All Chapters of Daddy Dominant's Good Girl: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
180 Chapters
Chapter 131: Out in the Cold
**Olivia POVThe morning after Ellis took me to the new playroom, I woke up feeling tired and a little achy. Throughout the day I began to feel a little sick and stayed in bed, hoping that Ellis would come soon and take care of me.I woke in the dark of night to find that he had not come. I felt sad and lonely. I told myself that he must have been very busy with work and he would certainly make sure to come and see me the following day.When I was able to get out of bed, I went to find his driver.“Can you run to the store for some medicine?” I asked.“Of course,” he answered.“And, please tell Mr. Peterson that I am not feeling well.”The driver gave me a hesitant nod but I was too tired to question it. I went back to the room to lie down and fell asleep again.I took the medicine when I woke up. It helped push away the growing body aches and I was able to eat a little bit of the chef’s food that night before bed.“Do you think Ellis will show up tonight?” I felt foolish asking.
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Chapter 132: Recovery
I held Olivia in my arms the entire way back to the villa. I became worried as her cold, pale skin became flushed and hot. I took her to the bedroom ordering the servants to prepare a warm bath for her. I quickly worked to remove her wet clothes and marveled at how slim and light her body was.Has she always been so small? No, she was petite but her body had been strong and healthy, full of life the last time I was with her.Once she was undressed, I lifted her and carefully put her in the waiting bath. She groaned a little and began to move as I submerged her body but she quickly calmed down and relaxed against the tub.“Would you like some help, Mr. Peterson?” a servant asked from the door.“Where was your help before she left here?” I snapped. “Just prepare some warm tea and listen out for the doctor. I will take care of her.”I knew that it wasn’t their fault. I had given them orders not to talk to her about me or worry me about her. I had no idea what was wrong with me. I knew
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Chapter 133: The Other Woman
For the rest of the day it was as if Ellis couldn’t do enough to make sure all of my needs were taken care of. He called his assistant on the phone to say that he would be at the villa taking care of me for the next several days and only to bother him if it was important.He made sure I took my medicine on time and even insisted on spoon feeding me soup so I didn’t have to worry about my shaking hands spilling it. He smiled at me lovingly throughout the day and even held me until I fell asleep that night.I dreamt again of me, Ellis, and Ken as a family. In my sleep I knew that I was missing Ken terribly, But I also knew that I was closer to bringing his father back home with me. I woke in the middle of the night to find he was still holding me and snuggled even deeper into his embrace.Ellis woke me up the next morning with breakfast in bed.“How are you feeling?” he asked, helping me sit up. He kissed my forehead and used his hand to check for fever. His face showed a little concer
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Chapter 134: It’s Time to Choose
**Ellis POVThe last thing I expected to hear when I walked up to the villa was Brenda and Olivia exchanging heated words.It seemed I had returned to the villa just in time. If I’d known Brenda would be stopping by, I never would have left. I only had a moment to wonder how she found this place before I hurried through the door.I was stunned to see that Olivia was being backed up and confronted by Brenda. She looked very worried and scared. That is the only thing that registered to me. I barely made out what they were saying.I could see the volatile way that Brenda’s body was trembling in front of Olivia as she stepped closer to her. The aggressive pitch in her tone and the threatening clench of her fists were something I’d never seen from her before, and I knew that I needed to intervene.I was just grateful that I was able to grab her arm before she struck Olivia. But her arm was trembling. When she turned her eyes to look at me I could see the anger that burned inside, but quic
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Chapter 135: Kidnapped
**Olivia POVI could see the regret in his eyes as Ellis shook his head.I felt my rising hopes fall to the ground and turned my look of disappointment to my plate. I took a deep breath in and let it out.“Why did you end things with her?” I asked quietly.“Because… it just felt like the right thing to do,” he told me, and I looked back up into his eyes.Although the disappointment was there, I knew that it would still take time for him to remember everything. I knew all the lies that his supposed fiancée said to him. So of course, I knew that he would be relatively confused as to what and whom would be telling the truth.But to prove everything sure would be rather tricky. But just knowing and seeing him there with me made me give him a small smile.It only took a few moments of smiling at each other before I got up and leaned over him. I gave him a hug. Giving a friendly hug felt rather harmless. A hug showed compassion and I had love in my eyes, and I knew he needed that right n
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Chapter 136: Bought and Sold
The driver’s strong arms caught me from falling as I continued to stumble behind him down the stairs. I heard him chuckle. I didn't find any of this funny. I yelped loudly as I stumbled again on the last step.He continued to drag me into the club."Klutzy loser." The driver chuckled some more while he dragged me toward a man who stood behind the bar.“Excuse me? You try walking down the stairs while someone else drags you. I bet you would trip too. This isn’t funny in any way shape or form.” I hissed at him.I heard the driver laugh at my comment. But he stayed silent. As I got closer to the bar, I could smell cigarettes and alcohol. It stunk, in my opinion. I could see condoms, beer bottles, napkins, and tissues all over the floor around one of the tables.I could only imagine what and why those things even lay there. My mouth dropped as I saw a young woman slide past me wearing a bikini. I also saw another woman that looked only partly dressed.I realized that this must be an un
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Chapter 137: Where is Olivia?
