All Chapters of Kiss For The Sin: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
198 Chapters
91 Anxious
The ceremony started. Everyone was silent while listening to the priest in front. This is my first time attending a burial because I never experience this when my parents died. I wasn't able to give them a proper burial because of their tragic death. Daddy Luscio was not able to collect their bodies because the whole house was burned into ashes. It's just sad that they don't have a grave that I could visit whenever I feel that I am losing track of my goal.When it feels like I forget the reason of my existence I wanted to have a tomb to visit. Whenever I'm sad and lonely, I was hoping that there is a place where I can visit them. But then, life is so cruel to me. Cesar Ildefonso was so cruel, he didn't even gave mercy to me and my family. Even Cladia who was supposed to be not part of his plan because Cladie is just my maid but then, he also killed her. He killed everyone in our house not just my parents but everyone who lives in our house.I look at Laurent's picture and then my eyes
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92 He Got Me
Sain hold my gaze as if he doesn't agree to Cassinno. I do understand because he has that kind of attitude. When he wants something then he will have it. He has a very short and thin patience that is surprisingly adjusting when it comes to me. "Don't look at me like that" he groan lowly.I frown, confuse with what he said."What do you mean?" I glance at Cassinno and Helena who's giving me a bitch stare. "I'm just trying to convince you to calm down because I will explain everything once we're at home" I calmly explain. He shut his eyes close and hissed a curses under his breath before sighing heavily."Fine" he agree but his controlled tone and furrowed is saying the opposite. "Stay here" he instructed.He was about to let go but I immediately grab his arm. "Where are you going?" I anxiously ask.He's gonna leave me at this moment? Oh, come on. Apollo never left me when he feels like I am not safe. I am not safe right now, that freaking stare is still lingering around damn it! Onc
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93 Saved
"But you didn't say, you don't either"I blink at him. I wanted to smack my head for gawking like an idiot to this man who's staring down at me. Just like Sain Czar, he is way taller compared to my height. I am not sure if our position right now comfortable for him, because it is not for me. My nape is now already aching because I need a lot of effort to look at him. "Did I just ring the bell?" He follow up when I didn't open my mouth to speak.There is an evident emotion in his face but I couldn't seem to figure out what kind of emotion it is. His facial expression looks casual but there is something in his eyes. I think, it was his eyes who express emotion opposite to Sain Czar who always stare at me with those two deep dark pools that drowning me in an endless darkness. "Don't put words to my mouth, Mr. Ildefonso" I retorted and look away.My gaze search Sain Czar not minding Cassinno who's standing beside me. Where is that man? I couldn't see him anymore. He was just with Nicol
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94 It Was A Trick
"C-Cassinno..." I stammer, eyes are wide open because of what he did for me.The scent of familiar metallic tang filled my nostril. I don't need to search his body to know if he was shot because the smell of his blood is invading my nose and the slight frown of pain plastered on his face says it all. "Are you alright?" He replied in low voice as if nothing happen.His hand is on my head making sure that I wouldn't hurt on that part when we rolled to the ground because of the sudden shot that I failed to locate the direction. "Selena!" He shout my name when I didn't say anything and hold my arm tightly.I gasp for air and slowly get up. His eyes automatically scan me making sure that I am not hurt anywhere. My brow creased and look at him in disbelief. Why? Why did he save me?My gaze landed on his wounded arm my gaze sharpen seeing the blood gushing down from it. I am not scared with it rather I am getting angry with the fact that if he didn't save me, that bullet will definitely s
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95 Torn In Between
I am looking out of the window lost with my own thoughts. I wanted to go to Castania Mansion so that I could call my father and ask him what happen. On the other hand I am wondering what is Sain Czar doing right now, did they succeed on their plan? Was he able to catch even just one of the Sintti assassin? I press my lips together fisting my hand. I don't want him to get hurt, as much as possible I want him to keep distance with the Sintti assassin because they will not hesitate to end his life knowing that he's Sain Czar Ildefonso and the next leader of Ilde Famiglia. But at the same time, I don't want him to succeed on his plan. I want Sintti assassin to return without any harm. Obviously, I am torn in between. Although I am a Costello and my loyalty is supposed to be with Sintti still, I couldn't deny the fact that I am worried to the man I need to kill in the end of this mission. I couldn't escape that fact because the more I keep in denial, the more I am drown with unnecessary
