All Chapters of Daddy Dominant's Good Girl: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
180 Chapters
Chapter 31: Kiss it Better
Ellis tapped his fingers on the bar top, the edges of his mouth turned down in a subtle frown. I twisted my napkin in my lap, waiting for him to scold me or something. It was the first time where I felt like Ellis was a parent about to punish me. And I needed to be punished! I'd been so stupid to think I could pull off an 'innocent' date without hurting Ellis or Paul. "I…" I lifted my eyes and Ellis's stern face shut me up immediately. I chewed the inside of my cheek and shifted from side to side on the barstool. I wanted him to say something, anything! Just when it felt like the silence would stretch on forever, Ellis waved the bartender over and closed out his tab. I stole a glance, hoping he was ready to talk. Ellis beckoned me with his hand. "Come with me," he ordered. I swallowed hard as his deep, commanding voice swallowed me. Unable to control myself, I slid off the barstool and followed him. He didn't look directly at me, but he reached behind himself and grabbed my wrist
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Chapter 32: Caught in the Act
**Ellis POV"I thought we had that issue cleared up?" I walked out of a highrise in the City with my phone pressed against my ear. "Didn't I ask for Dominique to take care of that?""She's doing the best she can, but Dominique isn't Marilyn," Mike explained. I hopped in my car and waited for the Bluetooth to take over the call before driving to the Red Sea. "Well, give her whatever support she needs. If she's still not working out in a few weeks, we'll reconsider her position," I declared. "You got it. I'll see you tomorrow," Mike parted. He hung up and I sighed in relief. My work never seems to end. I ordered a whiskey at the Red Sea bar. It was too stressful of a night for red wine alone. The bartender graciously opened a tab for me. A woman I didn't recognize slipped onto the barstool beside me. She ordered a dirty martini and sat there, sucking the olives on the toothpick between her puffy red lips. I gave her a quick glance. She was dressed professionally but it was clear sh
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Chapter 33: Using My Grandmother Jacqueline
**Olivia POVWhile getting caught up on school, I hadn't been able to drop by the hospital and visit my grandmother like I normally did. So, when she called me one afternoon while I was headed back to my apartment, my stomach twisted in guilt. "Grandma Jaqueline," I greeted. "How are you?""Hello honey, I was calling to see how you were. I haven't heard from you in a while," she said. I winced, my guilt picking up again. "I know. I'm really sorry I haven't called or come to see you. I've been really busy with school. I know that's not a good excuse.""Oh, Sweetie, don't worry about me. I'm not going anywhere," she stated surely, chuckling lightly. "How are you feeling? Are you starting to feel stronger?" I asked. She'd been recovering in the hospital, which is why I'd been trying to keep her company. I felt bad she was there alone without family most of the time. "I'm feeling a lot better, thank you. I've got plenty of people around here taking care of me. How are your studies?" I
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Chapter 34: I Want You, Olivia
**Ellis POVNo matter how many emails I answered, my inbox was never cleared. I slogged through one business email after the other. A necessity of the job, but I was much more interested in rectifying the wrong that Carl had done to Olivia and her family. Steps had already been taken to make his life more difficult, but he had yet to figure it out. There was a knock on my office door and I pulled my eyes away from the computer screen. "Come in," I called. "Mr. Peterson, I'm sorry to bother you. I just got a call from the owner of a club in town. He said he had a report that you'd be interested in," my assistant announced, poking his head through the door."Should I call him back?" I asked, arching my eyebrow at the assistant. "I got his contact information right here," my assistant gestured towards me. He stepped up to my desk and dropped a slip of paper down on it. "He said he's available all afternoon.""Thank you."I motioned to the door and my assistant backed out. I grabbed my
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Chapter 35: What I Lack Versus What She Needs
**Olivia POV"You… what?" I asked. Had Ellis really just asked me to be his girlfriend. When I told him I wanted to give him a gift, that wasn't what I'd had in mind. I thought I could get him a rare bottle of wine or cigars or something. Could I really date Ellis? Could I publicly be with him and have that kind of attention? Being his girlfriend meant the world would find out about us. It was more than that, though. Carl would find out about us. I had no lingering feelings for Carl, but I doubted it would make life easier once he found out I was involved with his dad. Ellis had been good to me. He'd helped me out, protected me, lavished me with fine things. Through it all, I'd had my own insecurities. He was good at flashing money around to get what he wanted and now I was what he wanted. How long would that last, though? His track record with women said that he got bored easily. Not to mention, Ellis frequented auctions where he was willing to spend money on women for his 'dung
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Chapter 36: He Won't Give Up Easily
