All Chapters of Twin Alphas: Wings Of Prophecy Series: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
67 Chapters
When Hearts Ignite
RHEA "So, what are you going to do? Kill our first son once he's born?" He asked and my breath caught in my throat. He stared at me, his gaze Intense. I didn't know what he wanted me to say. In fact, I didn't know what to say. I couldn't bring myself to think about murdering my child. I wasn't a monster. How could he ask me such a thing? "Rhea" Jaden sighed as I sat up. "I don't expect you to do something like that. You're not a monster" he said and I lowered my gaze, my hand resting on my baby bump. I pursed my lips at the thought of our son becoming a monster, just like the prophecy had foretold. "We have to do something about this, Jaden. I feel like there's something we don't know" I said and he nodded. "I know. We're going to figure it out, I promise" he said and I let out a sigh. I rose to my feet and wrapped my hair up in a bun. I shed my clothes and started to head towards the bathroom. I paused by the door, my fingers lingering around the door knob. "Aren't you comi
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Where It Begins
RHEA Jaden's brows were furrowed into a frown. I tugged at his arm, wanting to leave the premises as quickly as possible. "I'm talking to you," the vampire hissed and I clenched my fist. "You must be mistaken. I do not know you," I said. The vampire's confusion was mirrored on his facial features. I took Jaden's hand and pushed past the bedazzled vampire. Once we were out of the hall, a man in a black suit approached us. Jacobi, the clan leader of the dragon shape shifters who had made a pact with our pack."Mr. Blackwood," he said and exchanged handshakes with Jaden. "Can we talk privately? It's important," he said and Jaden turned to look at me. I forced out a smile. "It's okay. I'll be fine on my own. I'll just wait in the car," I told him. " can just..."I took his hand in mine and gazed into his eyes. "I can take care of myself. I'm a big girl. Now, go" I said and he nodded. I watched him walk away with Jacobi. Then, I let out a long sigh and pulled my shawl
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Door To The Past
RHEA "You two know each other?" Jaden and Daniel echoed, a frown on their faces. I stared at Stefan and he did the same. Neither of us was willing to speak first. "Are you just going to stare all day? Say something, Rhea" Jaden said and I let out an exasperated sigh, tucking a lock of hair behind my left ear. "Once upon a time...we dated" I said and Jaden's eyes went wide."What? But... you said...""We went out on a date once and I agreed to be his girlfriend, but he never saw me again...until today" "That's right, you ditched me" Stefan said and I sighed."Well, at the time I just... I didn't want you to feel bad even though I wasn't particularly interested in being your girlfriend""So, you felt sorry for me? That was it?"Stefan looked hurt. I let out a sigh. "Look, it happened in the past. An apology isn't going to make it better, but I'm really sorry" I said. His gaze drifted and rested on Jaden. Then, it fell back on me."So, you're with him now?" he questioned.Jaden
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RHEA Bewildered, I watched my mate as he rushed into the bathroom to puke. Daniel winced. "Whatever he saw can't be good" he said and that dampened my mood even more. Jaden stepped out, his movements slow and unsteady. There were droplets of water on his pale face and his hands were balled into tight fists. He sat down beside me and buried his face in his hands. Without a word, I rubbed his back to comfort him. He remained like that for a while. Stefan wouldn't sat anything either. He sat on the couch and stared at the ceiling with a grave expression on his face. I had so many questions, but I knew I had to hold back. Nearly an hour later, Jaden sat up. He looked exhausted. "You don't have to say anything. We can just go home and figure it out together" I said, still rubbing his back. He heaved a sigh and shut his eyes briefly. "It's okay" he said and I continued to watch him with concern. "It's a curse" he added and my eyes widened."It is? Who is responsible for it?" I aske
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Living Nightmare
RHEA "There's a chance that we can fix things. There's a chance that we can break the curse, Jaden. We should be optimistic about that" I said to Jaden who kept pacing back and forth. He was restless and so was his wolf. I knew this because I could feel it. "Talk to me, what's wrong?" I asked and he shook his head. "I don't know"My frown deepened as his feet came to a halt. He turned to look at me, a worried look in his eyes. "I feel like something bad is going to happen" "What?" He raked his fingers through his hair which had become shoulder length. "I felt like this the day before Zaden set fire to the pack house. I can't shake off this feeling" he said and I walked up to his side."I know I sound like I'm insane. But, I'm not. Something feels wrong" I entwined my fingers with his and gazed into his eyes. I pressed a kiss to the corner of his lips and ran my fingers through his silky hair using my free hand."I believe you" I whispered. "Whatever it is that's coming,
