All Chapters of The Throne of a Thousand Swords: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
54 Chapters
One Year of Training
For one year and a half, Josiah took the words of his mother's loyal servant to the risk and went out to train every single day after the farm work. Thomas would supervise him, as promised, and they would return home late at night.Josiah would slay beasts to strengthen his sword and would train on the air and inanimate objects to strengthen his skill expertise. Occasionally he would also spar with Thomas himself, who would then give him some tips.In that night they were sparring with each other. Whenever Thomas was about to overcome the kid with his weapon he would stop right before the blade cut him through. Josiah didn't hold the skill to do the same, but so far he never needed to, as he never landed a single blow on the old man.But he was getting better fast. As of now, it was very unlikely he would let himself get caught before thirty seconds of fighting.In the middle of an exchange of clashes, Josiah was analyzing:'There… He always uses his body weight and momentum to lean m
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End of a Promise
Josiah got so obsessed with him unlocking a new ability that he could barely sleep. On the next day he quickly finished his chores at the farm so that he could stay free to practice his newly acquired skill. He was willing to check the extent of the power of his newly acquired weapons. 'Apart from inner strength was there something else? What if the bound weapons generated by the blood reaction also gave other weapons powers as well? That would be the best!' he thought.Josiah knew the quockpete he fought that day over a year ago lived in a swamp near the farm, ever since that day he moved out from the woods after he killed its partner. Thomas had told him not to go there until he was ready, but every once in a while, the stubborn Josiah would disobey and try.It took him over a year, but lately, he had been able to almost deal with it. Although he didn't have much confidence in his win since he would win 1 or 2 out of 10 battles in his current state.This time, however, Josiah had an
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"Are you okay?""You… I told you to run away… Argh."The girl ran to Josiah in order to help him lift his body out of the grass."Not now. You are all hurt. Come.""Come? Where? Do you live around here? I also live nearb…" 'Wait' Josiah interrupted himself with a thought: 'it's better to let her mother treat me or something. If the old man finds out I was fighting a pair of those things out of his sight he'll never teach me anything again.'He followed the girl around the forest. She would walk fast with her hand on his arm, but her fast wasn't exactly his fast, as he was accustomed to Thomas' heavy training.She wasn't much of a talker either, probably an age thing."How old are you?""Five. And you?""F… Er… I'm also five." Josiah answered. 'Yeah… That's my age.' He thought."Then we are the same age!"She stopped running for a second and looked at Josiah.She had deep black eyes and a bright smile."I am Lenny.""I am Josiah.""Come. Let's go."She resumed walking."But then again…
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Mastering the New Ability
"Hey Josiah, where were you?" Thomas asked.He was in the front of the entrance and Josiah knew he wouldn't let him in without answering properly."I… Was in a friend's house," Josiah answered. 'Not exactly a lie…' He thought."A friend? What friend?"'Good. The conversation took this turn instead' Josiah celebrated internally."Have you ever heard of a girl named Lenny living around, Thomas?" he asked carrying the most neutral intonation he could while he casually walked around Thomas to the interior of the house. 'Maybe if I pretend nothing wrong happened, he won't notice…'The servant followed him in and answered the question sincerely:"Lenny…? No… Can't say I have. Who is she? Daughter of the milkman?""She said she lives nearby, but she has no parents. She lives on her own...""How would a child live alone on her own?""I know, right? It must be hard. I was thinking… Don't we have space for someone else…""…No!" Thomas interrupted.Josiah swallowed his words."But…""Young master
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Emerging War
"Thomas…? Thomas? Are you ok?"Josiah was crouching, standing next to the servant's eyes, who had collapsed on the floor."For low long did I sleep?""Did you sleep? I don't know… Two seconds? You just fell and now I'm here.""Ouch, I see… This feels like… This feels like back when someone in the castle wanted to poison lady Mirild's chalice and, as the cupbearer was out, I had to experiment it first. I remember seeing all spinning around and then I fell down, exactly like that," Thomas said as he rubbed his face and tried standing up. "I believe this weapon can strike at distance. I am completely sure your attack was out of my range after I dodged it.""So it's like a mid-ranged attack with a poisoning effect?""If so, a somewhat mild one. I felt the dizziness but I don't feel anything inside my stomach, in fact, I can just get up just fin…"He stumbled upon his own legs and fell down again before he could get straight."You don't seem fine…""Ach, Josiah. Can you bring me to the hous
