All Chapters of Her Billionaire and Her Baby: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
50 Chapters
Chapter 21: The Realization
Chapter 21Ever since their conversation, Max has kept an unusual distance between himself and Maryanne. It is different than when they weren't talking to one another; now every time they're in the same room together, Max avoids her. He will move to the other side of the room and avert his gaze. He refuses to look at her and when he does talk to her, his voice is carefully business like.Riley is playing in the theatre room as the movie Frozen plays. Maryanne sits nearby, her legs pulled up onto the chair as she watches the little girl. Max is late tonight, more than likely driving back from the city. Memories of Max in his penthouse, with different women hanging all over him rush through her mind, causing nausea to build in her stomach. What if he is at the penthouse? He promised that he would come home every night, but he could always come up with an excuse.Maryanne's heart drops as she thinks about him being with another woman. Why does it matter? They aren't dating like they w
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Chapter 22: A Complication
Standing in front of the door leading to Max's office, Maryanne pauses to try and calm her racing heart. The butterflies that appeared the day before are still within her stomach, fluttering around. Swallowing her budding emotions, she knocks on the door. When she hears a rough grunt from within, she eases her way in."Max?""Yeah," he responds, his eyes glued to the paperwork in front of him. He tilts his head toward her, listening."I'm sorry that it's such short notice. With everything going on, I completely forgot. The girls from work are planning to come over today for our normal weekly book club meeting. We have put it all off for the last few weeks because of the move and Riley." She rushes through her explanation, unsure of how it will play out.Max remains quite for a moment, his eyes not leaving his desk. He slowly nods, "Oh, okay that sounds fun."He doesn't say anything else and Maryanne feels an awkward tension rising in the air."I wanted to ask a big favor." She slo
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Chapter 23: Awkward
Maryanne tries to hold back a grumbling sigh as she now sits around the meeting table with her friends and Max. He is sitting straight up with his hands in his lap. Surprising to Maryanne, he is acting very open to the prospect of sitting through an hour long discussion of a classic novel."Alright, so where did you ladies want to begin," Maryanne questions, setting her copy down in front of her. She continuously shifts it around, nervous as Max's gaze is now on her."Max, have you ever read the book?" Jessica glances at him momentarily, scrutinizing his visage."Of course he hasn't. He—"Max cuts Maryanne off abruptly, "Actually, I have. I find Lizzie's prejudice against Darcy interesting. She treats him harshly because of his wealth and seemingly obvious pride, but she does not realize that he is not as spoiled and rude as he may first appear. It's a lesson we can all use in our lives," he said with a pointed glance towards Maryanne."Maryanne is unable to utter a word. Is this
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Chapter 24: Left Alone
Maryanne tries to force her shoulders to relax. Jessica saved the day by asking for a tour of the mansion. This way they are all split up and intrusive questions can be forgotten.She is lagging behind Jessica and Veronica who are arm-in-arm swaying along together. They both continue to look up at the walls and ceilings with awe.Maryanne can understand their reaction. It is the same as hers when she first arrived. This house is much more than any of them could have ever imagined themselves living in. The front door is surrounded by columns, and the staircases themselves are grand, swooping around in the air with golden inlaid bannisters. The steps are made out of marble similar to the main floor, but at the top of each landing are large red carpets contrasting the golden hue of the railings.Walls are covered with beautiful, serene wallpaper of flowers and it causes a sense of home to fall over Maryanne."It feels very homey, even if it is a mansion," Jessica states, bringing to l
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Chapter 25: Confrontation
Maryanne holds at bay her anxiety as she says goodbye to her friends. Max stands across the foyer and yet she can feel his stare burning a hole in the back of her head. Jessica is all but dragging Shelley from the house as their coworker continues to argue. Veronica leaves them behind and walks to her car, waving goodbye to them before driving away quickly. Shelley finally throws Jessica off and walks to her SUV on her own. She throws open the door and gets in, slamming herself in with a tantrum.Jessica sighs and waves at Maryanne once more before also leaving.All too eager and yet reluctant to slam the door, Maryanne waits, staring at the now closed door, emotions building up into her throat. The silence in the house is almost deafening, ringing in her ears. Maryanne wonders if she can just quietly walk up to her room without being confronted. She knows it is a slim chance, since Max is just standing there and staring at her. She can hope though. She refuses to even look at him
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Chapter 26: Shelley, Down!
