All Chapters of Alpha King’s loathed obsession: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
198 Chapters
Chapter Twenty-one
Sleep evaded Eleanor as she returned for the night. She tossed and turned, eyes wide open and staring into the darkness. She had been tired from working the entire day and could not understand why she had a hard time sleeping.Instinctively, Eleanor’s head turned towards her window, half expecting to see Gregory there. The wee thing had begun to grow on her. She even had the urge to sneak out to the stables like he always did and visit the horses.Tossing her sheets to the side, Eleanor climbed out of bed and gently creaked open her door, gazed at both sides of the hallway, and found it empty. Good timing. She did not want the palace guards questioning why she was always outside in the late night.She let herself outside the palace doors, navigating her way to the stables until she heard the familiar neighing of horses.She released the latch holding the doors together and walked in, eyes peeled out for Gregory’s favorite horse. It was asleep when she saw it, so she moved to the next
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Chapter Twenty-Two
Eleanor’s eyes cracked open at the break of dawn and was alarmed when she slowly grasped she was in her bedroom and could not remember how she got back upstairs last night. The last memory she had was of Drakken doing heavenly things to her body with such intent adoration. The man surely had skills. Then, she frowned at the memory.She regretted allowing him touch her that way. She had been too lost in the moment to form a complete sentence, let alone think straight. And the worst part was that she wanted him to do it again. Touch her in the places that awoke things in her she did not know existed.She sighed ruefully. These feelings would eventually be the end of her.She left the bed to prepare and resume work in the garden, showered, and was combing her hair when Evie made an entrance."I bring news," the maid announced as Eleanor tore her gaze away from the mirror to glance at her."Is it good or bad?""It depends on how you look at it," she said with a genuine smile. "The King
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Chapter Twenty-three
Drakken was in his study, sitting by the window peering outside with a glass of Whiskey perched between his fingers when he instantly got a link from his spy. Eleanor’s son had been captured successfully. They had her son and the woman who had been with him. It appeared the two were always joined to the hip, so they had to take her along too.Drakken ordered for the boy to be brought to him. The woman, on the other hand, must be thrown into the dungeons for giving them such a hard time.He would know what to do with the boy when he sees him.After that, he reclined back on the couch and resumed his leisure as thoughts of his recent predicament flooded his head. Elders of the pack had gotten off his back regarding the vampire king’s daughter issue. They bought his empty promise about taking her in as Lunaqueen. They had been too easy. He would never allow his father to win by giving in to the man’s wishes.He recalled Eleanor’s reaction to him getting a new mate. She had been angst
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Chapter Twenty-four
It was already the third day of Eleanor working at the healing school and Emma had begun to go easy on her. The girl’s heart was not completely made out of steel after all, Eleanor thought.The clock struck six at dusk when Eleanor retired from the day’s work. She was drowsy and it made her eyes droop, rubbing at it to ward off sleep. Walking out from tre hospital towards the castle, her eyes caught sight of Emma heading towards the garden who was constantly looking over her shoulders. Strange. Whatever was she doing in the garden late at night? Even the people working at the gardens had retired too.Brushing it off, Eleanor made her way to her bedroom and awaited Evie. She would be coming in anytime soon with dinner, as always. Eleanor had a quick shower and changed into her night gown before the maid arrived.She was staring out the window up at the stars in the night sky when she heard Evie come in."Have you ever thought about what happens after death?" Eleanor asked absentmindedl
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Chapter Twenty-five
The dungeons were just as horrible as Evie described. It was dark, eerie and surprisingly silent. Too silent. It made Eleanor think she was making a huge mistake going in there and considered turning back around to her bedroom. Yet she could not. No matter how much her subconscious warned her to get out of there.She had already gotten this far to see her son. Nicky must be waiting for her. Eleanor knew she would stay up all night worrying about her son if she did not act now.Taking in a deep, shaky breath, she pushed open the dungeon’s main doors and walked in. On both sides were rows of lined-up cells secured with top-notch iron bars that would make it almost impossible for a prisoner to escape. So far no guards. A bright lamp illuminated the way for Eleanor as she assessed every cell, looking for any sign of her neighbor or son. A badly bruised she-wolf growled at her when she got too close to her cell and Eleanor jumped back in fear, slapping a hand over her mouth not to let ou
