All Chapters of Falling for Mr. butler: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
75 Chapters
Chapter 60: By hook or by crook!
"Hmhmhmm..." Humming a random tune to himself, Dmitri goes on to prepare the special dish of turkey for lunch. He is not humming because everything in his life is sorted and smooth but because he is confident in himself that he will make it into reality. Not just his dream to marry Itzel but to make her fall for him again. And he thinks that it is a good thing that now the truth is out infront of Itzel. Now Dmitri does not have to pretend to be someone else infront of her or anyone else. But even if he is not Mr. Taylor anymore, he will always be Itzel's Mr. butler! So, to prove this to her, he is cooking for her today. After finishing off with preparing of the lunch, Dmitri removes the apron from his body and makes his way up the stairs to the room where Itzel is staying here. Currently, they are at Damon's because he has insisted them to stay here for the day but Itzel did not agree for that. So, now they are staying in his apartment till evening. And Dmitri here is preparing lunch
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Chapter 61: Does he really love her?
Fidgeting with her clammy hands, Itzel keeps pacing back and forth in the small space of the tiny room that she has been given for temporary use. Her turn to fight is yet to come so she has thought of making good use of her free time by first informing Damon that she has come here for the fight and tell him not to tell anything to Dmitri since he appears to be more fond of him now than ever he was, and then do some warming up before stepping up to the fight. But here she is! Pacing around the room as her mind is just so full of things she does not want to think of right now! Sometimes, Itzel just wishes that there should a switch off button in her head so that she could shun out those unwanted thoughts in the unwanted places. Right now, all she could think of is how she has shared a deal lot of things about her life with him. Thinking that he is Mr. Taylor, their butler. But actually he was Ruci Dmitri all this time. And how come she did not even suspect him of being an imposter? Itze
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Chapter 62: In the hospital?
"And please, don't ever doubt it, Itzel. I really love you!" Dmitri tells her with a certain firmness in his voice as if sensing what exactly she is thinking right now. Looking up, Itzel's eyes meet his and they both stare at each other like they are seeing each other for the first time in a long while. And it is quite true though! Even though they were staying together, Itzel had no idea that Mr. Taylor is actually Ruci Dmitri, and Dmitri although has known Itzel since a month now after living apart from her for two years, he could not lived freely with her. "If you killed him and you are a hitman then who is it who had put a hit on his head?" Itzel questions him again. Sighing, Dmitri stands up straight while still holding her arms in his hands as he very gently put an antiseptic cream all over around her wounds which do not look bad but still must be hurting. Dmitri has seen it all. He has seen the way she was fighting there. Needless to say, Itzel is much more skillful than to be
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Chapter 63: "He is my future husband!"
The sight of the hospitals are not the best for Itzel whatsoever. It can be because the one time that she was in the hospital it was because she had got into an accident which led to a many changes in her life, which are necessarily not good at all. Itzel had suffered from a dark phase of depression for almost a period of more than two months. And during that time, she had had a lot of bad thoughts passing through her mind every two seconds of the day. She had even tried to cause harm to herself more times than she could remember. And, sleeping was like an immense torture for her. She could not sleep without having to encounter dreams, which were not exactly dreams but horrible nightmares. At least for her they were horrible. Itzel turns her head around to her left to see the figure of a man sitting right next to her on a hospital bench quietly. The man who is responsible for that particular phase of her life, but somehow she understands that it is somewhat her own fault too! Itzel
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Chapter 64: That kiss..
"Oww!!" Itzel yelps out a little when the car comes to a sudden halt. She turns her head towards the driver seat and glares at Dmitri who is responsible for this jerk by applying the brakes all of a sudden. "What the hell is your problem?" She screeches at him but Dmitri too glares at her in return this time causing Itzel's eyes to flicker a little. "Why did you say that he is your future husband? Because as far as I know, you were marrying him because of your father who is not a problem anymore. And, moreover, Archer has no interest in you or in any girl for that matter. Then why would you call him your future husband, huh?" Dmitri asks her with a bitter edge to his tone. Well, not like he can help it. The woman he is head over heels for is talking about another man being her future husband! Which man would be able to hear something like that?"But why do you care? Even if we marry each other, that would be our problem! And not yours. So, stop worrying about us and focus on yourself
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Chapter 65: "She actually knows about it."
