All Chapters of More Than Best Friends: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
207 Chapters
Chapter One Hundred and Fifty
He had told himself, "Why didn't he thinks of it first? Why did he allow Matthew to gain a point ahead of him?"Now he no longer has any problem with that. Matthew was gone and would no longer be in his relationship with Elena.If Elena dated Matthew, which was unlikely judging the way she always treated him, then it was a thing of the past. Matthew was now a thing of the past to him.His main focus right now was on strengthening his relationship with Elena and caring for her."What do you mean? I get that you don't want to be told anything and I'm sorry. It was wrong of me to try and protect you from getting hurt and to let you know what type of person you were dating."" You knew exactly what you wanted when you called that's why you excused Gaby, knowing she won't support your gossip. So stop acting like you had pure intentions. You of all people should know that doesn't work on me." Craig said disgustedly." If you don't do anything now, Matthew would steal your girlfriend and you
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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty One
"Elena," Craig called as she walked past him without looking at him, "Elena?"She turned to face him, her face blanks and her eyes swollen. She looked really tired and exhausted like someone who had put up an all-nighter."Oh, Craig... I didn't see you. How are you doing?" She asked, staring at him blankly."I'm good," Craig said, looking at her confused.Why was she behaving like they have been seeing each other as if nothing had happened during these past two days?She literally ghosted him for two, no that's not right, three days and she was here acting as if nothing happened.Why was she looking like she was the victim? She looked like she had been ignored by him. Her eyes were so swollen and red like she had been crying for a while.No way! They were close friends but she wouldn't behave this extremely because of Matthew, would she? She couldn't have been crying for the past two days because Matthew left the school without telling her."Good," She said quietly and turned to leave
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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Two
Darn it! He just never gives up, does he? Here he was thinking of using his team and coach as an excuse to escape playing for the volleyball team only for Jeremy to ask his coach for permission in his absence."He did? Why on Earth would you ask him that in my absence? He might think that I sent you to buy myself some free time and then give me an earful when I see him," Craig lied, rolling his eyes at Jeremy."I'm sorry. I didn't think of that. We'll get it sorted out later. So? What do you say? You'll play for us, right? For the school?" He asked, raising his voice."Craig is gonna play for the volleyball team? Really?" One student asked, looking at him astonished."Guys, Craig is gonna play for the volleyball team this weekend. Who wants to watch him?" A friend of Jeremy's said, attracting the attention of other students."Guys, listen, I haven't decided yet if I would play or...." Craig started to say but was interrupted but the students praising him for trying to bring honor to t
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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Three
Elena took a big bite of her sandwich and sighed. She was right about Silver still being mad at her. She couldn't blame her though.She was still mad at herself for saying something like that to Matthew when he had just told her about his feelings for her.She had been too shocked. Not shocked that Matthew had confessed his feelings for her, which had been pretty much obvious for a while, but she was still shocked that Matthew was no longer going to be with her and that it was all real.She still remembered when they were driving to the airport. She had thought that it was still a dream, that it was not real.She had been too dumbstruck at the airport, to shocked that he was really leaving that she had decided that it was best she pretends she doesn't have feelings for him and let him go.She was so stupid for doing that and she still chides herself for that every single day. She had just one more chance, just one and she blew it, resulting in her friendship breaking.Imagine her at t
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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Four
Gaby looked up at Craig from her meal. He was still smiling at them, giving her a look that said, "Can you please leave? It's urgent I need to talk to her."She nodded and looked back at Elena and tried to stand up but the look on Elena's face made her door back down.Elena's looked mad and kept staring at her food without even looking at Craig. Gaby sighed and shook her head. They were at it again. Elena and Craig were arguing with each other again."Hello? Gaby? Can you?" Craig said, motioning for her to leave."She's isn't going anywhere, Craig," Elena said quietly after a while."Why? I need to have a talk with you. She won't feel comfortable when we are talking in front of her. Let her go, she wants to leave," Craig said in an edgy voice." You sure are making her comfortable by insisting that she leaves. This isn't the first time she sits next to us while we have our conversations, if you really want to talk, have a seat. She's not leaving," Elena said staring Craig right in the
