All Chapters of Night Wolves: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
120 Chapters
Chapter 21: No Way Out
"Drive!" Elias growled to the driver as he and Xander strapped me into the backseat between them."Let me go!" I yelled, fighting against the seatbelt restraints, suddenly short of breath. "You know this is kidnapping. Right?" I slipped out of the restraints and reached over Xander to open the door, but we were going too fast for me to jump out.Xander grabbed me and pulled me back in. "Are you crazy?" He set me back hard in the seat and strapped me in again. "You could have been killed!""Take. Me. Home!" I yelled, kicking at the back of the seat."Pull over!" Elias said, holding my wrists in an effort to keep me calm."Yes, sir," the driver said.Elias shoved my hands toward Xander. "Here! Hold her!"Xander took my wrists with ease, holding me while Elias fumbled around for something. Then it dawned on me: He was a doctor and he was rummaging through his medical bag. Then he held up a hypodermic needle and a small bottle with clear liquid inside."Do not give me anything—"All of a s
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Chapter 22: Crazy Train
The next day, I spent a lot of time alone in my suite, which I didn't mind. It gave me time to think about the future and the present, and what I wanted.That afternoon, there was a knock on my door. When I opened it, what looked to be a team of people was standing there, armed to the teeth with blow dryers and small duffle bags."Hello," a woman said, tilting her head to the side. Even though she was young, she had white hair artfully done into a twist and a figure to die for. "You must be Kalyssa." She started to barge in, but I held up my hand, stopping her."And who are you?" Until I got to know everyone in the pack, I wasn't taking any chances. Not after what we had just gone through at the castle.She smirked. "I'm Daphne, your designer and clothing coordinator, and this is Raphael on hair, Cassy on nails, and Symphony on feet," she said as if she were announcing the Spring Training Lineup at Cardinal Stadium. Then she held her arms out and smiled. "We're your Glam Squad Dream Te
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Chapter 23: Golden Chains
"There!" Daphne looked me over when they were finished. She took my hands and held them out to the side, regarding me as if I were a masterpiece, a work of art on mere canvas, instead of a person. "Lovely! A true Luna! All of you should be commended! Good work!" Then she lowered my hands and leaned in conspiratorially. "Try not to muss my creation before the presentation. Umm?""I'll do my best." I smirked. For two cents, I would have snorted or wiped my nose across my arm just to be smart, but I didn't want to hurt the feelings of the others. Instead, I turned to my Glam Squad. "Thank you all. You did a wonderful job."Raphael took my hand and kissed it. "You are truly a queen."I nodded, smiling. "Thanks. It's very kind of you to say.""Don't believe me?" he asked, smiling as he pulled me toward the full-length mirror. "Take a look."In the mirror, I saw the reflection of someone I didn't recognize. My golden blonde hair was pulled up into an elegant updo with a few loose curls spill
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Chapter 24: With Friends Like This....
"I want to go home," I said again, smiling sweetly at Xander. He let out a deep breath, laying his napkin beside his plate. "I'm sorry, but that's not possible. But when you're ready, we'd like for you to join us in our shared bedroom.""I can't believe you just said that." I let out a deep breath, shaking my head. "If you'll excuse me," I said, rising from my seat.Both Elias and Xander stood."I'm sorry you're unhappy." Elias took my hand and looked into my eyes. "We will take you home when this is over if you so choose. But not before."I headed across the stage and down the stairs when Cruz took my hand to help me down. Then he and another man followed me. Bodyguards, I'm sure."Kalyssa," he said once we were in the hallway, but I just kept walking. "Just calm down."I stopped, nearly causing both Cruz and the other guard to run into me. "Calm down? You want me to calm down? I'm being held here against my will and you want me to calm down?""Ssshhh...." Cruz let out a deep breath,
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Chapter 25: Desire
As Cruz and I approached Xander's bedroom door, I knew I was right. He was going to turn me in. "Traitor," I mumbled to Cruz under my breath."Oh, calling me names isn't going to help." He smirked, letting go of my arm just long enough to knock on Xander's door."I didn't call you a name," I sulked."Yes, you did.""No, I didn't.""Child."I scoffed, shaking my head, trying to think of a good comeback just when Xander opened the door of his suite.He looked first at me and then at Cruz. Without saying a word, he gently slid my duffle bag from Cruz's shoulder and opened the door wide. I gave Cruz a look over my shoulder that had traitor written all over it, and then walked in. But I knew that in his mind, he was just trying to keep me safe. And if I had to admit it, I guessed that Xander and Elias were just trying to keep me safe, too. But my freedom was something I cherished above all else and hard to give up for anyone… even for a little while.Standing just inside the door, I took
