All Chapters of Alpha King’s loathed obsession: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
198 Chapters
Chapter 161
Eleanor sat at her workbench, her fingers tapping against the surface as she waited for Merit to come in and confess. She had been waiting all day, but there was still no sign of her. Her patience was wearing thin, and she couldn't help but feel frustrated.Deep down, though, Eleanor wished Merit still kept her silence. She had only recently discovered that she was family, and she was still coming to terms with what that meant. She had always been alone, and the idea of having family was both exciting and terrifying. It continued to cloud her better judgment.Eleanor didn't want the only family she had just realized she had to die like that. But at the same time, she knew that she had to pay for what she had done.She couldn't let her emotions get in the way of justice. Merit had killed the Queen, and she needed to be punished for her crimes. That way Eleanor can be exonerated. As the hours ticked by, Eleanor's impatience grew. She couldn't concentrate on her work. She kept checking
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Chapter 162
Drakken and George were engaged in a heated fencing match, their blades clashing in a flurry of quick movements. Drakken's movements were sharp and precise, while George's were fluid and elegant. Duncan stood by the side, counting their scores with each successful strike.They continued to clash their blades together, the metallic sound echoing throughout the empty room. Amidst their swordplay, George was the first to speak."Don't you think we need to hasten the Queen's burial? The longer we wait, the more unrest it will cause among the people."Duncan nodded. "I was thinking the same thing. The fire breakout is an added problem."Drakken paused, lowering his sword. "We cannot rush such a significant event. It must be done with proper solemnity and respect for my mother's memory. Everyone would follow the traditional mourning as it'd always been and that's final." He attacked George again with his sword, but George effortlessly dodged his blows.He attacked again and again and contin
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Chapter 163
Eleanor stood silently in the lab as she waited for Merit to speak. She wanted Merit to be the first one to break the ice as she wondered what could be going on in her mind.Merit, on the other hand, fidgeted with the hem of her coat. She'd never seen her this way. Was she nervous?"Would you like to take a walk with me in the woods? It's such a beautiful day outside."Eleanor hesitated for a moment, eyeing Merit suspiciously. "No, I don't think so," she replied curtly. "I know what you're trying to do. You want to take me out to the woods to kill me where no one will know.""I see why you might think that way. But I only wanted to speak with you where no one else would hear us."Eleanor remained unconvinced, "I don't believe you. Why should I trust you? You're always up to something, and I'm not going to be your next victim.""It's too risky to talk here," Merit pressed on, slyly looking back at the door. "You don't know who might be listening to our conversation."Eleanor watched as
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Chapter 164
Eleanor had been dreading this moment all day. The thought of Merit's situation weighed heavily on her mind, and she knew she needed to talk to someone she could trust. So, that evening, back in the palace, she sought out Mrs Goldberg, her trusted advisor."Mrs. Goldberg," Eleanor began hesitantly, "if you found out that the only family you had did something bad and only you knew about it, would you expose them to the public to be punished?"Mrs. Goldberg looked at her thoughtfully. "It depends," she said slowly. "If that family member was repentant and showed remorse for their actions, I would not expose them. But if they continued in their sinful ways, then I would have no choice but to bring their wrongdoing to light."Eleanor nodded, deep in thought. Was Merit repentant? She couldn't fully tell.They strolled through the manicured lawns in the pack, as the fresh air and the gentle breeze helped clear her head. She observed the solemn faces of everyone around her. The once lively p
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Chapter 165
As Eleanor entered the clinic the next day, everyone was stunned to see her walking arm in arm with Merit. Everyone knew the two had always been at each other's throats, constantly bickering and arguing, making it known to everyone who worked at the clinic. No one could believe their eyes as the two laughed and joked with each other, acting as though they were the best of friends.It seemed like something had changed between them, and no one knew quite what to make of it.Eleanor herself never thought a million years that they would be on good terms, let alone become friends. She felt a genuine connection forming between them. It was a strange feeling, but a welcome one.Maybe people really could change, she thought. Maybe it was worth giving others a chance, even if they seemed like the unlikeliest of allies.Merit handed her a beautifully wrapped box that she'd retrieved from her pocket. "Before I forget, I got you this. "I hope you like them," she said with a smile.Eleanor's eyes