Taking another big sip of her red wine, Itzel lets her eyes wander around the big luxurious restaurant in which she is sitting right now. She has come here with Archer tonight. They have had a delicious dinner and are now just sitting and chatting while sipping on their glasses of wine. "So, you were cheated by your husband, sorry, ex-husband and got divorced right after that, and then you met with an accident and then suffered from severe depression." Archer says, much like repeats to himself as he tries to wrap his head around what all Itzel has just finished telling him about her past life. "Uh hmm, he did not cheat on me." Itzel tells him with a distant and solemn look on her face. "To cheat someone you need to love that someone first. And in our case, there was no love. I mean, sure I loved him but he never reciprocated my feelings." She explains before gulping down the rest of the wine from her glass in one breath, clenching her eyes shut as she feels the liquid running down h
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Chapter 66: Kidnapped!
'KNOCK..KNOCK!!!' Itzel almost jumps out of her bed as the loud noise of banging at her room's door pierces her ears. "Coming!" She yells at the person who is being desperate for her to open the door. As she gets up from the mattress, her phone starts ringing too.'Tring! Tring!' It causes her to jump again as she gets hit on her left thigh against the bedpost. "Ooww!" Massaging her thigh with her left hand, she ignores the constant ringing of her phone and goes to open the door. When she does, she finds a man in his early or mid forties standing there looking at her with a frantic look on his face. "Yes? Do I know you?" Itzel asks the man frowning. The man just shakes his head at her."No, miss. You certainly do not know me but I was sent here to get you to the hospital with me. Your mother, Anupriya, is awake up and wishes to see you. Could you please come there with me?" He asks very politely and Itzel finds herself nodding her head, agreeing to go with him to the hospital when
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Chapter 67: "It is about Anu!"
"Itzel! Do you want to know what is there for lunch?" She hears Dmitri's voice coming from outside the room in which she is in right now. "Anyway, let me just tell you then. Hmm, so we have here grilled chicken and spring rolls! And for dessert we have..guess what?" He is trying his absolute best to make Itzel come out of that room but she is not having any of it now. Even if she is hungry right now, she would not go out of this room to eat with him. Because, well, she is angry at him. Wait, no, not just angry but she is mad at him for pulling up such a stunt with her earlier. How dare he send his assistant to kidnap her and literally lock her up in this haunted, abandoned building! Itzel has made up her mind that she would never talk to him ever again, even though it sounds too unrealistic to her own ears. But at least she could try and put up a nice, long tantrum drama with Dmitri, right? Standing outside the room, Dmitri lets out a defeated and tired sigh as he eyes the closed doo
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Chapter 68: Alexeyv Dmitri
"What about her?" Itzel asks immediately in a low tone. When she mentioned her mother's name, her concern skyrockets and she can't help but feel restless now. "Is everything all right?" She asks her. "Don't worry, the doctor said that she is much better now but the thing is about something else still concerning her." "What is it?" Itzel asks, curious to know what Anita wants to tell her about her mother. "I am afraid, you have to come over here so we can talk about it." Anita replies."Uh, okay. I will be there but it might take some time for me to reach there as I am not in the Singh mansion right now." Itzel tells her while sending an accusing glare Dmitri's way. "Oh, okay. No problem at all! Come at your convenient time, I am home today for the whole day." Anita tells her to which she replies as a quick thank you and see you there before hanging up. Itzel then goes to call back Damon finally but suddenly her phone gets snatched away from her hands by Dmitri. "Hey! I was going
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Chapter 69: Misunderstanding
'You surely don't know how dangerous Alexeyv Dmitri is then!' Itzel recalls what Dmitri had told her just a few minutes ago when he let go of her hand. She is still quite surprised that he actually let her go out! And how does he even know the name of the boss of the mafia for whom she and Itzel work? Even she did not know his full until Dmitri told her! And just how much more Dmitri knows about that man? On other thought, Itzel thinks that Alexeyv Dmitri is somehow related to Dmitri, not only because their surnames are the same of course. They somewhat look alike as well. Though Itzel has seen him just once that was when she went to plead with him to let her join back the street fighting because she could not keep up the job of a temptress stealer. She has seen him in person and still remembers a few of his facial features clearly, like he too has azure eyes and jet black hair. "Madam, we are here." Itzel snaps back from her little bubble and blinks at the driver. With a quick nod,
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