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Chapter Twenty-six
"So, you have the pup now... What are you planning to do with him?" George asked Drakken who had his nose buried deep in a glass of white wine."What else? Use the boy to further threaten his mother. Bend her to my will. There are plenty of options."Drakken had a new sense of power knowing he had full control over Eleanor now. The thought of how she would react when he informed her of the pup’s presence in the palace further amused him. He could imagine her searching for ways to find the boy, but she would never. Drakken had the boy kept where she would never think of."This is not the time for distractions. Did you forget promising elders of the pack a Lunaqueen? Or do I need to refresh your memory?" George leaned on the door to the King’s study, wondering why he was being nonchalant about it."I never meant it when I agreed to take the vampire king’s daughter as Lunaqueen. You of all people should know that...""Benjamin would make a big deal out of it later. That smug little idio
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Chapter Twenty-seven
The amount of pleasure Drakken felt from Eleanor's hands wrapped around his cock was overwhelming. Her eyes slid to his, holding his dark, heated, and lust-filled stare as she pressed a light kiss to his tip. Her other hand joined not too long after, holding him firm with both.His eyebrows were pulled tight and his expression went from one to the next as he felt her lips. Eleanor finally broke eye contact afterwards, going back to the huge task at hand.She kissed him again, hearing Drakken slowly begin to descend into madness as her wet warm lips met the sensitive head of his cock. She liked hearing his breath hitch and the sound of his breathing getting heavier.A few beads of precum leaked from his tip and Eleanor caught it, taking him fully and running her tongue along his huge length.Then, she abandoned her small teasing and let herself go. Tasting Drakken without a pause. Her hands that were gripping his base before started stroking him slowly, feeling the hardness enclosed in
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Chapter Twenty-eight
The next morning, from the heavy sunlight slipping through the curtains threatening to blind her, Eleanor knew it was late when she woke up. Drakken’s body was huge and warm under the sheets, and so much of him was bordering her. His arm was slung over her midriff, snuck under the lingerie she had slipped on last night to seduce him, which worked like magic by the way, his hands splayed over the skin on her stomach.Her skin burned up at each point of contact his skin made with hers. Which was many, many places. And when everything played back in her mind like a blurry film, her cheeks instantly boiled with heat.Eleanor had not meant to let it get that intense but her hormones seemed to get the better of her-which was the new norm whenever she was close to Drakken. Then there was that thing Drakken did with his tongue when he buried his head in her core, instantly sending her to cloud nine.She flushed a bright red at the memory and stared at him on the bed. What would he think of h
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Chapter Twenty-nine
Eleanor slammed the door behind her when she got to her bedroom, more furious than she had ever been. Her master plan did not work. Why hadn't it? She had done all she could, listened to Evie’s advice, satisfied the Alpha, but nothing came out of her efforts.All she could feel was stupidity and anger. Stupidity for throwing herself at Drakken thinking she would get the desired results. Anger for wasting her time on him. The man almost fucked her because of her stupid actions that were not fully thought out.She was never taking advice from Evie again.Yanking off the lingerie on her body, Eleanor tossed the flimsy thing in a corner, making up her mind to never put it on all in the name of pleasing that dickhead! It seems as the days went by, Eleanor saw her future looking bleak. Would she really ever be able to see her son or Mrs. Goldberg again?Drakken was a walking contradiction. His actions last night said one thing but his words afterwards said another. He had wrapped her up in
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Chapter Thirty
The thought of Eleanor filled Drakken’s head like an overdosed drug. Her scent still lingering on his bed and on the pillows. It was when he caught himself sniffing the sheets repeatedly he had sent in for a maid to wash it and replace it with another, lest he went mad. He did not wish to keep being reminded of Eleanor’s presence even when she was not physically present.His mood was amped up than usual for the rest of the morning, not even wavering a bit when his father brought up talks of the vampire princess that would have pissed him off on a normal day.Last night with Eleanor in his arms was the best night he had ever had. She was not the first woman to warm his bed, but she certainly made a difference. The unusualnesses though that she displayed when he wanted to have sex with her, and her bone-chilling nightmare bothered him, almost at the point of torment.Drakken was aware he had murdered her parents in cold blood, yet that did not seem to be the issue pertaining to her nigh
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