All Chapters of Alpha King's Prankster Mate: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
152 Chapters
Alex P. O. VAfter the eventful day I felt myself lost in the silence of the library. I was sitting on the couch ,on one side of the library reading line by line through the pages of Pride and Prejudice. Time to time my focus was drifting back to what happened this afternoon. I seemed to be unable to shake off the feeling of it being real. Why didn't I remember going back to my room , sleeping on my bed and that girl Shimon. Why did she feel so familiar to me? Where did I see her before? Jess said she never heard anybody named Shimon lived here before. So was this my brain playing tricks. I concentrated back to my book and continued to read. “I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine.”“We all know him to be a proud, unpleasant sort of man; but this would be nothing if you really liked him.” “Till this moment I never knew myself.” A memory flashed in my mind. I now remember where I saw that girl. She was the little girl in that picture which was on the shelf
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Alex P. O. VThe last luggage loaded in the boot of the car. The warriors closed the boot. I pushed myself off the wall of the house against which I was leaning, watching others to work. Zander was talking to pack warriors who were going to travel with us. Daniel was going to take over the alpha duties for the time being. We all piled up in the SUV. Two warriors were driving with me and Zander . The rest of the warriors were going to follow us in different cars. I turned to Zander as we settled in the car. Zander informed me Enzo would not be able to join us because Hailey went into labor. I wanted to stay after listening that but Enzo insisted I should go and met the family when I called him. I promised to call him later and he could call if he anything. As the car started we were crossing the pack land. After we crossed the pack border we entered the town. Trees passed by as our cars drive through the streets of the town"So tell me about your cousin Kayden and his mate? ".I wante
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Alex P. O. VAfter going through the swarm of Zander's relatives I felt China's population was less than this. I could hardly remember who was what. I was only smiling and nodding my head as Melissa introduced me to everybody. The kids were running around . I was nervous at first to meet them but all the nervousness flew out of the window once I got to know them. Melissa's entire family came to see the new born kid. I met Melissa's identical twin, Larissa. I could not differentiate at first but when I got to know she was completely opposite of her sister. She was out spoken, rebel, feisty, sassy and never took shits from anyone. Unlike Melissa Larissa had little gray in her blue eyes. She was funny and a handful of people. We hit it off immediately. Though the twins were a few years older than me Larissa did not have her mate yet. Whoever was going to be her mate was going to have fear of his life. The other cousins were all there with their mate and pups. Uncle Robert was Melissa's
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Alex P. O. VI felt light flashed behind my closed eyes. I squeezed my eyes because of its intensity . I groaned lightly and opened my eyes but closed immediately from the light. I opened them again and looked around. I was laying in the middle of the woods. Trees were surrounding me. Sun was shining above me. I pushed myself up by my hand. My entire body was in pain. A sharp pain passed through my brain . I clutched my head and rubbed it to ease my pain. As I moved my hand I felt like my skin was tearing. I cried out.I looked at my arm. There were deep claw marks on my arm. Blood was leaking out from the wounds. My eyes went wide. I checked my other arm. It had the same type of claw marks. I felt the same pain on the side of my neck.The wounds were burning . They started to heal. At first I could not remember how I got there but after a moment I began to remember that I was outside the pack house talking to Enzo,Hailey went to labor, the baby and Hailey both survived the surgery,th
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Zander P. O. VZander p. o. v before Alex was taken. I was talking to my cousin . I had not seen Alex for long. I looked around. I could not find her. Last I saw she was talking to my cousin Lana. I excused myself and walked to Lana. She was talking to some other guests. I tapped her shoulder. She turned to me. "Zander.It has been so long since I have seen you".I did not waste any time and asked directly. " Did you see the girl whom you were talking with? "She looked confused. " The girl with black hair and triple shade blue eyes . She was wearing a white knee length dress ".I waited for her to answer. "Oh that girl . Yes, she went out of the pack house to take a call ".Lana pointed at the living room door. " Thanks" .I left Lana there and went to search for Alex outside. I did not want to bring her here but my cousin assured me that there were going to be guards and she was going to be safe. But I knew something had happened. I could feel that something was not right. Mysteri