The next day Maryanne enters work with dread filling her chest. She does not want to face Shelley or really any questions about what had happened. She is emotionally exhausted after her talk with Max and the pressure of the woman's constant nagging only causes the stress to weigh down on her shoulders. Max has refused to talk to her since then, but every time that she caught him looking at her, he would smirk. It causes irritation to be her constant companion. He is toying with her; he has to be.Why does he decide to be nice only some of the time? He buys her a car, and yet ignores her. He is too complicated for Maryanne to figure out.It technically is her fault for using him in the first place, but his reaction is unnecessary. Maryanne was only trying to protect him from Shelley, right? What other reason would she have?She reaches her desk and sighs, placing her rugged purse next to her chair and taking off her jacket. The winter cold still bites at her bones and she finds herself
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Chapter 27: Danger Alert
Maryanne never likes driving in the city. It is always too crowded and bustling. She is not the best driver, and so the possibility of getting into a car accident only increases. As she pulls into the parking lot of the restaurant, Riley begins to get worked up, pulling at her seat belt and crying. Maryanne's stress level elevates as she parks and unbuckles."Just wait," she calls back to the child as she opens the door. "One second." Trying to get Riley out of the car is turning out to be more of a hassle than Maryanne first thought. Riley shrieks that she is hungry and hot as Maryanne tries to put the girl's jacket on. Riley wriggles her arms from the sleeves, large crocodile tears falling down her puffy cheeks. Maryanne fights the urge to scream."Come on Riley, just behave, please," Maryanne finds herself begging Riley, her throat closing, making it difficult to speak.The girl refuses, though, now resorting to kicking and throwing herself back into her car seat."Riley," Maryann
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Chapter 28: Saved By The Billionaire
As Maryanne pulls away from the woman, the stranger's nails drag across her flesh, slicing deep. She releases a whimper, almost tipping over a chair. She bites any retort she might have back as the woman continues to advance.The terror pulsating through Maryanne's body has her vision wavering. She remembers that Riley is in her grasp and she tries to build the confidence to protect her."What do you want," Maryanne shouts, glancing around in hopes that someone will intervene. Some of the other families are watching in horror, while a waiter runs across the floor into the back of the restaurant. She tightens her grip and shifts so that Riley is not close to the woman. She looks around, searching for a way out. Her arm throbs in tune with her racing heart. She can feel the warm blood dripping down her skin, but ignores it as her attention is tuned in on the crazed stranger in front of her.The woman's face is distorted, and her eyes are sunken into her face. "I want Riley. I should
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Chapter 29: Bodyguard Please!
As Maryanne breathes in deeply, her arm still throbbing, the doctor leans back, adjusting his glasses. They are all within the main living room of the mansion, Max having forced her to sit down as soon as they arrived."It was a good choice in calling me. Even small cuts such as these can turn for the worse if untreated." He closes his case of medical equipment.Maryanne shifts her arm around, seeing if the slight throb will fall into agony. She winces as she proves her hypothesis right, and the gauze tightens. She lowers her arm once more and holds back the painful sigh caught in her throat.Max is hovering over the side of the doctor, his arms folded and his brow hard. "But she's okay doctor?" He only steps back in order to allow the man to stand up from his chair.He nods, staring down at Maryanne's wrapped arm, "Yes, perfectly healthy. I treated the wounds and wrapped them, but they should start closing up shortly.""Thank you very much." Max releases one of his arms in order to
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Chapter 30: Family Life
Riley giggles and dances around the room, throwing tassels up in the air.Maryanne smiles as she watches the young girl. She is untangling some string lights as Max is resituating the evergreen in their large living room, making sure it isn't tilting. He is wearing a tight t-shirt that hugs his muscles, his body rippling with the effort of his task. He grunts as he almost loses his grip on the tree.Maryanne presses her lips together briefly to hold back a laugh. Frustration builds in her chest as the lights only become more tangled. She sighs and drops her hands, "Remember, you agreed, we're on a budget." She rubs her arm that has only just recently healed from Caroline's attack. She has faint pink scars zipping across her flesh. They are only noticeable when the light catches them at the right moment."Yes, yes, I know," Max sighs, standing back. He cocks his head to the side to eye his work. Satisfied, he pivots toward Maryanne and grabs the lights from her grasp, untangling them
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