All Chapters of RENAISSANCE WEREWOLF: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
59 Chapters
Chapter 31: Unforeseen Consequences
Noah glared at Marcus with chagrin, the colours of his eyes became bright red and his canines elongated. His facial expression morphed into a menacing vampire.Marcus sneered and challenged him "do you want to fight me?".Noah took a deep breath and restored his human form, he shook his head."well, that is a better choice, I wouldn't have minded sending some demons to chop you up, adieu" With that, Marcus snapped his fingers and disappeared from Noah's presence.He reappeared on a highway, where some vampires were chasing after Katie Clyde's rickety truck. Meanwhile, Pascal was standing in the middle of the road, watching the spectacle before him. "An interesting scene," he thought to himself, "it has been some time since I have seen him fight. Let me watch."In the blink of an eye, Pascal teleported to different positions, pulling out the vampire's hearts. Within minutes, corpses of vampires and their detached hearts lay scattered across the highway.Marcus' face twitched in surpris
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Chapter 32: The Power of the Invisible Teenager
A teenage boy stepped out of the wall looking surprised. He faced Pascal and asked with a tone of interest, "Can you see me?"Marcus scolded without reserve "of course he could see you, if he didn't see you, how was he able to know you were standing there? I guess you are mentally retarded"Noah who was standing behind Marcus nodded instinctively in agreement, Marcus chided Noah in an angry tone."Noah, you are just a lowly vampire, with or without your consent, I know the words that come out of my mouth are filled with knowledge and wisdom that transcend time and space"Noah glared at Marcus angrily, but he didn't respond, the teenage boy was very excited not minding what Marcus said.He said excitedly "that means I am normal..." he hung his head in sadness, "everyone thinks I am abnormal, I also think I am abnormal because I could become invisible"Pascal glanced at Jack Rich wondering how the teenage boy got into his office, Jack Rich stepped forward "hello, what should I call you?
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Chapter 33: The Shadow of Fear
The door immediately gave way and opened. A wave of heat escaped from within, carrying with it a strong scent of sulfur and ash. Pascal stepped through the threshold and motioned for Sam to follow.As they journeyed through the hallways, they were met with all sorts of disquieting creatures and passageways, some of which were barely navigable without missing a step or two. Eventually, they reached their destination, a tall and imposing chamber full of skeletons and human corpses. Sam shuddered, the fear pulsing in his veins. He shot towards the exit like a bullet, leaving an afterimage just as Pascal suddenly appeared at the entrance. He fell back, quivering in fear."Don't kill me," he begged. "This is the location of my coven. I had no idea they had left."Pascal stepped forward and responds curtly "I gave you a chance and you didn't take it".His arm stretched towards Sam, his claws thrust into his fragile chest and pulled out his still-beating heart. Pain and terror crossed Sam's
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Chapter 34: Entering the Vampire's Den
Marcus' face darkened as a murderous aura exuded from his body. "I will have to teach those moronic vampires a lesson," he snarled before snapping his fingers and disappearing from Pascal's presence.Pascal didn't join him, he stayed behind after witnessing the strength of those vampires it doesn't worth him making any move, he stayed back and watched over Katie Clyde.Noah who was running in the opposite direction turned around and fled wildly."Noah, you are a disgrace to the vampire bloodlines, coward!" the vampires yelled as they chased him."Go and tell your mama such nonsense!" Noah shouted back over his shoulder.Then, Marcus appeared between Noah and the seven Vampires, halting the chase. Noah's eyes lit up with relief when he saw him.The seven vampires eyed Marcus suspiciously, their forms shaking as they felt his intense demonic power."Marcus, I knew you'd come, buddy!" Noah exclaimed breathlessly.Marcus gave Noah a harsh glance. "I'm not your buddy," he growled. "I would
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Chapter 35: The Fury of Pascal at the Vampire Den
A feeling of mystery, danger and excitement hung in the air and some blood-thirsty vampires lurked in the shadows.Noah shakily suggested, "The vampires are much stronger at night, we should wait until daylight to attack."Marcus immediately smacked the back of Noah's head, scolding him. "Learn to speak less nonsense!" he growled.Noah grumbled but he didn't say anything, Marcus sneered "there is no need for us taking action, the vampires in the den are weaklings just like him"He shot Noah a glance "a few of my boys could handle them"Pascal didn't make any comment, he simply stood still, looking at the vampire's den coldly.Marcus snapped his fingers, thick dark clouds hovered over the vampire's den, and sounds of the rustling of leathery wings filled the air.Men possessed by demons jumped down from the dark cloud condensed in the sky by Marcus, one after another, till the entire courtyard was filled up with numerous men possessed by demons, too many to count.Noah gulped in fear,