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Zander P. O. VThe tree lines began to end before me as I ran through the forest with my mate on my back. My heart was thumping against my chest. My wolf was finally calm . It had its mate near it again. It was restless for the last several hours. I did not know when this bond became so strong. The life I had before I met my mate seemed like another lifetime. I thought I could live without my fated mate and I would reject her but yesterday's event only proved that I could not stay without her. I was fighting a lost battle. Nothing I could do to stop this intense feeling. It scared me. What would I do when something happened to her? She was taken for less than twenty four hours and I felt like I could not breathe. I never let another person have such power over me. It terrified me. Did every alpha king feel the same intensity of feeling for their fated mate and how did they survive when their mates were killed in the rivalry. Alex and I were not fully mated but it felt like if someth
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Zander P. O. VAfter talking to Kayden for a few more minutes I left his office. My wolf was unstable after hearing about threats for its mate. Instead of going to Alex's room.I left the pack house quickly as my beast was getting furious with every passing minute. Rushing to the west forest which was far from the pack house. Warriors were patrolling as I passed by them. They recognized me immediately and bowed in respect. I didn't stop. My wolf was getting out of control. It was etching to get out. For wolves it always gets difficult to control ourselves if we go for too long without getting mated after we find our mates. My wolf wanted to claim Alex. Wanted mark her as ours. After thinking about our girl amongst those creatures without our protection making my wolf homicidal. It could tear anything that was coming into sight. I ran to the forest , without discarding my clothes my body changed to my wolf before I could do anything. I was fighting my wolf for a long time. The fucker
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Alex P. O. VThe place looked like a small town. There were not many houses there. Everything there was caught in fire. The trees,houses ,shops, everything was burning.People were running to save their lives. I saw a woman trapped in a burning house. She was screaming for help through the window of a small house but no one came . Fire was consuming her alive. No one heard her screams in the chaos of the people. The creatures that I saw in the forest came into view. They were attacking the citizens. Dead bodies were laying on the ground . Blood was everywhere. One of the creatures pounced on a man that fell on the floor while he was trying to run away. With its long pointed claws it tore the abdomen of the man. The man screamed. Blood was gushing out. The beast bent its head , with its canines it began to tear the man' flesh. Within no time it tears the man into pieces. After that it ran off to its next victim , coated in blood. To save themselves people were trying to hide in the bu
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Alex P. O. VIt was almost midnight but there was no sign of sleep. I was wide awake .Zander fell asleep beside me. I kept tossing and turning beside him. I thought sleeping beside him would help me to sleep but only left me hot and bothered. Having him close to me left my wolf and me horney and needy. Seeing him sound asleep I wanted to kick him on his butts out of my bed .His hand slid down to my waist and held me there tightly. He squeezed my waist. Hear sparkes to my core. I could feel myself getting wetter than I already was.It made me rub my things together to ease some heat there but it was not helping me. I wanted to slide my fingers in my panties and get myself off just like I did every night. Or maybe even better if his fingers could give my kitty a little rub. "Stop. I can barely control myself around you.If you do not stop doing that now then I am going to spank your luscious ass red".He squeezed my hip. I looked up to see him staring down at me with fire in his eyes .
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Alex P. O. VI was sitting on the breakfast stool having my breakfast while Melissa was rocking the newborn baby in her arms. The twins were silently having their breakfast. This was the first time I saw them sitting in one place silently without causing any trouble but the silence was short -lived. Leo threw a spoon full of his cereals at his sister.She threw back in return from her bowl. Soon a small food fight took place on the breakfast table. "You two stop throwing food at each other" Melissa told them in her best mom voice. They both instantly stopped. I admire her skills. I never handled kids but I knew handling kids is not an easy task especially when you have two troublemakers and an infant in the house. "Leo go to your room and you will not disturb your sister otherwise there will be no toys and video games for two weeks".The little troublemaker stuck her small tongue at her brother. Leo growled at her. " And you little miss you are not off the hook".Hearing her mother's
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