Semua Bab Reincarnation of my competitive spirit : Bab 61 - Bab 70
114 Bab
The end of the first part
It's time for the last show. The matches ended with Yao Tae winningThe first hundred people in the arena were the ones who had the right to choose which sect they would go to after some prizes were distributed to them. On the first ten of them, Yao Tai is ranked first 2nd place Zhi RuThird place Feng Han Fourth place Choi It was Yao Tie's turn to choose which sect he would go to. Everyone is excited. They never thought that Yao Tie who was treated like rubbish in his life now has become number one everybody Even the son of the lord of the middle clan became the third place. Then the middle clan master said, “I thank all the students who attended this year for these wonderful matches, even if it was between beginners.” Then he sighed and continued, “Now is the time for each disciple to choose which sect he will go to in order from the first disciple, Yao Tie, to the last hundred people.” Then he said, “So, Yao Tie, what sect do you want to go to?” Everyone waited for this m
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The beginning of the second part
The door groaned loudly as it gave way to his little green hand. The raw wood matches the rest of the room, and seems to have not received much care in several years. He had entered a long hallway Stretched in the dark from left to right. It appears to have been decorated similarly to the room he had just left, where intermittently lit torches were placed in the metal sconce. The flames on the torches seemed ready to fade at any moment, but they held out constantly, maintaining a low level of light in all directions.Turning to his left, he silently crept up with the dirt and rocky ground, and remained out of sight as he followed the corridor.The long, gloomy corridor came into a hatch. He searched the creature carefully in the dimly lit room from the entrance to the corridor. Yao Tai Bead's eyes flicked left and right, She finally settled on a shifting shadow in the middle of the room. The light emitted by the flame revealed a pale white complexion clad in leather armor. A faint i
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I'm in a dungeon
Yao Tai sneered at the box. If he was so exhausted from fighting just one skeleton, how could he possibly hope to clean up the entire dungeon. The battle highlighted his weakness. Against a single skeleton he would be at an advantage due to his speed, but if there were more than that, he would be as good as dead. Yao Tai decided that he would use his attribute points to enhance his strength.. Inside Yao Tie's little body, he could sense that he would need more than just strength. His mind felt as if it was open. He fell to the ground on his knees and felt great pain. Thoughts, thoughts, and memories that felt out of place but at the same time familiar flowed through his mind and one name sounded through them all. "Isaac".With the pain subsiding, Yao Tie was able to get to know his thoughts once again. . He fell on his butt with a mixed expression on his face as he realized that he had been reborn in another world. He grabbed his head in his hands and turned in the corner of the roo
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Body training
He sat on the ground trying to catch his breath. His arm muscles were sore and he could barely move them.“This will enhance my fighting strength.”He felt that this was really out of this world. When he acquired the skill, he felt that he had already become proficient in the use of swords. On its first life, it will only increase players' damage when using the sword. also , Some sword skills require the [Sword Mastery] skill.[Sword Mastery] Level 1: The basic level of a swordsman. At this level, a person can truly be said to be a swordsman. The effect is damage when using the sword.Yao Tai held the sword and played with it. He really felt like a real swordsman right now. With this, he could accurately locate [stab] into the bones of the skeleton. You don't have to worry about it not hitting the bone When using [stab]. Before that, he was reluctant to use the skill [Stab] because he was worried that his sword would pass through the skeleton's body, so he mostly used his fist and elb
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Dungeon Clearance
He also managed to collect the souls of those skeletons. He collected a total of 31 souls from those skeletons. He still needed a lot of souls before he could use the skill to increase his attributes."Okay, let's do this." Yao Tai took a deep breath as he closed his eyes. After a while, he opened his eyes with the will to fight.You need a group of players to eliminate the dungeon boss. But Yao Tai always fought alone in the game. He has no party members at all. All he needs is himself.He raised his hand and placed his palm on the cold metal door. He pushed it open and took a peek inside the Boss' room.Do!A cold wind brushed his face.Yao Tai took a step forward and entered the room without hesitation. He couldn't see anything as it was so dark.Suddenly, torches lit up around the walls, illuminating the entire room.The room was circular, not containing the four corners of the regular room. Opposite him is a skeleton wearing a black robe. The skeleton was two meters tall and was