**Brenda POVI hung up the phone. My heart raced as I was just informed that the love of my life just figured out all of his d*mn memories. My heart sank at the thought of losing him once again. I knew I couldn’t let that happen. Not this time. I hurried to dial Joan. The phone rang twice before I heard her familiar voice.“Hello, Brenda,” she answered.“We have a problem,” I said instantly. There was no reason to sugarcoat it or not get right down to the point.“Let me guess. He recovered his memories and knows who Olivia really was to him,” Joan said without hesitation.“Correct. He figured it out. What now?”“I told you he would figure it out. I didn’t think it would be that quick though. I told you that you were too impatient.” Joan rubbed it in Brenda knowing all too d*mn well of how Brenda was.“Oh, shut up. Don’t you dare tell me the phrase ‘I told you so.’ I don’t need to hear it. So, any suggestions?” I asked her.“Well, we will think of something. Just give me a minute to thi
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Chapter 138: So We Meet Again
**Olivia POVI was kept waiting in a locked room until a burly man who looked like a bodyguard came to collect me. I bypassed people in the strip club, who were giving me curious gazes as I asked for help or someone to call the police. No one moved to help or seemed concerned about what was happening to me.I was pulled along until we were outside in front of a town car that I recognized. A moment later, Bennett Klein emerged from the car and took me by the hand to guide me to take a seat inside. I began to relax, the softness of the leather seats comforting me as my racing heart began to slow and stopped pounding so heavily.Bennett made his way to the other side of the car and took the seat next to me before the driver pulled off. I sat still in a daze from being kidnapped and sold, but sitting in the back seat of this town car, I was feeling much safer than before.Sitting next to Bennett had me still on edge, but it felt better than where I imagined I could have ended up, especi
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Chapter 139: I’m Not That Forgiving
Seeing Bennett wave and get into the car helped with the anxiety that I’d felt over the last several hours.Once he pulled out of the parking lot and sped away, I felt even better. I breathed a big sigh of relief as I continued to hang on tight to Ellis. I enjoyed feeling his arm around my back. Feeling the light breeze around Ellis and me made me feel calmer too. The small breeze kept me cool too, considering how I sweat when I get nervous sometimes.“Go ahead and go back to the estate. I will be there shortly. Wait for me there,” Ellis instructed his bodyguard.I saw the bodyguard nod and head back to the car. Seeing the bodyguard take the driver out of the trunk did make me feel a little better as well. Whether someone did something wrong or not, I didn’t believe anyone deserved to be inside a trunk.I saw the bodyguard push the driver into the back seat and then he got into the driver's seat. The car drove off rather quickly. I could hear the wheels peel out and a mark could be
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Chapter 140: The Truth and Consequences
**Ellis POVRelief washed over me as I watched them take Brenda away. Just knowing that she would be gone and also face justice for everything that she has done to my family made me feel better. A long sigh escaped me as I turned and kissed Olivia on the cheek. I could see that she too felt better and safe once again.As I turned my face back around, I saw Joan's face become pale white. Like she just saw a ghost. Her eyes looked wide like a deer in headlights. Her mouth dropped open and she put her hands to her face.I could see her start to shake with fear as she stood near the door. She looked like she didn't know what to do or what to think at this point. Maybe she felt that she just lost her only friend and the battle. But I didn't know for sure. At least not yet.I cleared my throat and spoke once again. "So, let's talk about you, Joan. Have a seat." I pointed to the couch."Me? I don't know what there would be to talk about. I've been here the whole time. I just wanted what's b
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