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Chapter 26: Heaven
When we were spent, I lay in Xander's arms, thinking about choices. "Where is Elias, by the way?""He had to go to the hospital." His eyes were closed as he leaned over and kissed the top of my head. "There was an emergency with one of his patients."I nodded. "I wish there were something I could do, work-wise. I've been working practically since I could remember."He raised up on the bed and opened his eyes. "Even in college?"I nodded. "I worked my way through college." I settled back against his arm. "So the thought of not working at all kind of terrifies me."Xander turned me over and looked into my eyes. "Then why don't you take over the clinic?""Seriously?" I asked, sitting up. "But I'm not a doctor."He shrugged. "You're a veterinarian."I laughed, plopping back down onto the pillow. "Xander, there's a big difference between being a veterinarian and a doctor."He shrugged, tracing his fingers lazily over my skin. "If you have any questions, you can always ask Elias. Either that
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Chapter 27_Special
XanderAfter Kalyssa left, I quickly finished my shower, wanting to speak with Elias when he came in. If this was going to work, then we all needed to be on the same page.I wrapped a towel around my waist and then headed into my huge walk-in closet. Accent lights immediately popped on. I slipped into a pair of jeans and a black T-shirt, and then slipped on a pair of black boots. After closing the door, the lights turned off immediately. Although mine and Elias' closets weren't as big as Kalyssa's, they were still big enough to suit our needs. I headed back into the bathroom, grabbed the brush off the counter, and ran it through my shoulder length, light brown hair. I needed a haircut but liked it a bit on the longer side. Then I headed into the kitchenette to the right, poured myself a drink, and texted Elias."When you get home, we need to talk," I texted him."Is everything okay?" he texted right back. Even though it was a text, I could still feel the urgency. "Yes, everything's
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Chapter 28: Strange
KalyssaUnable to wait, I woke early the following day, eager to explore my new sanctuary. I quickly showered and dressed and then headed down to the clinic, eager to organize everything and get ready, just in case.I took the elevator, and the doors opened on the bottom floor a moment later. Although I knew veterinary work inside and out, working on humans was quite another matter. But Xander was right. If I got stumped, I could always ask Elias, and eventually, I could go to Medical school. Working with shifters, it would help to know both physiologies.I had been opposed to going back to college at first, but the more I thought about it, the better it sounded. Maybe when things settled down, I could go back to medical school. Maybe.A thrill ran through my chest as I opened the frosted doors of the clinic and looked around. It was clear that no one had worked here regularly for a while. It was obvious that the clinic had been used for emergencies only. But once I started working on
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Chapter 29: Girl Talk
As I put everything away, I thought the interaction with Deven had been strange, but I didn't think much about it. I wasn't used to dealing with shifters, after all. But if I was going to stay, then I'd better learn fast. And after my conversation with Xander and now working in the clinic, I didn't think I was going anywhere. The clinic would provide me the outlet that I so desperately needed. There was no way that I could ever just sit around my condo and not do anything. I'd go stir crazy. I worked in the clinic for the rest of the day, making sure everything was in its place. As I worked, I couldn't help but think of Macy and Maria. I missed Maria's quick wit and Macy, too. I just wished things could be different. Which made me even more determined to find those responsible for their deaths, even if it took the rest of my life. And if Nightshade wasn't the ones responsible, then I was going to find out who was.After I'd put everything away and the clinic was in order, I ripped o
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Chapter 30: Not Taking Any Chances
"So, a man came into the clinic today," I said, matter of fact. "Maybe you know him.""Oh really? Who?" Adriana asked, clearly excited at the prospect of getting another juicy tidbit."His name was Deven Craig. Do you know him?" I asked, finishing off the rest of my hamburger.They all looked at each other, creases between their eyes, and then back at me. "Never heard of him.""That's strange," I replied. "He said that he broke his arm during practice today." According to doctor-patient confidentiality, I wasn't supposed to divulge any information about my patients. But in this case, I made an exception. Adriana's head snapped up toward Shannon. "Did you hear anything?"Shannon shook her head. "No, not at all." Then she shrugged. "But there's a lot that Ryan doesn't tell me." A broad smile spread across her face. "Ryan is my boyfriend, and we just got engaged! See?" Before I could answer, she held up her hand, brandishing an enormous, sparkly bauble. A diamond so big I was surprised
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