All Chapters of The Arena: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
84 Chapters
Chapter 70: Cedric
Kenna has been inconsolable. I’m not much better. We’ve gone out every day, flying as long as Kenna can before resting at night. There’s no sign of her. Through the bond, I have moments where I can feel her for a short period of time. That is usually followed by pain and anger before the tether to the bond weakens and I can barely feel it. It’s making me crazy. I know Troy is hurting her, I know she and my son are at risk, but I can’t find her. The only thing keeping me sane is that I know she’s alive. I would never have guessed that I’d appreciate Avani and his help, but he’s been great. He helps to calm Kenna when she starts to get out of control and he is there, quietly letting us grieve, helping us to search every day. It’s later than usual this morning when we get up. We were out late last night trying to find Tana, thinking we’d found something. Ishir had given us some intel that we had followed up on, but it wasn’t Tana. It did look like an old laboratory, maybe a place they
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Chapter 71: Kenna
I knew Avani was injured. Kaylani and I had seen the harpoon puncture his wing, but he had ripped the launcher apart before pulling the harpoon out of his wing with his mouth. His strength and willpower to continue were impressive. Kaylani had wanted to go to assist him, but before she could hand my brother to me, Avani was back to fighting. Instead, she had pushed her healing into me. As a dragon, another dragon can heal me. My brother isn’t a dragon. We can smell that he got my father’s Lycan gene. That’s why my father or I had to heal him. We share the same fire that he would have because of our mother. So, when my father says he wants to go attack the hunters, I’m back to full strength. My fire is burning in my gut at what they did to my mother and my brother. My father runs up my wing and grabs hold of a back ridge. “Let’s go.” He calls and I lift off the ground. I roar to Avani that we’re coming. I see another harpoon launcher being rolled out to where Avani is. I blow my fir
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Chapter 72: Tana
I wake, jolting up out of bed. I’m ready to fight, to get myself and my son away from these monsters. "Shhh, I’m here. You’re safe. You’re at home, you and Liekki.” I feel Cedric’s arms wrap around me. I turn, curling up against him, letting him comfort me. He kisses the top of my head, his hands running up and down my back. “Is he okay? Liekki?” “Yes. Jena and Palila have been wonderful.” I have to smile at that. “They helped me a lot when I first had Kenna. I had no idea what to do with a human child. They taught me how to nurse, how to change a diaper, how to be a good parent. Seriously, without them, I don’t know what I would have done.” “How are you feeling?” He asks me. I take inventory of my body. “Weak. Why am I weak?” I ask him. “You lost a lot of blood, Tana. Both Kenna and I had to heal you. Plus I have no idea what they injected you with.” I hear him swallow hard. “I almost lost you.” I wrap my arms around him more tightly. "I'm right here." I tell him, holding ont
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Chapter 73: Cedric
When Tana and Kenna get back, they have Ishir with them. At first, when I see someone riding on the back of one of them, I feel a wave of jealousy rush over me. MY dragon! ‘He’s on Kenna’s back, not mine.’ I hear Tana’s voice flit through the mind link. ‘You are my rider, and only you can give permission for anyone else to ride on my back.’ When they land, she shifts and walks right over to me. “I don’t know why I felt that flash of jealousy. I know you’re my mate, I….” “It’s because you’re my rider. Dragons are possessive of what is theirs, so are Lycans. Put the two together and….” I pull her to me, kissing her fiercely for understanding me. When I pull away, I turn her toward the changing rooms that are now complete. “Go get dressed before you see exactly what a possessive Dragon-riding Lycan looks like.” I nudge her toward the changing rooms, smacking her ass as she walks away. She turns, looking over her shoulder at me, giving me a sexy look that only a dragon can, her eyes
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Chapter 74: Tana
After kissing Liekki and Cedric goodbye, I shift and lower my wing for Bastian to climb up. I watch as he kisses a tearful Jena before awkwardly climbing up my wing. “Goddess, Cedric makes it look so easy.” Bastian says. “He was meant to be a dragon rider, you weren’t.” I say and Cedric chuckles. “What did she say?” Bastian asks. “She said to hold on tight.” Cedric tells him instead. I chuckle as I lift off. Bastian is even worse than Ishir. He’s wobbling all over the place and I’m terrified he’s going to fall off me. “Next time, I’m carrying you in my claw.” I grumble and Kenna chuckles in the air beside me. “You know I can’t understand you.” Bastian yells as Ishir barks at Kenna. “I’ve told your mother, that’s very uncomfortable when you do that Kenna.” My daughter and I share a knowing look. We fly as close as we dare to the arena before landing. Once Bastian and Ishir are off our backs, we shift. Both of us use our human voices to send our dragon call. As we wait for Kayla
