All Chapters of Carrying the Billionaire's Baby: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
50 Chapters
Chapter 41: Sisterly Visit
After I got back to my room, I felt bad about leaving Dax. I had to act as if nothing was wrong. He couldn't know that I was more attached to him than I should have been. But I couldn't help having grown close to him. We had been through too much with each other.Maybe the rest of our time together would go by slowly. I had to make sure that every second with Dax counted and not waste it. I went back down to finish dinner with Dax after I freshened up. My makeup had been ruined by my crying. He couldn't see me in such a disorderly state, or he'd know something was up. When I sat back down, Dax asked, "How did your call go?"I told him, "It was great. I do miss seeing her."His face softened and he asked, "Why don't you go visit her again sometime?"Lola was expecting me to see her again at some point, so it wouldn't hurt. I'm sure a visit could cheer her up somewhat. I wasn't sure what had been happening on her end. I didn't know if she was still stressed out or not. Truthful
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Chapter 42: Taken!
Danica POVI continued to walk towards the car and looked behind me. The security detail was still following me and kept glancing around often. He was checking for any signs of trouble, which made me feel relieved. I felt very safe having someone look after me.Not that it looked too dangerous. We were the only two people around the area. I didn't see anyone suspicious around as I made a brief scan of the area.Nothing bad could happen as long as I had this person around. I completely trusted that he wouldn't let anything happen to me. Dax wouldn't let any of his people fail me, especially after Jason had broken into the mansion.I knew Dax still felt guilty about that happening. Neither one of us had brought it up since Jason had been taken away. I hoped nothing else like that would happen again. It was unfortunate that the car was so far away this time. The chauffeur couldn't find an easier parking spot. As I came to an alley, there was a very scruffy looking young man. His ha
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Chapter 43: Where Am I?
I hoped that what had happened earlier had been a nightmare. I slowly opened my eyes; when I saw that I wasn't in my bed at the mansion, I knew that it had to be real. I felt rope tied around my wrists and ankles and could feel the coolness of the metal from the chair. There was even a piece of cloth covering my mouth. I felt the urge to scream but knew it was pointless. Nobody would be able to hear my cries for help.This was the worst possible situation I could've been in. I never imagined that this scenario would happen to me. How had I gotten caught up in this? Maybe I shouldn't have been so careless earlier. I wished I wouldn't have been walking in that shady area. I knew better than that, but it was too late to blame myself for what had already gone down.I tried to get a sense of where I was by looking around the room. I didn't want to lose all of my hope for getting out of here. It was too dark to see anything to give away where those men had taken me. The one lightbul
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Chapter 44: I Will Get Her
Dax POVAfter I set the ransom note down, I felt an immense rage come over me. This whole situation was terrible and shouldn't have come to this. Danica was in danger because of this gigantic mistake on their end. I wished this had all been a nightmare. The woman that I deeply cared about was gone. She must've been absolutely terrified. It was too hard to imagine her in such a situation. The thought of her captors made me feel sick.They could do unspeakable things to her. I needed to stop myself from thinking of anyone harming her. It would make me even more enraged. There was nothing I could do yet. I wasn't sure of the location of where she was being kept.Those people would pay once I figured out where they were hiding. They wouldn't know what was coming their way. I had to take them by surprise or else this would all fail.I knew I had to get to her and rescue her before it was too late. I almost lost Danica once and wouldn't lose her for good. She was the only woman I ever
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Chapter 45: The Mission
Dax POVI tried to figure out the location of the gangster's hideout for a few hours before I made a breakthrough. There had been rumors about suspicious activity happening at this abandoned facility. A few people had said they had seen some shady looking people around that area within the past few months. All of the accounts from eyewitnesses seemed believable. I had to go with my gut feeling that this was their location.Besides, it was in a location that not many people knew about. Where else would they hiding out in? They couldn't be found by the police. I met up with the security team shortly after discovering this information and shared it with them. I also told them information they should know, "Everyone must keep on high alert when we arrive at the location. These are dangerous individuals we'll be facing."We got into separate vehicles and headed out towards the facility. As I drove along, I was getting more anxious about Danica's wellbeing. What if they had been negl