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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Five
"Gosh, can you ever let something go? I didn't mean to say it, I have never said it to anyone, I have never thought of it. It just slipped out, can you please let it go?"Gaby cleared her throat when he said that, trying to remind him that he had not just thought of it, but also voiced it out to her, not just once but several times that she had to shut him up from saying it.He looked at her and got what she was trying to tell him. He pleaded with her using his eyes to tell her not to let Elena know that he had said it to her several times."No. I never let things go, especially things like this. If word gets out about something like this, do you have any idea what that would do for me and my reputation? Everyone and I mean it, would not even try to understand my situation, no one would even bother to hear my side of the story.""I know that's why I'm trying to prevent it from....""You don't get it because you're a guy. If words spread that you were double dating, people would prais
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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Six
"Craig, I would like to all to this question one last time. What did you mean by what you said? First I'm unbearable, now I'm frustrated enough that I chase my friends away?""Oh great, play the victim. Take it to the extreme, You know that's not what I mean but if it makes you feel better, then you can look at it that way," Craig said, rolling his eyes at her. "Yeah. And You know what else would make me feel better? You leaving," Elena said with anger.Elena glared at him angrily. She was already tired. She was never satisfied with what he gave her, she never wanted to be in a relationship like this, a cheesy relationship where she gets flowers and gets treated like a fragile person.Matthew was right all along. He was the one who knew her most and had told her that he knew that she doesn't like her relationship with Craig but she had stubbornly stuck to the relationship.She was really angry not just at Craig but also at herself because in a way he was right. She had pushed Matthew
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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Seven
"No," Elena said quietly after a while."No? No what? I don't understand you," She said, staring at her with a confused look on her face."No. As in, I didn't date Craig to get over Matthew. I was just too excited when he asked me out and again, he asked me out in front of everyone, how do you expect me to say no? Besides back then I thought he was cool and hot, I didn't think he would have a crappy attitude like this."Gaby stared at her in disbelief. She was really strange for admitting something like that to her face. How can she say she only accepted Craig because of people when he asked her out? That was fast worse than accepting him only to heal from her feelings for Matthew."You are joking, right? You know what you're saying right? Do you know what that makes you? A pick-me girl, someone who only craves boys' attention," Gaby said, looking at her, still shocked."It seems you don't really understand what I am saying right?""No, I don't. Please enlighten me. Do you mean that y
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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Eight
"Thank you for not trying to do that," Elena said, smiling at her and sighing with relief.She had thought that Gaby was going to try and convince her not to leave Craig because she knows that Gaby and Craig were close friends with each other.She has also thought that Gaby was going to pick sides and when she does, that she was going to pick Craig's side because of how close they were but she was surprised to see that she didn't."Now that your relationship counseling class is over, what do you suggest we do? I know over and over that this class might have ended and that even if it has ended yet, we can't get inside the class," Gaby said after a while."I thought so too. I have no idea what we should do. What do you suggest? If we leave here, we might get punished by the homeroom teacher so I have no idea what we should do."She stood up from the chair and went to the door. She peeped through the window and watched as other students scramble to their classrooms."I think other studen
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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Nine
"It's all right, Gaby. There's no need to be dramatic besides I didn't get worried too much," Elena said, smiling at her.Silver rolled her eyes at that statement and frowned her face, not even bothering to hide it.Gaby saw the look on her face and decided that she had to resolve the issue between Elena and Silver before they all leave the room."I know but you must have missed something," Gaby said, smiling at Elena." What is it? What did I miss?""Well you just told me not to be dramatic but I just wanted to point out who was it that is the drama queen, the dramatic person in this room," Gaby said, smirking at her."I know what you want to say, honey, but it isn't me that is the drama queen and we both know that," Silver said, sticking her tongue out at Gaby."Yeah, I know it isn't you. It's Elena, who else?" "Gosh and here I thought that you weren't going to mention my name,", Elena's said, rolling her eyes playfully at Gaby.Silver ignored Elena's statement and just cleared her
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