All Chapters of Eva’s Fated Beta Mate: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
43 Chapters
Tina sat alone in the dark cell room and wished that someone would at least come along and allow her to get out of this disgusting place. She had had enough of being punished now. She wanted to get her twins and away from Tim and Eva. The whole town would probably know about all of this by now, which would cause her humiliation and shame amongst her famous and wealthy friends. How dare Tim let this happen to her. She was supposed to be his wife; what about all the promises he had made her when they married? Everything had been excellent before Eva had come along and ruined everything for her. “Right. Here’s your food. The alpha will be along to see you shortly.” The guard scoffed as he looked at Tina in disgust. She wanted to smack him for daring to look at her in such a way. Who did he think that he was? He was not better than her. Nobody could look down their noses at Tina and why away with it. She knew that her father would kill them all
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Eva stared at herself and could not believe she had managed to shift for the first time. Her wolf was beautiful, pure white, with a small black patch above her nose. Sebastian came to her and nuzzled her, which she gleefully accepted. They were exhausted from their long run in the forest and chasing rabbits for what had seemed like hours. Eva was so excited and happy that she felt who she was supposed to be now—no more hiding and denying her true fate. “Let's head back.” Sebastian had told her eventually, and she somehow managed to return to her human form. These newfound abilities were mesmerising for Eva. How could she have never known about any of this? Eva knew her mother had wanted to protect her from this life, but she had no idea why. She was thrilled at the idea of being able to shift into such a beautiful creature. When they entered the pack house, it was clear to Eva that her father and the twins were not there. Alpha Morgan informed them
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Eva was so out of breath when she reached the empty road. She took a moment to regain her breath and wiped the sweat from her forehead. She needed to get back to her father and see the twins. She could not stay here another moment. Suddenly a big lorry sounded its horn, causing her to squeal as she jumped out of the way. She had been so lost in her thoughts that she did not even hear or see it at first. The lorry stopped, and the driver stepped out of his cab; he was about forty-five years old with a beard and moustache. His dark green eyes gleamed as he came closer to her. “Are you ok there, missy?” he called out to her. Eva was frightened but did not want to be rude, so she nodded and went. “I am sorry, but you're out here on your own. Any reason why?” the man continued, and Eva realised that he would not go away anytime soon. “I am just going home. I don't live far from here.” Eva explained but felt his big strong arms on her as she was lifted off the g
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Tim was so pleased to see Eva return, but he was slightly confused about why she was rude towards her old friend from home. “Eva? Are you ok? Is there a problem?” He asked her, bringing her attention from Lara back to him. Eva took a deep breath, swallowed then smiled up at her father like it were nothing. “No, I’m just surprised. I mean, I can only guess that it’s Dan’s. Let me guess, and he’s here too?” Eva stated sarcastically and crossed her arms over her chest; she did not want to see either of them deal with their stupid, pointless dramas. She had a new life now. That did not include anyone who had hurt her in the past. Lara lowered her gaze and tried to avoid crying in front of everyone. “Can we just have a moment to talk alone, please, Eva?” Lara asked, reaching out for her hand, but Eva snatched it away instantly. She was scoffing at her ex-best friend in such disgust. Tim was amazed at how rude his daughter was but thought there was more to
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“Who killed her?” Tim whispered out loud in disbelief. He hated the way that she had treated him and his children, but hearing that she had died still made him hurt for his twins. They had just lost their mother, just like Eva had. “Daddy, what did you say?” Millie went to her father and asked with wide eyes that made Tim want to burst into tears. Those poor twins. They were so innocent, so young and unaware of the world falling apart. “She’s dead,” Eddie said with a blank expression. This caused everyone to look his way in surprise. He had no tears in his eyes or emotion at all. It was as if he felt nothing. Did he understand what that meant? His mother was gone. They would never see her again. It was not until Sebastian stepped forward that they returned to their senses. “I will return to the pack and start arranging the funeral if you wish.” He said, holding a hand out to offer Tim his sincere sympathy, but Tim did not want it. He was gla
