All Chapters of ALANNAH: HIS PROTECTOR: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
70 Chapters
It had been a long day for Connor. The meeting was even more stressful than he’d imagined. Everyone pitching their ideas and him having to concentrate, one thing he really wasn’t doing. Immediately the last minute was taken, Connor was grateful, it had almost been like he was in hell and for some reasons he couldn’t wait to be home, he convinced himself he only needed a bit of rest, pinching the bridge of his nose, Connor sighed and subtly walked away. “My office is a mess, get it all cleaned up” he said to the lady at the front desk while walking out. He got into the car and signaled to the driver to drive, “Are we going to the mansion, Sir?” the driver had asked as it was too early and it’s quite unusual of Connor to get back to the house this early, he would usually go to a bar and stop for a drink or two and call one of his girls over, somehow, Connor liked the idea of having that much girls, they respected him, feared him a lot and he loved the feeling he gets by be
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**Alannah** Connor walked to the dining hall, pale. He looked like something had happened to him back in his room, but he’d rather not talk about it, Nanny McPhee asked if he was alright and he reluctantly replied he was. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost” I had said. “Why don’t you mind your own business?” He replied. Yes, I should’ve just minded my business and kept my mouth shut. I watched as Connor made his way to his seat beside Nanny McPhee and she seemed to understand him, because he seemed like a small child the whole time. Finishing my dinner, I walked back to my room leaving both of them at the table. “Goodnight” I said, standing up, the chair making a creaking sound as I moved it. “Goodnight my dear” Nanny McPhee replied. I made my way upstairs and walked down to my room slightly anxious, but mostly excited about my new job. The company must be so desperately in need of a financial manager because Connor had asked me to resume to
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I haven’t even gotten halfway through and I feel stressed out already. I felt really tired and I needed something to regain my energy. I need a cup of coffee. Picking up the telephone and dialed Bella, she picked not long after it rang. “Bella, please send Sam to my office with a cup of coffee. Triple shot espresso with heavy cream. Thank You” I said. “Okay, Coming right up” Bella answered and dropped the call. Not long after, Sam knocked on my door with my cup of coffee and I signaled that he comes in, I threw my head back against my ergonomic chair and sighed. “Are you Okay, Miss?” Sam asked. “You don’t look good.” I forced out a small laugh. “Oh yes, I’m perfectly alright. Just slightly tired, but I’ll be fine. I only need a cup of coffee and I’ll be good as new” I said as I took the cup from him and asked him to leave. “Okay” He said, relieved. Sam left and I took a sip of my coffe, it gave me a relaxing feeling and I let out another sigh. I decided I’d
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Connor walked in and I stood up, I didn’t know why but I guess it’s because of the fact that he’s my boss now. “Please. Sit.” He said gently, while sitting down himself. I sat down and he started “I can see you’re fitting in quite well, Alannah” He said, he must’ve seen me get out of Camilo’s car the other time. “Oh yes, I am trying.” I replied. He squinted and looked at me for a while before finally nodding his head. “Okay. Good.” He said. “I noticed you worked on the files that was sent to my office very efficiently and that’s good.” He commended. “Thank you. I am not done with most of them as there is a lot to do, but I’ll make sure to finish it all as soon as I can, Sir.” I reluctantly added the “Sir” it felt somehow addressing Connor so formally, not strange just, somehow. “Okay, Good.” He said while standing up to leave my office. His cell phone rang and he picked it up on his way out, I couldn’t tell who was calling but I knew it was definitely someone speci
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I stabbed at my food as I watch Connor sit down and I let out a small snare at him. He probably thinks he’s Brad Pitt with that hot body. I was thinking to myself, I was in my thoughts so much so that I didn’t realize Nanny McPhee had said something earlier. “Ana.” I heard the voice that brought me back to reality and puzzled because the way the voice had said my name made me jump a little, then I realized it was Nanny McPhee’s voice. “What?” I asked, turning to look at her. “What were you thinking? I’ve been trying to talk to you.” Nanny McPhee answered. “Nothing. It’s just, I’m really tired. I’m sorry.” I apologized and she gave me a sweet smile. I turned to look at Connor whose eyes were already fixed on me and as if he had gotten a satisfying result, he smiled before looking back down at his food. “This Sexy son of a fun really thinks....” I was thinking when Nanny McPhee’s voice came again. “How’s the work? Do you like it there?” Nanny McPhee asked