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Defeat the dungeon boss
He picked up his sword and smashed the barrier.clatter!He did not give up as he continued to slash with his sword with a loud growl.clatter! clatter! clatter!After a few dashes, note the notch that has formed on the septum. He smiled broadly as he increased his pace of severing his sword.clatter! clatter! clatter!The skeleton slapped his staff on the ground.The barrier flickered dimly and widened.Ohm!"Uh!" Yao Tai shouted as he used the skill [Stab]. His sword pierced the barrier and slashed him down.The barrier shattered like fragile glass.A red light glowed in the mage's eye sockets as the barrier broke. It raised its staff into the air and slowly formed dozens of fireballs.Yao Tie quickly moved his body and charged towards the Skeleton Mage. Again, he throws his sword at the skeleton."It's different this time!"clatter!The sword struck the skeleton, causing it to lose its concentration. The red light on his orb was even brighter.It caused a change in the formation of
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Juggler's robe
There is no bad childThere was a phraseThis phrase was getting on my nervesHe gets angry when she says, "A good kid did a bad thing." How infuriating that phrase was. I used to hate her. This was the worst phrase I have ever heard spread by computer. But now I have to apologize. I'm starting to get the phrase, and at a time when I may not actually be able to say verbally "There's a good kid who did a bad thing-". I sense the meaning. There are no - you see - bad children. yes ; There may be children who do bad things. There may be children who are upset at times. But there is no bad kid. No matter how annoying and troublesome the child is, it is not bad. My children's behavior may sometimes cause me to revolt, but as soon as they go to sleep and you take a look at them, you will find them like little angels, at the height of perfection and completeness. Yes, what they do throughout the day may be exciting and may be disturbing or sinful, but they remain people of good instinct.The
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Some ghouls
The angry person you meet may have had a bad day before seeing you. Let's try to make everyone's day happy before they get hurt by someone else. Let's scatter a measure of vitality and will around us, and then perhaps; I say maybe; This makes cyclists less willing to be obscene and aggressive. Perhaps no one treated him well that day, it was your fault. If only you were kind to him; When he took out his anger on all of us later that same day.Helping, being kind and gentle with everyone will always come easy if you keep in mind that this is what you are supposed to do. This can turn into a learned behaviour. So your first reaction becomes, "Yeah, sure, I can show you how to do that, no problem," instead of, "I'm so busy, can't you ask someone else for that?"Try to apply another method at work, and watch the impact of this on your reputation and work. Having a reputation as a person who is always ready to help will not make you known as a person who sticks his nose in other people's a
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Continue to fight
As you grow older - which does not necessarily mean your wisdom increases, you will gain more experience and expertise. Some of these experiences will be important to others who will be younger, perhaps, but not always. Tell them your experience and what you know. Information is not kept secret in order to preserve it. Do not hoard time in order to preserve it, what is the most valuable thing that you devote your time and information to? If you have a special talent or skill, you must teach it to others. I don't necessarily mean that you should spend all your free time in youth forumsTeach them everything you knowBut if you get the chance, seize it. I was recently asked to give a sermon to a group of six-year-olds about writing. At first I thought: “But I am not an author. I may only be a writer and nothing more.” As for the author, he is a person with much greater qualifications than that, with a more mature work, richer than what I do. My God, what can I tell a six-year-old about
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Cave entry
So where will you work? Do you have a plan? Do you have a goal? Even if it was a modest goal? If you do not have any of this, then you will most likely lose your way. if you have a plan; You will have a greater chance of getting what you want. Knowing where you want to get to is 90% of the battle. Knowing what you want means sitting down and thinking about what you want. And that you are aware of your future, and focus your attention on it. When you look in front of you and decide what you want to do - and there is no right or wrong with that, you can be determined and ambitious as you want, you will be able to draw a plan with logical steps in order to get what you want. Once you have these steps; You can decide in its light what you want to do in order to transfer these steps into reality. Is your goal to acquire additional skills? More goodness? job change? Change the way you work? Whatever needs to be done to reach your goal, do it, do not hesitate, and do not stop at anyone. We a
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