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Sebastian paced the corridor outside the Alpha office and had finally had enough. He slammed his fists into the wall and growled furiously. Alpha Morgan opened the door and glared at his beta. “Someone in this pack has betrayed us. They have tricked us, and now that bitch is out there somewhere. She’s more powerful than I realised. We can’t have this. Unfortunately, I believe that if she has these twins together, it will enable her to do far worse damage.” “That dirty witch! Well, Eva will be here soon, and she will be safe. Leroy is en route to pick her up. I could not just bring her with me; her family needed her. These twins lost their mother..” Sebastian growled; he was so angry. “Except they have not lost their stupid mother, have they? She is a crazy lunatic witch that will do whatever she can to beat us. Whatever she is up to, we need to protect Tim and the twins and Eva. Tina is evil, pure evil. We cannot let this happen. Some of the warriors are already
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Almost an hour had passed since Sebastian left the pack house, he knew that the alpha would be annoyed that he had gone like that, but he also knew that he would understand. Eva was his mate, and all he wanted was to protect her; he knew that Tina would be a threat all the while she was on the loose. He clenched his fists as anger once again ran through him. He would happily end her. She did not deserve to be alive for another minute after what she had done. Sebastian could only hope he would find them; he could not imagine how broken, poor Eva would be if anything happened to her little brother. There she was. Eddie was sitting across the table from her, looking very glum as he munched away on French Fries and a burger. Sebastian watched as Eddie picked up the Coke and took a long sip. Tina was saying something to him and had not noticed Sebastian staring at them outside. Eddie looked up and clapped eyes with Sebastian. He immediately turned awa
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Eva looked at her father and felt like she would have a breakdown. It bought back so many memories of when her mum passed away. She did not want to lose her father as well. “Please get better. I, Eddie and Millie need you.” Eva whispered as she leaned over to hug him. He weakly hugged her back and nodded through his tears. Eddie stood on the sidelines watching nervously. He was so confused about why his mother was so horrible to them all. She was supposed to love them and care for them. She had almost killed him, and all he wanted was for everything to be ok. “Can I see Millie now, please?” Eddie suddenly asked, and Eva smiled down at her little brother. She stroked his face and knelt to his level so they were eye to eye. He was so young and innocent. Eva felt very protective towards him and Millie. She would make sure that nobody hurt them again. “Of course, you can. I will take you to her in a minute. Do you want to say goodbye to Dad, and th
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Tina watched as Eddie was picked up and removed from her reach. There was nothing that she could do about it. As long as they believed that she was dead, it would give her time to get away. Tina knew leaving the twins was not what she wanted to do, but she promised herself it wouldn’t be forever. She would be back for her twins, and she would make sure that he and Eva would never see them again. Tina despised Eva. She felt this was all her fault because if she had never come around and ruined their happy lives, none of this would have happened. Tina would still have her twins, the big house and a fancy lifestyle. She turned away and saw the taxi waiting in the taxi rank. This was it. She would get away and make them think she was dead and then hit them right where it would hurt unexpectedly. “Where to ma’am?” The driver asked as Tina slammed the door shut and slipped across the backseats. She noticed the window was slightly open and immediately wound it up,
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As the train pulled into the station, the sound of its wheels clattering against the tracks filled the air. Rain poured down from the sky, causing people to pull out their umbrellas and grumble to themselves. Tina noticed a young mother struggling to disembark the train with her buggy and large suitcase, while her older child danced around excitedly. Watching the family, Tina couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness as she thought about her own missing twins. She knew she had to find a way to get them back. Desperate for help, Tina approached the ticket man and asked if any hotels were nearby. The man gave her a rude shrug and left her alone in the rain. Tina frowned at his lack of help and cursed after him. The rain was getting heavier, and she was worried about where she would stay the night. She had just wanted to get away, but now she was far out of her comfort zone. She couldn't call home for help; everyone would think that she was dead by now, and she couldn't risk m
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