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Chapter 75: Cedric
When Tana and Kenna arrive back at the pack, it doesn’t take long for news to spread that we have two additional dragons on our pack lands. The warriors with missing mates all came rushing to ask about it. We are meeting in my office when they find us. “Alpha, did you find them?” “Have a seat.” I tell them as they come in. “Just tell us.” Another demands, causing me to growl a warning at him. Tana steps up to him. “All of you, have a seat. We have much to discuss and not much time to do it. Any time wasted arguing is time that we should be planning how to rescue your mates and pups.” They all walk in and sit, but they are restless. “So, you did find them?” “Yes, your mates and your pups are all alive.” Ishir tells them. Almost as one, I see their noses go up as they sniff the air. “This is Ishir. He’s a tiger and was in the arena with me and Tana. You can trust him. This,” I point to Avani, “is Avani, the earth dragon. And this,” I point to Kaylani, “is Kaylani, the water dra
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Chapter 76: Tana
The next morning, we’re all up early. The pack is split in half, half coming to attack the arena and the other half staying to protect the pack and pack lands. Kenna and I shift, and Cedric and Ishir grab their bags of grenades. Cedric has his sword thrown across his back as he puts the harness on me. He grabs his bag then walks up my wing, getting himself settled on my back. The pack members coming with us shift, grabbing their bags and begin running to the arena. Once Cedric makes sure everyone is shifted and on their way, he gives Kenna the signal and she lifts into the air. Once they are far enough away, I lift up and we begin making our way to the arena. About halfway there, we meet up with Avani and Kaylani. I notice the Avani has a female on his back. I’m surprised, but I don’t have time to wonder about it. We lift up higher into the air so that we can see the arena from high above the clouds. We watch for Cedric’s pack and when we see them getting closer, he gives the signal.
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Chapter 77: Cedric
When Tana dropped me off, I had one goal in mind. Kill Troy. However, as soon as I got out of the fire and could see, I realized that the hunters were going after the pups. I immediately jumped in, protecting them, killing the hunters so my pack members could get them away. The rest of the pack that isn’t still underground begins fighting along side me. The pack will always fight to protect its own, but when it comes to our pups, we’re fierce. I make sure the group with the pups gets away safely before focusing on the group of hunters that is following my pack out of the underground. I can see the she-wolves that were captured are exhausted and starving, but they are fighting. It makes me so proud of my pack, proud to be their Alpha. As I’m fighting, I hear a dragon scream and I look up to see Kaylani has taken a harpoon to the wing. It looks like she flew in front of Kenna and took the harpoon to protect my daughter. That’s twice Kaylani has saved my family. I don’t know if I can e
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Chapter 78: Tana
I only watch Cedric fighting Troy for a moment. Kaylani and Avani both still need help and Cedric looks like he’s holding his own against Troy. I turn back to Kaylani. “I’m going to shift and try to pull the harpoon out.” As I shift, I see hunters fighting past the pack. They are trying to get to me and Kaylani. I begin throwing fire balls at them, setting them on fire. They begin shooting at us and while silver doesn’t impact me, I know the paralytic will. I’m sending more fire balls at them, but there are too many. I’m standing in front of Kaylani who is using her water where she can, but she doesn’t want to douse my fire. Suddenly, I see the hunters start going down on my left. I turn, focusing my attention to the hunters getting through on the right. Cedric emerges on the left from the smoke and fires still burning the flesh of the hunters. He runs over to me, dropping his sword and grabbing my arms, looking me over. “Are you alright, Tana? Are you hurt?” “No, I’m okay.” “Wh
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Chapter 79: Cedric
I was nervous about helping Kaylani heal, but she’s a great instructor. She’s patient even when she’s in pain. She helps guide me through healing her and how much energy to push into her, especially since she’s not a fire dragon. Because we were together, I knew something was wrong when we heard the other dragon. “Kaylani what’s going on?” I ask her. My hands are still healing the hole in her wing, but I turn to see another dragon flying in our direction. “I don’t know, but she’s not a dragon we know.” As soon as the hole is healed, she’s up and flying over to where I can see Tana is trying to not fight the young dragon. A dragon that looks very much like her and Kenna. Kaylani turns back to me. “Help Avani, he’s still trapped.” I look around and see the tides are turning. My pack is taking out the hunters and those that are left are starting to run off. My pack is chasing them down. I race back over to the arena, rushing into one of the entryways. I see Kenna struggling to get t
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