful. 'Aunt~' Kristen pleaded coquettishly and p
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Chapter 159 Love Can't Be Hidden Anymore
When Kristen went downstairs, she saw Ethan picking out scripts. His fingers flipped through the paper with a serious expression. His handsome face was no less attractive than that of the male stars in the entertainment industry. Kristen ran over and kissed him on his cheek. Ethan picked up a script and handed it to her. 'This role is not bad. Although she's the third female lead, her character is good. Take a look.' Kristen opened it. It was the role of the Holy Virgin in the Realm of the Gods. Although there were not many plots, each plot propelled the direction of the movie. The main point was the ending, she gave up her beloved and die for the common people. It wasn't like the current Fairy Drama, where people were clamoring to bury the Three Realms for the sake of the pieces. Although Kristen liked it, she still put it down. 'I want to take a rest. I want to have fun with you.' Ethan tousled her soft hair and said, 'I'll accompany you into the crew. T
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Chapter 160 Zeev's Approval
In the cafe. As soon as Kristen walked in, she saw Gavin sitting in front of the window. Aldrich was also there. It was definitely not a good thing for these two to come together. Kristen pushed up the sunglasses covering her face and walked in with her head lowered. Her graceful figure attracted a lot of attention. 'Gavin, Aldrich, big or small, I'm still a celebrity. Can't you make an appointment with a place with few people?' Kristen complained as she sat opposite them. They had already ordered her favorite coffee and desserts. Gavin stared at her without saying a word, and his gentle face showed a rare seriousness. 'Are you really with Ethan?' Aldrich asked curiously. “...” Kristen was speechless. As expected, there were no secrets in the entertainment industry. 'Last time I heard Yobhel say that I was a little suspicious. I asked you, but you didn't admit it.' Gavin was very dissatisfied. In his opinion, the president of the TNK Group was not worth
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