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Chapter 166
Eleanor felt uneasy as Benjamin stood opposite her in the lab. It wasn't that she didn't trust him, but the memory of their last encounter lingered in her mind. She could almost still feel his breath on her neck and his wet tongue on her skin. It triggered a memory about her rape she had been trying to keep buried. Why was she always a victim of such ugly circumstances?"I've been wanting to apologize," he began. "I had to come see you."She nodded, feeling a lump form in her throat. "I appreciate that, but it's not just about the apology. I need you to stay away from me."He looked taken aback, as if the idea had never occurred to him. "What do you mean, stay away from you?""I mean that I can't be around you right now. Not until I can trust you again," she explained. "I don't know what came over you the other day, but I don't want it to happen again."The unexpected happened when Benjamin fell on his knees, looking up at her with remorse in his eyes. "I'm so sorry, Eleanor. I don't
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Chapter 167
Eleanor's morning routine was as predictable as ever. She woke up to the sound of her alarm, got dressed, grabbed a quick breakfast, and headed out to the clinic.As the day slowly went by, Eleanor's mind kept drifting toward her plans for Friday with Drakken. They were going on an official date for the first time. It felt exciting and overwhelming at the same time.She was nervous too, but the anticipation of spending time with him outside the palace walls was enough to keep her going. Did she have to buy him a gift for the date? Drakken had bought her flowers, so it was only ethical that she'd repay his kindness.Eleanor approached Emma when the clock struck four in the evening."Emma, can I ask you something?""Sure, what's on your mind?" Emma replied."I was wondering if I could leave a bit early today. I wanted to go into the city to buy a few things."Emma smiled. "Of course, Eleanor. You've been doing great work, and I think you deserve a break. Just make sure you complete all
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Chapter 168
Eleanor had spent hours deliberating over whether or not to send the box of socks to Drakken. It was a silly gift, but she couldn't think of anything better. Finally, she decided to go for it. She packaged up the socks and added a small note that simply said, "Yes." It was a reference to the card he sent where he had asked her out on a date. Now, she was ready to take the plunge.Drakken's study was dimly lit, and the scent of old books and leather filled the air. He sat at his desk, reading a file, with George and Duncan sitting across from him, playing a game of chess. The two of them looked deep in conversation when someone knocked at the door.Drakken was the first to rise, curious about who could be calling on him at this hour. He made his way to the door and was surprised to see a small package waiting for him. He picked it up and read the label, which bore his name. Curious, he tore open the package to find a box of socks and a small note that read, "Yes."Drakken was ecstatic
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Chapter 169
Eleanor was all over the place with glee that Friday. It was the day she had been looking forward to for days– her date with Drakken. She could hardly contain her excitement as she went about her day at the clinic. Patients came and went, but her mind was elsewhere. She found herself daydreaming about what the evening might bring.As she mixed together portions in the lab, Merit approached her. "Care to share what have you in such a good mood?"Eleanor couldn't help but smile. "It's my date tonight," she said. "I can't stop thinking about it.""Oh, to be in love," Merit let out a dreamy sigh. "You really are lucky."She felt a twinge of pity for Merit. She'd tried to talk Benjamin into accepting her as a mate and he didn't even budge. She silently wished there was something more she could do."I spoke with Benjamin about what you told me," Eleanor confessed."You shouldn't have.""I know. I just want you to be happy."Merit mustered a smile. "I am happy," she said. "Make sure you tell
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Chapter 170
Drakken arrived at the door of Eleanor's room, his nerves a jumbled mess in anticipation of their date. The ring he'd planned to propose to Eleanor with, sat in the inner pocket of his jacket and shielded with a miniature jewelry box.He knocked, but no one answered. He knocked again, a little louder this time, and the door slowly creaked open. He peeked inside, but there was no sign of Eleanor. Instead, he found her maid, Evie, standing there."Good evening, Alpha King," Evie said, curtsying politely. "I'm sorry, but Miss Eleanor isn't here."Drakken's heart sank. "What do you mean she's not here?" he asked, confused."I mean exactly that, sir. A guard came to take her away about an hour ago, on your orders."Drakken's confusion deepened. "I never sent a guard to fetch her," he said, feeling a knot form in his stomach. "What's going on?"Evie looked just as confused as Drakken. "I'm not sure, sir. But I overheard the guard say something about you being in a meeting and unable to pick
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