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Chapter 46: She's Safe
Dax POVSweat started to drip down my forehead as he kept his gun locked on me. He gave a sinister grin at me.I stood my ground and wasn't going to go down like a coward. I narrowed my eyes at him and showed him that I wasn't afraid.Was this really the end? My mission was going to be in vain. I had been so close to saving Danica. It would be all for nothing if I died. But I was out of luck, since no one else was around to help me out.Suddenly, there was a shot fired from the doorway. When I looked over, one of my security team members was there. He must've have been quietly following me the whole time. The gangster gripped his leg and went to the ground. He deserved getting shot. My heart wouldn't stop beating. That man had almost killed me. It had been one of the most terrifying moments of my life. I was glad that it hadn't been my final moment.I turned to the staff and said, "Thanks for saving my life. I won't ever forget this."He gave a nod of acknowledgment and kept an
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Chapter 47: Home Safe
Danica POVDuring the car ride, Dax held my hand and glanced over at me often. He seemed very concerned about my well-being which made feel appreciated. We didn't converse while we drove along. I wasn't quite ready to talk again, or my voice would betray me. I still wasn't over the stress of being imprisoned by criminals. It had felt so unreal, almost as if it hadn't happened to me.Dax must've understood that I didn't want to talk and didn't try to press me to say anything. We had comfortable silence in the car. I wanted to thank him for getting me out of that situation, but no words could describe how grateful I was.He had gone beyond what I expected of him. I glanced at him and noticed that he looked at ease now that I was back with him. I had no idea how Dax was so affected by hearing about what happened to me. I didn't like how I had caused him more stress by getting involved in that mess. It made me feel guilty that I hadn't tried to tell him about it before. But back the
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Chapter 48: It Was You!
Danica POVAs the next few days went by, things started to get back to normal. Each day I got less and less anxious. Dax made sure to be around as much as possible and was trying to do some work at home. I was shocked that he had given up being at the office for me.He was really showing off how much he cared for me. I knew he was still feeling terrible that I had been kidnapped. It was easy to see on his face when he thought that I wasn't looking. Part of me wanted to tell him that it wasn't his fault.No one could've prevented that from happening. I didn't want anyone to feel guilt for that. I would try to reassure him as the days went by.The first day back, I had been more nervous than usual. Dax helped a lot that day to calm me down. He made sure to stay around me for most of the day. At one point, he made me popcorn and cuddled me on the couch. I knew he disliked seeing me suffer like that.I was glad to have been back to routine at the mansion after my experience. As much a
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Chapter 49: Proposal Interrupted
Dax POVIt was so hard to believe that my own sister-in-law would stoop so low for Jared. In the past, I had never cared for Wendy that much. There was something about her that felt off at times.At least she would never be able to return to my home. I would have to ban Jared from coming back. There was no way that I could trust him ever again either. He may have been behind Wendy's actions. It was if I couldn't trust anyone these days. I definitely couldn't let my guard down quite yet. Things had been quite dangerous. I'd make sure to keep Danica safe for the remainder of her time with me. Almost losing her made me value her even more than I used to.A little after Wendy left, I wanted to offer Danica some comfort after that close call. I had seen that she had gone up to her room and headed there myself.I knocked on her door and she let me in. Danica was lying on her bed, and I looked at her."Would you like some company? I understand if you want to be alone for awhile.""Sur
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Chapter 50: New Life
Danica POVDax rushed me into the hospital and talked to a nurse immediately. I was put onto a gurney and taken down a long hallway. I got more nervous as this was finally happening.We got to the delivery room quickly, and doctor was already prepared with his team. The contractions were bringing me a lot of discomfort in my lower abdomen. I wanted this to be over as soon as it could be.I knew my mom had taken hours to deliver me. She said it had been the most pain inducing experience of her life. More nerves started to build inside me at the thought of having to go through that.The fear and nervousness must've shown on my face. The doctor came to my side and looked at me with kindness in his eyes. He spoke in a calm tone and said, "I've delivered a lot of babies in my lifetime, so there's nothing you should be worried about. Everything will be okay."His words gave me some reassurance, but I couldn't calm down. I was worried that something could go wrong. I had gone through too
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