All Chapters of In Love Again: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
99 Chapters
"What?!" Alvira exclaimed then laughed a little. "Are you joking with me, Madam Sarah?" She asked with a smile and Sarah laughed too, as she was slightly amused at Alvira's reaction. "No, I'm not. I think he really likes you, Alvira." Sarah pushed. Alvira rose a brow as the smile on her face slowly disappeared and she began to wonder what on earth Madam Sarah was talking about. Why would she say something like that to her? Did someone start to misunderstand something again? At the time when she was been bullied by Simon, the servants had also mistaken it for Simon being dependent and trusting of her. Was that what was happening here? Was everyone in the mansion confused about something again? Or did they just like to see things that were not there?Was someone trying to cause a fallout between herself and madam Sarah? "I'm sorry madam Sarah, but I think this is a misunderstanding, sir Simon has no feelings for me whatsoever. I don't know who told you this, but I promise you, they
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Alvira pushed her cleaning tools up the stairs towards Simon's room with a complicated expression on her face the next morning. After her discussion with Sarah the previous day she had initiated a long conversation with a maid, she met in the changing room. This lady was one of the maids who had been working at the mansion longer than most of the others.The maid who was excited at the idea of a gossip wasted no time in telling her everything she knew of the three years since Simon had been locked in, what he was like after his surgery, and how he had treated his caregivers. Even though she didn’t state it in clear terms, Alvira deduced from what she heard that he was a man who had been ready to give up on life already but couldn’t because Ben wouldn't let him. The mere thought of it broke her heart, ever since she heard Simon's story, she had been a little quieter than she normally was and had a furrowed brow at all times. Her mother noticed and had asked her but she had waved her
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Alvira was helped to the bed where she sat, her hair fell around her framing her face and clinging to her skin like a lover. She watched as Simon also helped himself out of the chair onto the bed and sat beside her.As he did, her thoughts strayed to what she had heard about him the previous day. He had learned to depend on himself as a result of his refusal to accept anyone’s care over the years. She was the first person he had actually allowed to move close to him or help him in three years. She had heard that much from the maid and was informed that it was the singular reason why she had been assigned to his room. She stared at him, did he really trust her as they say? If he did? How much did he trust her? "Let me see your leg,” Simon said the moment he settled himself down in the most comfortable position he could assume, leaning a part of his shoulder slightly on one of the four posts of the bed. He wasn’t very comfortable especially when he was seating there without having
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When Jared came out of the bathroom, he had no choice but to plug in the hand dryer to a nearby socket, placed at a spot where Simon’s hands could reach and leave.When he did, Simon turned to Alvira and handed the teacup to her first, "Here, drink this. It is hot and good for you" He said and Alvira's eyes widened was little, Did he order this for her too? Looking at the sprain medication, he must have also asked them to bring it for her but when did he order this, why didn't she see him when he did? Was it when she was in the bathroom? She wondered as she collected the cup of tea and sipped from it gently. It was hot and delicious, just the way she liked it. She felt relieved as she felt the tea warm her up from the inside.“Thank you.” She said and Simon nodded before patting the spot next to him. "Seat, I’ll help you apply the ointment." He said.He felt happy when he saw the look of satisfaction and relaxation that spread across Alvira’s face when she drank the tea. He was
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The next morning brought a new visitor to the walker's mansion. Clarisse Stone got off the cab that had driven her into the mansion. The white, sleeveless bodycon dress she wore ran all the way to her knee, and her sandy brown straighten hair that had a little curl at its tips fell behind her loosely but a few rested on her right breast in front.She took off her sunglasses as she stared at the mansion for a few minutes, a slight smile on her face as the cab driver helped her offload her numerous luggage from the trunk. As he did, the giant door to the mansion opened and Lara came out, the moment Clarisse saw her she smiled. "Lara!" She called with a smile, a smile also blossomed on Lara’s face and she walked forward, some maids following her. "Mrs. Stone! It’s so good to see you!" Lara said, "I know!" Clarisse exclaimed. "We haven't you in so long," Lara said again as she stopped in front of Clarisse who was smiling brightly. "Oh dear, I have been so busy. You have no idea. I h