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Chapter 36: The Stench of Blood
"oh! my God, what is this?"Pascal teleported immediately to the source of the sound and saw Katie Clyde standing in the doorway with a spear stabbed into the door frame. She was shivering in fright when she saw Pascal, her eyes filled with fear and confusion.Pascal didn't want to scare Katie Clyde any further, so he approached her calmly and gently said, "Katie, I was the one who stabbed the spear there, don't you remember, today is April 1st, happy new month Katie Clyde."Katie Clyde looked at him with unease and suppressed her fear, then flashed him a tiny smile and said, "Um... happy new month."Pascal realised Katie Clyde didn't believe the lie. To keep her from going to the water tank, he offered to water the plants for her and suggested that they go visit Granny Fray early. Katie Clyde nodded."I will be in the kitchen," she said, and turned around to walk away, Pascal could feel the drifting away of their closeness.But before she left, Pascal caught her wrist. He looked her
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Chapter 37: Pascal and Katie Clyde: Temptation of Love
Katie Clyde stiffened at the question, her jaw clenching tightly. Taking a deep breath, she shook her head. "There will be no need for that, thank you, Sheriff."The sheriff shot Katie Clyde an askance look. "Ms Katie Clyde, are you sure of your decision?""Yes, since I am fine, there is no need to pursue the case anymore, I and Kelvin don't have deep animosity to start with" Katie Clyde reiterated.The Sheriff nodded with understanding "if you say so, Ms Katie Clyde".Katie Clyde thanked the sheriff before departing from his office. As she was about to board her rickety trunk, her phone rang. Without checking the caller ID, she answered it."Hello" she muttered into the phone's receiver."Katie, you vixen bitch, are we still friends?" Chloe's voice shrieked from the phone's speaker.Katie Clyde's eyes widened and she stammered out an apology. Chloe cut her off and asked, "oh shut up girl, where are you?"Katie Clyde glanced behind the police station and replied "I am at the police st
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Chapter 38: think Katie Clyde ran into the forest
Katie Clyde gazed in awe at the stunning light on the horizon, but her amazement was cut short when Pascal blocked her view. Suddenly, a frosty voice pierced through the air, making her heart leap. It belonged to the Wizard of Owls. "Pascal, I warned you, remember? That the day would come when you would beg for your life at my feet. That day has come, and I will not only kill you but also use your second chance mate as my prostitute." He cackled wickedly. Pascal erupted into a rage, bellowing, "You're pushing your luck!" With each breath, his body expanded, his back elongating and curving, and his dense black fur sprouting. Before her eyes, Pascal transformed into a massive wolf, shielding her from the blinding light. A voice startled Katie Clyde, causing her to jump and her heart to pound. She spun around and saw Marcus standing there, beaming at her. "If I were you, I would start running now. But don't worry, I'm here to take you away. Hold on tight." Katie Clyde breathed a sigh
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Chapter 39: The Legend of Centaur and the Mysterious Interruption
Katie's heart raced as she looked around anxiously, surrounded by a pitch-black darkness that made her feel increasingly afraid. Her nerves were on edge, and she couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching her.Suddenly, she heard the sound of hooves pounding against the ground. Her body tensed up, and she braced herself for the worst. But then, she felt a warm arm wrap around her from behind, and a familiar scent assailed her nostrils.Startled and relieved, Katie turned around and locked lips with the person holding her.As Centaur arrived, he caught sight of Pascal and Katie Clyde locked in a passionate kiss. Marcus whistled and approached them with a smile."Pascal, I see you enjoy kissing," he teased. "Perhaps I should buy you some Kiss brand products. What do you say?"Katie Clyde blushed with embarrassment, while Pascal looked at Marcus suspiciously. "What is Kiss brand?" he asked.Marcus fished out his wallet and explained nonchalantly, "It's a deceptive balloon com
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Chapter 40: Grave Danger: A Race Against Time
The wind howled fiercely outside, causing the windows to flap open and shut. Suddenly, all the lights in the house went out."Close your eyes and don't think about what just happened," Pascal whispered to Katie Clyde.As soon as Katie Clyde shut her eyes, the room was flooded with light, and the hostile wind died down.Pascal furrowed his brow, wondering what had just occurred. "You can open your eyes now. It was just a storm; it'll rain," he reassured Katie Clyde.Standing up, Katie Clyde turned to Pascal and spoke coolly. "I'm going to my room. I need to prepare for my project defence tomorrow."Pascal smiled and replied, "Goodnight." Katie Clyde blushed and leaned in to kiss his cheek before hurrying out of the room.Pascal entered his room with a sweet smile on his face. He strode over to his bed and lay down, closing his eyes. As he did, the beads around his neck began to glow with soft light, the curtains around the room started to flutter, and the trees outside his window swaye
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