All Chapters of The Fake BadBoy and I : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
58 Chapters
30. One Last Time
LoganI had to make the decision.It was hard, but I had to do it.Earlier today, I didn't stop after killing that guard. I took the gun out of his pocket and went after the main man behind my kidnapping.He was surprised to see me and attempted to make a move a move, but I didn't give him a chance to speak. I pointed the gun and pulled the trigger.It was so easy. I didn't even blink.After that, I ran out to the street and called a rideshare company. Funny enough, the driver didn't ask me a damn thing even after seeing my blood-soaked clothes.And then I made my decision.I couldn't stop thinking about how I felt when I killed those men. The thrill of pulling the trigger and watching someone bigger than me fall to the floor, his eyes clouded as he stared at me helplessly.I could do this again and again and not get tired of it, I thought to myself, and I was disturbed by my own mind. My grandfather was right when he told me our bloodline is tainted. We enjoy watching others suffer a
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31. Meet Cute Part Two
11 years later...DanielThe nightclub? Not my scene.But here I am, being dragged by my boyfriend Stephan because if he doesn't get to dance every Friday night, "he could just die." His words, not mine."Oh, come on, don't make that face. You like my friends!" Stephan chirped.Debatable.Stephan pushes me toward the bar, where his friends are waving at us.Don't get me wrong, I do like his friends, but they are just a little too wild for my taste."It's not that I don't like them, it's just that...don't you think I'm a little too old for this kind of lifestyle?I look around as if to confirm that I am the only thirty-year-old accountant in the club. And rest assured, everyone looks at least five or six years younger than me."Age is just a number, honey. Let's just enjoy ourselves," Stephan said. I sit at the end of the bar quietly, listening to their mindless conversation. I try to think of a good excuse to slide out of here without hurting Stephan's feelings, but my mind draws a b
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32. Come With Me
Logan Daniel. He hasn't changed other than looking a bit older. He is the same grumpy ole Daniel. Just like how I remember him. He doesn't know I've been secretly watching over him all these years. I know about his dumb accountant job and boring boyfriend already. It made me seethe with jealousy. "Seriously, Daniel. You should be overjoyed to see me again after all these years and warmly embrace me. But instead, you punch me." I pout. "That's because you are an obnoxious jerk, Logan. How could you disappear without saying a word and then show up out of nowhere?" he barked. "To be fair, I didn't just 'show up.' I'm simply hanging out at my club," I shrug. Daniel squints his eyes. "Your club?" "Yes. The club that I just bought. It's pretty banging, eh?" I wink. "I don't give a fuck about your stupid club. I'm going to my friends because we are done here," Daniel says irritably and tries to walk away, but John grabs his arm. "No one leaves until Boss says he is done with the con
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33. Dream Job
Daniel"So let me get this straight. You punched that man in the club, and he offered you a job with double the salary?" Stephan tilts his brow and looks at me like I grew a second head."Well, not exactly that black and white, but yeah, pretty much," I said.Stephan's eyes are glinting as if this excites him. "So what happens now?""I don't know what you are asking.""I am asking if you will take the job or not. You are, right? He is offering you a shit ton of money!" Stephan chirped.I shake my head. I want to stay away from Logan as much as possible.But at the same time, all the feelings I felt for him in the past came rushing back."You never told me who he is and what kind of relationship you have with him. So why did you punch him at the club?" Stephan said in the same breath.Here comes the questions. I was afraid of that."He is no one," I saw grimly."You are full of shit," Stephan declares."Alright. He is my friend from high school, and he is also the son of my adoptive pa
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34. Stalking Daniel
Logan"What do you want from me!?"I reply to his question in the form of a punch on his already bruised, stupid, bearded face."I don't want anything from you, Jason. What makes you think I need anything, hmm? Maybe I just wanted the pleasure of your company," I smirked."Fuck off, Logan!" he spits out.I grin, then grab the back of his neck and slam his face on the table.I hear a crack, it must be the sound of his jaw breaking. Music to my ears.He makes some type of gurgling noise instead of screaming. Good, I hate the sound of people screaming. It's better when they take my beating like a man."Let me tell you why you're here, Jason. Does the name Alejandro Dominguez sound familiar to you?""Aleja-...what he got to do with this?""Your little brother Alejandro stole from me, honey bunny. And then ran off with the best girl from my club. Do you have any idea how hard it is to replace someone like Fiona? I'm trying to run a business," I said calmly."He is just...he is young and in