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My First Conflict
"In the end, you had to use your sword after all…" The Magistrate had to say."Humph." The soldier did."What do you think?" The Magistrate asked."She is all right. She could make it to the ones who don't actually die in the first five minutes. Stand up!" The last two words were directed at Lenny, laying with the back on the grass in front of the man who won against her."STOP!!"Josiah's voice could be heard coming from just a few meters away. The three men had their attention drawn to his direction, from which he showed up, from behind the trees."Leave them alone!"Josiah was visibly tired and sweating. He had to run all the way from his house to the place before something could happen to Lenny."Another one!?" The soldier standing before the fallen girl made a surprise face.Unlike Lenny, Josiah was wearing everything he had: he already carried the sword in one hand, the dagger in the other and he was even wearing the iron leggings he got as a gift from Thomas."This one also see
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The Magistrate
The Magistrate waited for Josiah to come at him with both arms crossed. The mocking smile on his face exposed his confidence. He hadn't even begun making it easier to draw his weapons out of the huge number of belts and chains they were being held with among the heavy armory the man carried with him. 'Did I really uttered all cockily I'm going to give this guy hell? What the f*ck is wrong with me?' Josiah realized internally.The Magistrate didn't move an inch, even with Josiah stepping closer.'Forget it. Focus. If this dumbass won't start fighting, I will.'He charged trying to reproduce what he learned, but the small worries in the back of his mind may have turned it into a slower assault than he was accustomed to.As soon as Josiah got close, he felt his left shoulder tearing up. When he looked to his left a huge jet of blood splashed on his face. Where did that come from? Josiah didn't see anything until he was cut. All of that happened in mid-air, during his attack. Josiah had
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Promised Soldier
"What's the matter, young boy? Weren't you going to give me hell or something?"The Magistrate kicked some dirt into Josiah's face."Say… What is your name?""Josiah.""I see. So you are 'the' Josiah. No wonder the prodigy farmboy could take one of my soldiers. I want you in my army, little one. We are going to do wonders to someone as talented as you.""N… No…""No…?""This… This fight is not over yet!"Josiah lifted his body out of the grass with the last ounce of strength he had, with what appeared to be a last desperate surprise swing. It actually caught The Magistrate by surprise. He reacted slowly and the swing managed to hit the armor on his chest, causing his body to get bounced a bit back.'Such strength for a young boy. This strength probably comes from the level of his sword' He thought.He watched as Josiah took the opportunity to stand barely once again."You are resilient. I'll give you that. No matter. We just do this again."The Magistrate invoked his weapon to the air
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Little Collector
Summer had blessed Couche once again with the pleasant breeze and the giant shiny sun in the sky, helping the crops growing larger and larger in the farmsteads. The smell of fresh grass helped people stay motivated.During three long years, Josiah struggled every day training his wielding skill and battle endurance. He also trained the level of the weapons he had, alternating in sparring with the servant and venturing in the woods to find creatures to strengthen the blood abilities of the weapons he owned.With a lot of responsibilities an adult man can only train so much, but being a kid with a lot of free time, Josiah devoted almost all of his to perfect his combat-related abilities. In a perfect mix of bloodborn talent, knowledge from another world, and perseverance; he was approaching the level of adults when it came to weapon-wielding. "This sword. My mother left it to me when I was born. It's the only thing I have from her. It's now at level 16. Thomas said I'm leveling it up ul
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Wonders of Nature
Josiah was carrying four weapons: his favorite sword that Mirild gave him; the level 14 dagger; the short rapier The Magistrate handed him, now almost level 12, and he carried a short level 6 ax on his belt, in case everything else failed.The rapier had the interesting property of accelerating one's bloodstream. Josiah could confirm that by the times he used it against creatures over the years, it always made him feel warmer and hot-headed. In a sense, it could be used to enhance his bloodbound properties with his other weapons. After all, the good blood condition was essential for a good usage of that kind of things."Now I know why people always carry a factory of blades together with them whenever they are going to the battlefield..." He commented as he struggled his path climbing the western mountains. That amount of steel was already starting to get to him."Uff, I'm beaten. I should find a place to rest before I continue…" He said as he was under the scalding sun, after a long c
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