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96 Sintti's Threat
I pulled away but Sain's hand remain on my waist gazing down at me. I ignore his intent stare and focus my gaze on his handsome face checking every corner of his facial feature. I wanted to know if he was hurt."Are you alright?" I breath out and reach his face. I'm worried. I'm damn worried and it was so evident in my eyes, in my face how worried I am for this man. I am unconsciously acting as if I am his real wife. My emotion right now was genuine and I couldn't hide it, I couldn't make it stop either.His lips curved into a playful smile and his hand hold my hand that is on his face. "Ahh, so this is how it feels like to have a wife who worry so much" he playfully mutter.My gaze sharpen and pulled my hands away from him. "I'm serious!" I exclaimed and hit his waist. "Don't act cheeky in front of me, Sain. I know what you did" I utter seriously.How can he act as if nothing happen? I was so worried to him and what? He will just laugh at me? He will just make fun of me? I want t
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97 They Will Do The Same Thing
"I heard what you did Ajaxer," Dad breaks the silence after he finish his cup of coffee. I stilled on my spot and I eye Dad carefully who's gaze focus on my calm yet serious brother. "I want the full details of Herravie's new mission" Jax seriously demanded without any hesitation. My lips form into a thin line. I shouldn't be surprise. Jax never get scared with Dad. I never saw him flinch, step back, stuttered, or even hesitant to demand something as if he already hold the whole authority of the organization. He's the younger version of Luscio Costello. "I know you will ask that," Dad nod his head and handed us one folder each. "I prepare this whole report about Hera's new mission. I haven't discuss everything to her but one thing is for sure. I will never put your sister in danger" Yes, he never did. Luscio Costello become my father unexpectedly. I wasn't expecting anything from him when he told me that he is willing to give me a new life, a new family, a new identity becau
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98 Apology Accepted
"Sintti Organization killed Laurent. They will do the same thing to you because you are my wife, you are an Ildefonso's woman"I immediately look away when I felt my tears in the corner of my eyes that attempting to well out. I breath out fisting my hand. I felt a pang of pain inside my chest but I ironically I don't know what cause this pain to me. I am not sure if I am hurt because Sintti tried to kill me or because I am not a real Ildefonso's woman that's why I am not Sain Czar's wife."Little-""Let's go inside," I cut him of and lifted my gaze to face him. "I want to rest" His face darken but somehow I know that those displeasing expression plastered on his handsome face is not for me. I turn my back at him and walk inside the mansion without waiting him. I felt him follow me on behind but didn't dare to keep up my pace. I was no longer surprise when I was greeted by Cassinno who's comfortably sitting on the sofa in the living room while he was being treated by a doctor. His f
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99 Request
"Hera where are you?" Pollux ask through my in ear device. "I am now on position" I immediately reply and secure the accuracy of the sniper gun I am holding. I look through the lens and position my finger on the trigger as I followed Apollo's movement who choose to be on the close range engagement. "Where? Make sure you're safe" Apollo intervene before Pollux could say something.I rolled my eyes. "I am not the one who's entering the lion's den. You should be careful not me" I sarcastically reply."You are also on the dangerous position. Someone is surely finding your location right now" he reason out. That will only happen if they knew that we have a plan to infiltrate them today.I frown. "I can handle myself" I firmly assure him.He doesn't need to worry about me, before deciding my location I clear the vicinity first to make sure that there will be no hindrance to our mission. "Fuck. To the west side of the building Hera! There's already an engagement" Pollux hurriedly told m
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100 Childish Sain
I press my lips together while the doctor is cleaning my bruise on both of my arms. It is a bit sting because of the alcohol to cleanse the wound but it is fine, I can endure it. I mean, I already experience much more painful from this but I never complain. I tuck the loose strand of my hair, I am in the living room together with Sain Czar who's having a conversation with his brother Cassinno. They are occupying the seats in the corner of the great room that's why I couldn't heard their conversation. But looking at their facial expression, I can assume that they are talking what happen a while ago.Speaking of Cassinno, his wound was already mended. He looks fine now and become more intimidating. I haven't told him my gratitude which is a bit hard for me because I am not someone who accepts anyone's help. I don't know how will I utter my thanks, I just hope he won't rudely respond if ever I approach him."Let me check your other arm, Signora" the doctor said getting my attention.I m
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20 Protection Status