**Olivia POVWhen my classes were done for the day, I was half expecting Ellis to show up again. He wasn't outside the university. He wasn't at my apartment either, and there were no new gifts. I was a little disappointed. Had he given up already? I really thought Ellis would have put more effort into winning me over and proving himself. He never backed down from a challenge, as far as I could tell. It wasn't until the next day at lunch time that he showed up again. I had made it through my morning classes, obsessively checking my phone to see if he was calling or texting. He wasn't. When I left my last class for the morning, I wanted to get myself a quick snack before studying at the library. I wanted to ensure that my studies weren't falling behind because of the drama with Carl, Bethany, and especially, Ellis. But, just as I was about to right my negligence, there Ellis was, leaning casually against an iron lamp post. He was dressed in a slick, black suit with a white button d
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Chapter 37: I Can Make All Your Dreams Come True
Ellis started bringing me lunch every day. The nice weather was holding, so we got to eat outside on the campus picnic tables. Every day, his meals got a little better. I was almost able to actually enjoy them. Of course, he'd always bring something from a restaurant too, something that I could really eat and enjoy after giving his unpredictable cooking a try. I was surprised Ellis never got frustrated or upset with my reactions to his culinary skills, or lack thereof. At least, he was noticeably getting better with consistency."Okay, what do you think of the filet mignon?" he asked as I carved another tender, juicy slice off the cut of meat. "Well, this is definitely the best meal yet," I admitted. I popped the meat in my mouth and let the juices seep out, over my tongue. It wasn't the best filet I'd ever had, but I was able to appreciate it for what it was. "You didn't buy this and repackage it?" I asked playfully.He seemed slightly offended. "I'm just teasing," I assured him.
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Chapter 38: Lost At Sea
"Excuse me?" Ellis growled. He grabbed my arm and gently tugged me from the door. The woman laughed, pulling our attention back. She was tall, slim, and had legs that went on for miles. She had the aesthetics of a supermodel, even though she was clearly closer to Ellis' age than I was. "Of course, you know who I am," she said. "How couldn't you remember, dear?"Dear?! What was going on here? Who was she?Her insistence bothered me and I looked at Ellis, expecting him to jump in with an explanation any time soon. He just shook his head, his hand still firmly around my elbow. "Look, I don't know who you are. Now, will you please get off my property," Ellis demanded, glaring at the woman. I looked back and forth between them. Either he really didn't know who she was or he was desperate to cover up their past. "Now you're just playing hard to get," the woman spat. "It wasn't THAT long ago when we met up so I could see our son on holiday...." She beamed with a smile and batted her eyel
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Chapter 39: The Tables Have Turned
Waves pounded over my head as I dove deeper into the sea. I surfaced and looked around for that purple silk. "Olivia!" I shouted, my voice hardly making a sound over the waves. Taking a deep breath, I dove back under. My fingers caught on something stringy and loose. Hair. I opened my eyes under the water and saw Olivia suspended there. Wrapping my arms around her, I hauled her above the surface. "Come on, breathe!" I demanded, shaking her as I treaded water. Her head flopped to the side; eyes closed. She was unconscious. "Hang on, princess," I muttered. "I'm here."I kicked my legs out, propelling both of us to the shore. My back hit the sand, and I dragged Olivia from the water. I laid her flat on the sand and patted her cheek. She was so pale, her lips discolored. How long had she been under the water?"Come on," I urged, patting her cheek harder. I started CPR, pressing the heels of my hands hard into her chest. One, two, three, four, I pressed and pressed into her. "Come o
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Chapter 40: Convalescence and Consummation
"Olivia," Ellis called my name. "I'm here," I assured him. I placed another cool cloth on his forehead. He mumbled something incoherent and tossed and turned in his delirium. I'd been watching over him all night, but his condition hadn't changed."Olivia," he called again. He lifted his hand like he wanted to reach for me. "Ellis," I replied. I grabbed his hand and squeezed. "I'm not leaving you."Just as the sun was rising over the ocean, bathing the room in bright, golden light, Ellis stopped mumbling and calling my name. It was like he finally settled into a peaceful sleep. I pulled the cloth from his head and checked his temperature. His fever was definitely coming down, but he wasn't back to normal yet. As I got a fresh cloth, I heard the doorbell ring. "Who could that be?" I wondered aloud. I put the fresh cloth on Ellis's forehead and I tucked the covers in around him so he was snug and comfortable. I didn't want to leave him, but the doorbell rang again and it didn't see
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