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The moment Clarisse was done with her breakfast she walked out of the dining room in her usual bashful manner as she greeted all the maids she met along the way feigning the image of a very rich but humble woman. Looking around, she couldn’t see Lara anywhere around the dining room. Even though she wanted nothing more than the opportunity to look around the house in case she caught a whiff of an exciting information that she could use for her and her husband’s benefit, she knew she couldn’t go looking around just yet, or else it would raise suspicion, especially when she could see that madam Sarah was weary of her. She stopped at the bottom of the stairs and looked up it, she noticed that a wheelchair path had been made there and she sighed. The elderly couple really loved Simon, they even made changes in the mansion for his sake. Too bad he had so much bad luck, if he didn’t, would he have fallen in love with a woman like Lana? She thought and scoffed. All the maids looked at her
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The moment Lara walked out of the guest room where she had been directing the servants to put things in order according to Clarisse's taste, she was met by another maid, who informed her of Sarah's request to see her. She nodded and hurried toward Sarah’s room, she had been overseeing the cleaning and rearrangement of the room the moment she left Clarisse at the dining hall. Not that there was much to put in order as all the guest rooms in the walker's mansion underwent daily cleaning, even though they were always empty, the servants cleaned them just in case of impromptu visits just as this one. Lara wanted to impress Clarisse and priding herself as someone who knew Clarisse more than the other maids she decided to re-arrange the room to Clarisse’s taste.She hurried to Sarah’s room wondering why she had left the dining room so early, she had worked with Sarah for many years and knew her taste better than anyone else, she even knew how fast she ate and how long she spent at the brea
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Somewhere in the city, Josh stood in front of a floor-to-ceiling window dressed in nothing but a white bathrobe, his hair wet, and a little steam still rising from his body as a result of the hot shower he just had.He held a pony tumbler in his hand and slowly drank the brandy that was in it as he overlooked the city below from the 58th floor of his apartment where he lived, he was lost in his thought, things have not been particularly easy for him in the company upon Simon’s return.Simon has begun to suppress him on every side, cutting off his funds both the legal and illegal ones and it had started to take a toll on him, if it hadn’t, would he have asked Clarisse to go to the Walkers' mansion and find any implicating information with which he could defeat Simon? He thought and sighed.Clarisse was wasting too much time, Simon was closing in on him and he knew it, he also knew that the real reason Simon hadn’t made his final move yet was because of the family ties they shared, he
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Alvira looked behind her to make sure no one was following before she quietly slipped into the dressing room. She headed for the maid's locker and tuned the lock according to the numbers she had seen the maid tune it to. The lock opened obediently and she saw the green sachet of the tea bag, along with the check. Alvira frowned at the tea bag and picked it up. She examined it closely and realized it was a normal tea bag, a popular one at that. She had even drunk it herself a few times, there was no issue with it. It was sealed and it was even the company's original product, so she knew its content hadn’t been compromised. She turned it over and read the ingredients, hoping to see something different, but it was the same as the ones she had seen in the past. Her frown deepened, as she saw it contained nutritious herbs. "Did I hear wrongly?" She muttered to herself, then looked at the check within the locker. She picked it up and looked at it. It was indeed a million-dollar check.
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A few minutes later, Alvira rested against the rail of the balcony and looked up at the starless sky, Simon sat not far from her but rather than stare at the sky he had proposed to want to see, he found her more fascinating. Alvira could feel his burning gaze on her back and felt a little awkward to be the subject of his attention, so much so that she didn’t dare to look at him, she just kept looking forward. The dark sky had clouds that covered the stars totally and made it obvious that it would rain sooner or later. Alvira didn’t know why she had been invited to stare at a starless sky but she felt warm in her heart that he had taken the initiative to make her spend time with him. Why was she concerned about this? She didn’t know, and she wasn’t going to worry herself about the answer to that question. She probably just wanted to spend time with him because he used to be her patient and had grown on her, she thought and nodded in agreement with the thought. After standing there f
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