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Twisted Reality
JADENThey blinked at me, staring at me like I'd gone insane. Still, everything felt like a dream. It all sounded far fetched. I believed that if I wanted to figure it out, I had to meet Rhea in person. I needed to know what was really happening. "So, you're saying that you want to see Rhea" Darryl said, not taking his eyes off me, a frown on his face. "That's what I said"They both exchanged glances, a concerned look on their faces. "She's going to kill you. Do you not understand how dangerous this situation is? Look at yourself, Jaden. You have barely recovered from everything you went through. You were unconscious for two weeks. We only just got you back. Now, you're saying you want to go to her" He said, his right eye twitching. He was upset. His left eye would twitch each time he was upset. But, if his right eye was twitching...Klaus snapped his fingers in front of my face. "Snap out of it, Jay. Are you even listening?" He asked, his brows furrowed. "What?" I said, confuse
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Hidden in plain sight
JADEN"We're coming with you" Darryl said as I pulled back my hair into a low bun. "Suit yourselves" I said and swung the door open. They both followed after me, shutting the door behind them. "You don't even know where Rhea is. How are you going to find her?" Klaus said while I pulled up my hood. "You came with me, didn't you? You two will just have to tell me where she is" I responded."Why aren't you thinking of the possibility that she might lock you up again...or worse? She might kill you" Klaus said. He sounded concerned.I shook my head. "She won't kill me" I said. "Are you trying to assure us or yourself?" Darryl asked with a snarky tone. My feet came to a halt. Darryl and Klaus also stopped behind me. Clenching my fists, I turned to face Darryl."What's with your attitude, Darryl? I didn't ask you to come with me. You volunteered. If you don't want to be a part of this, walk away" I said through gritted teeth. He lowered his gaze, his shoulders slumped."I apologise, Al
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At the edge
RHEAMy reflection stared back at me, mocking me. Back when I'd gone to the cell to confront Jaden, I'd felt an emotion I hadn't felt in months. Remorse. I hated it. What was there to be remorseful about? He deserved everything he was getting. My gaze fell on my baby bump and I clenched my fists. I was going to keep my children away from Jaden. He'd tried to kill me. 'Do you remember seeing him attacking you with a knife or something?' Crystal said and I glared at my reflection. "What do you know? You know nothing, Crystal" I said and she went silent. I splashed water on my face and brushed the stray strands of damp hair, away from my face. I patted my cheeks and took a deep breath. There was a knock on the door of my bedroom. I frowned and started to head towards the door. When I opened the door, I beamed when I saw who my visitor was. "Thalia" She grinned at me. "Can I come in, sis?" "Yeah, sure" I stepped aside to let her come in. I watched her as she sat down on the couc
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KLAUSFourteen long days had passed since Jaden and Rhea went under. Rhea's fever spiked up once, while Jaden's fever remained unstable. The pack members knew about the complicated situation. They were all worried. There was so much tension in the air. It was noon and I was walking into Jaden's quarters to check on him and Rhea. Kim, the pack doctor was sitting by their bedside looking worried. "Any signs of improvement?" I asked and she shook her head. "Jaden isn't doing so well. He had a nose bleed thirty minutes ago. His fever is rising as well""I want to believe that they will make it out of the mental prison. But, things doesn't look so good for them. I'm worried that..."I cut her off."Let's not think negatively. We just have to hope for a miracle" I said and she lowered her gaze. My phone rang and I picked the call, bringing my phone to my ear. "We found her" Daniel said and I frowned, confused."Who?""The woman whose memory Jaden saw. She can help with the curse of twos"
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RHEAI watched the sun sink below the horizon, a smile playing on my lips. I felt fulfilled as a mother and a wife. When our kids turned six months, Jaden and I got married on the beach during sunset. Thirteen years had passed since we got married. Jaden was still as loving as always. Our boys were a carbon copy of their father. They were also very identical. They were different in subtle ways though. Xavier had been growing up to be a well mannered, goodlooking boy. Oliver, our second son, was a little less well mannered. He was a troublemaker, most of the time. Jaden and I hoped that Xavier would continue to remain as charming as he was. We hoped that he would hold on long enough for his mate to finally locate him. In five years, he would be eighteen. He would find his mate and things would be much better and easier for him. "Mum?" I turned to look at Xavier who was standing behind me, holding two glasses of lemonade. He handed me one of them and moved to stand beside me. "Thank
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