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CHAPTER SIXTEEN: Meeting Julia and Adrian
I fell back asleep almost immediately I finished eating and after a while I woke up to see Uncle Eddie by my bedside. My vision was blur at first, but it cleared up and I called. “Uncle Eddie?” “Oh darling, you’re awake. Thank goodness.” He said, hugging me and immediately left me when I let out a small wince. A nurse had come in to check on me. “Where is Mama and Papa?” I asked, wincing as I struggle to sit up, but failed and Uncle Eddie helped me back down and told me not to stress myself. I asked again “Mama and Papa?” Uncle Eddie face dropped and he braces up. “Alannah, you’ll have to calm down, Okay?” He said. What does that even mean and why? “Ok.” Was all I could let out. “On your way to Disneyland, a drunk truck driver bumped into your parents car and it was really serious. Now the medics, the doctors. They came there and you were the only person they could pull out of the car. No one thought you’d make it, but the doctors they tried their best.” Uncle Eddie
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I’d just agreed to go to the club with the trio. Connor was dissatisfied with my answer, I could see it but he said nothing and I didn’t care. “I’m sorry guys, my head aches a lot, I need to go back in and rest.” I said stopping in my tracks. “Oh that’s fine. Just make sure to be fine before we leave for club. I really want you there.” Julia said, giving me her puppy face. “Sure, I just need to rest. That’s all.” I assured her and her eyes lit up again. I walked back in the house to my room and I could feel Connor’s gaze on me, his eyes following my every step. Getting inside, I fell on my bed and let out a groan. I’ve been to the club before, I know how it is with all the drinking and dancing, but I’m trying to lay low and make it difficult for my uncle to find me and now I agreed to the club idea? Why did I even agree, I could’ve stood my ground and make my No NO. I was still thinking to myself when my phone rang. I immediately knew who it was as only few peop
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I left the club in anger, storming into the Limo with Julia and Adrian holding a drunk Alannah following me. She seemed a little bit sobered up and I guess the fear of what had happened back there was the reason. She was still completely wasted, just quiet. “It’s not entirely her fault, you know. She was drunk.” Julia said in Alannah’s defense. “Well, if she had listened and not being stubborn when I asked her to stop the shots, I wouldn’t have to exchange fists with anybody.” I hissed. “Hey, calm down Man. It could’ve happened to anyone, Remember it happened to Julia once?” Adrian said reminding me of the time we’d all went to the club together and a random guy thought it’d be best to harass Julia because she was drunk. I and Adrian wasted no time in beating the guy to a pulp. I’m sure he regretted coming to the club or touching Julia that night. I was breathing hard because of how angry I was and I looked over to see Alannah, she was asleep already completely ignorant of what’s h
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**ALANNAH** I opened my eyes and the room was unusually bright, the curtains were opened and the brightness of the sun brightening my room wasn’t helping my headache. I sat up on my bed with my palm placed on my head that was when I’d realized I was naked. How? What had happened last night? I didn’t remember any of the things that had happened. One minute I was talking to Connor and I’d left him to go to the dance floor and the next minute I’m opening my eyes in my room, on my bed, completely naked. There was a slight knock on the door and I forced myself to answer “Come in.” Lisa walked in and she was also puzzled I was naked. “Mr. Connor asked me to bring this to you.” She said, handing me two tablets of Advil and a cup of water. How did he know I’d be needing it, I thought as I took the drugs and cup of water from Lisa. “Where is he?” I asked immediately I took the drug. “He’s downstairs with Julia and Adrian.” She answered. “What the hell
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CHAPTER TWENTY: Uncle Eddie found me!
There was nothing I could do. I’d tried picking up the files again, but I was still finding it really hard to concentrate. Opening the door, I spied at the passage and when I was sure there was no one moving around, I quickly ran out, hoping I’d get to the garden before I met anyone on the way. I was walking as fast as my legs could carry and on my way outside I bumped into someone, lifting my head up, it was the exact person I was avoiding. Connor. Great, now he’ll know I was trying to avoid him. “Where are you rushing off to? Do you have a date?” He teased. “No.” I replied, standing upright. “I was going to the garden, I needed fresh air.” I said avoiding every form of eye contact. “Are you avoiding me?” He asked. “Oh, you’re such a baby, Alannah.” He laughed and brushed past me, making his way inside the house. I completely ignored him and went my way. Walking around the garden and inhaling the fresh air, my head was cleared a little. I sat on the bench and I st
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