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35. Take the Offer
Daniel"Can we just go home?" I ask Stephan at the party, slightly irritated.I didn't want to come in the first place, but here I am, sitting on the couch, bored to tears."We just got here, sugarplum! You can't already be bored!" Stephan squealed. I could smell his breath as he leaned closer, and it stank of Vodka. He had constantly been drinking since we got here.I mean, no judgment here. I've had my fare share of drinking when I drowned my misery in bottles of scotch. After Logan left...Ugh, fucking Logan. I can't stop thinking about him. Every morning I wake up, he comes to my mind, nagging at me. I am tempted to accept his damn job offer just so I can be close to him again. What is wrong with me!?"Why don't you come upstairs with me and check out the master bedroom?" Stephan gives me a seductive look.I look at him and momentarily forget about Logan. Stephan is hella cute and can be fun. The offer is tempting."Yeah? And then do what?" I raise my eyebrows."Then we test out t
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36. Me, Myself and I
*Warning: 18+ content. (Kind of)*LoganI can't believe it. My plan is working, and Daniel agreed to work under me.And boy...would he look delicious under me.Stop it, Logan; control your mind!After I scold myself in my head for being a disgusting human being, I make some phone calls.First, I call the office and let them know to expect Daniel tomorrow. The building has high security; no one is allowed to go in and out without proper identification, so I wanted to make sure Daniel has no problem getting through security. The last thing I want is to have him get shot in the head.Second, I made sure his office was as close to me as possible. I couldn't go another day without seeing his face. I need to come up with various excuses to call him into my office. Maybe I will hire someone who is good at excuses.God, I'm acting like a teenage girl in love, but I yearned for him. It's like an itch that wouldn't go away.But what do I do with that boyfriend of his?Honestly, it would be a lo
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37. Let's Meet Trisha
DanielI look around the place as a short skinny guy shows me around.My new job.It terrifies me every time I think about Logan being my new boss. Oh dear god, what have I gotten myself into!?"The last thing I want to show you is your office," the guy says."Sorry, I know we've been talking for half an hour now, but I can't seem to remember your name," I said, chuckling nervously."That's because I didn't tell you my name," he said curtly and continued to walk ahead.Friendly guy.We stop in front of a small office. Small but cozy. I fell in love with it immediately."This will be your new office," the man announced."It's great!" I gush. I look around and spot a second door. Some kind of closet? "What's that door?""That's the door that leads to Boss's office," he replied.I stop in my tracks. "Boss, as in...""Our boss, Logan Wolf. This is an adjoining room to his office."Suddenly I don't love this room anymore."Eh...shouldn't his secretary or something be next to him?" I ask. I
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38. Logan is Bad
DanielSurprisingly enough, Trisha did remember Logan. She was so young I thought she wouldn't think about him at all.She greeted Logan with a big smile as he wrapped his arms around her. "Logan! I thought you died!" she exclaimed."Damn girl, you just went and killed me off." Logan chuckled. His grey eyes were glinting as he looked genuinely happy to see her. "Sorry, I didn't mean to come off rude. But I'm glad you're still alive. I bet Danny is happy to see you." Trisha smirked.Logan looked at me and winked, knowing what I was thinking. "I don't know. Why don't you ask Danny what he is thinking?""Mia told me you would be back someday. She misses you, you know," Trisha said.Logan's eyes turned dark. "I miss her too. I'll go see her at the next family event. We can all go together." Logan paused and looked at me. "As a family."Family? He must be joking. I consider his parents and his sister as a part of my family now but Logan? Far from it."That would be great! You are staying
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39. It's My Birthday
DanielI don't have the time to react to the explosion noise as my door bursts open, and Logan runs in."Take cover!" he screams at me."Huh? What happen..." I don't have the chance to finish as he jumps on top of me, knocking me off my chair."Dude! What the hell?" I yelp."Didn't you hear that noise? I think we are under attack!" Logan exclaims as he shoves me under the table."BOSS!" I hear someone roar."Why are you here? Go take care of whoever is outside!" Logan screamed at him and then turned to me. "Damn it, Danny. This is only your second day at the job, and you are already in danger. I'm so sorry!" he says and grabs my face. He doesn't even give me a chance to blink as he pulls me toward him and locks my lips to his.I push him, breaking the kiss. "Ugh, dude! Why are you always kissing me?""Because I can't let you get shot, my precious!"I groan. Is he not capable of taking anything seriously?The man at the door clears his throat. "No one is in danger, Boss."Logan narrows
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