All Chapters of Give me Moore - A no strings attached contract: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
56 Chapters
Chapter 20 - The Christmas Ball part 1
Saturday arrived in the blink of an eye, and I was happy not to have any other incidents like the one at Terra. It left me thinking, though. Usually, my panic attacks were mild, and I could somewhat control them, but when I was with Kat at the store, it came on fast and shook me to my core. It was unlike anything I had had in the past. I would need to be more careful in the future so it wouldn’t happen again when people could see me.I was getting out of breath, so I lowered the intensity on the treadmill. I had gotten up early and worked out my frustrations before starting the day. I was lucky the gym was open twenty-four hours, or else I wouldn’t have been able to go at five in the morning.I was still slightly angry at myself for what had happened with Kat, and I wanted to be mentally and physically exhausted for the rest of my upcoming day. I figured that if I was too tired to think, I wouldn’t trigger anything that would create something.The day before, I promised Kat I would get
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Chapter 21 - The Christmas Ball part 2
I found my table in the dining room and saw Kat sitting on one of the eight available chairs. I took the one beside hers and quickly stopped the server, who passed me with a tray of champagne flutes. I took two, downed the first one, and cradled the second one with my left hand.Kat’s eyes became small slits as she studied me and became concerned. “What’s happening with you? You look weird.”“I had a fucking epiphany, and I think I’m going to be sick,” I mumbled and took big gulps out of the second flute.Nate arrived at our reserved table shortly after with a beautifully dressed woman clinging to his arm. She looked similar to Kat, with a tall, slender shape and loose blond hair cascading down her back. I couldn’t say if she was beautiful since she hid her face behind a black mask, but she had the air of someone who knew she was pretty.I hated her immediately, and I couldn’t imagine what Kat was thinking. I thought I could finish the night without getting hammered, but with everythin
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Chapter 22 - The Christmas Ball part 3
I cursed the size of my dress. It was too big to move around the cramped reception room floor, and I couldn’t run to catch Kat, who was drunkenly swaying her body between the ocean of dancers.She thought running away from me was funny, and her drunken giggle echoing in the crowd was testimony.Tears stung my eyes since I walked away from Nate, and my inability to catch my roommate in this nightmare of an evening had me throw an imaginary white flag on the ground.I surrendered.Dominic had sold himself to some rich woman for a day. Nate thought I was no different than all the other women Dominic had dated, and I thought my perfectly secured and solid walls were crashing down all over me.I had lost control.After five minutes of grunting and swearing, I finally put a hand on Kat and pulled her close to me. “I’m sorry, Kat, but the fun’s over for us. We’re leaving before you puke your guts out.” And before I start to cry.“But I don’t want to,” she wailed and let her whole body become
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Chapter 23 - What do you give to someone who has everything?
After a very difficult and ugly wake-up with a hangover, Kat finally felt well enough to leave the house and bring back the dresses to Terra with me.It was Christmas day, and I was surprised when Nadia called us and said we could pass by the store. I thought she would be closed like all the other stores today.We were welcomed into the shop with open arms, and the designer wanted to know everything that happened during the Christmas Ball event. Nadia even pulled out a newly printed magazine with Dominic and me on the cover, and she squealed as she saw her name as the creator of the gorgeous dress I had worn.“Everyone is talking about you, Liv! And I’ve received dozens of calls for dress contracts since last night. You were quite the showstopper,” Nadia said with excitement.Kat and Nadia talked while I turned the magazine pages and read what they said about Dominic and me. Apparently, thanks to the mask I wore, they had no clue who the mysterious date was, and everyone speculated abo
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Chapter 24 - Under the mistletoe
I pressed the paper packages I had against my chest and followed Kat inside the elevator to reach Dominic’s floor.My heart was racing, and I wondered if it was a mistake to bring Dominic a gift when I didn’t know if the clock was one. Nadia and Kat had been sure it was a Christmas present, but I wasn’t as confident as them.I had also gotten a few things for Kat and Nate, but nothing compared to the heavy wooden item I had in one of my gifts.I hadn’t done Christmas in years, and it frightened me. I tried to stay calm to prevent any unwanted panic attacks, but when I looked at my fitness watch, I was already out of breath, and my pulse was at a constant 130 BPM. This evening would drain all the energy out of my system.When Lena and Chuck were living with me, we usually ordered Chinese takeout food and sat in the living room watching movies to pass the time. It had always been like any other day, but Christmas seemed a big deal for Kat and her family, and I missed my usual simple Chri
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Chapter 25 - Survivor's guilt
It was getting late, and the pub was growing quiet. It must have had something to do with the harsh winter weather, which was hammering the city hard these days. Tonight wasn’t different, and I thought perhaps it was worse than during the day.I had taken on a few extra shifts to help at the pub and also work through the fact that none of my interviews for positions as a curator yielded any results. I hadn’t received one single phone call or email, letting me know I was accepted, or at the very least, considered after the very few interviews I had. It was radio silence.I looked over at Jody and Wanda, who had cleaned their tables three times to keep themselves busy, and I wondered how long it would take them to decide to pass the mop on the floors—something we only did after closing.I checked the bar to see if my customers needed anything else. When I noticed their heads down, looking at the drinks they cradled in their hands, I figured there wasn’t much to do but wait and clean the
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Chapter 26 - Adult toys
Dominic pushed open the door to his home with his back. His front was busy with my lips while his fingers hurriedly worked on removing my winter jacket.We toppled inside the apartment and hit a table stand but paid it no mind as we created our little sex bubble.Dominic flung my coat onto the ground and lifted me into his muscular arms. His beard stubbles rubbed my cheeks as my head moved left to the right, kissing him passionately and biting his lips.He dropped me on his bed and quickly discarded his shoes and jacket. My pussy was already wet with excitement, and the few seconds our bodies didn’t connect made me whimper. I had grown to love the sparks which danced over my skin each time Dominic touched me. I craved him almost as much as I craved the air in my lungs.He returned to me, settled himself on either side of my body, and stroked his growing erection over my black skinny jeans.We were under a puddle of blue moonlight, which enhanced his features. His jawline was more defin
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Chapter 27 - The scars to your beautiful
The sun was well above the sky when I opened my eyes and stretched my overly exercised limbs like a cat waking up in a pool of sunlight.I blew away a few strands of my dark-brown hair falling into my eyes and smiled gently at the sight of a still-sleeping Dominic.He was lying over his stomach, with bed covers barely covering his round ass and his arm sprawled sweetly over me to hold me close to him.Dominic groaned when I tried to move from under him, and his hand clasped my arm, refusing to let go.“Don’t leave the bed,” he said drowsily.I thought back to when I had slipped out of his house after having sex, and my smile vanished, considering how it must have hurt him to wake up alone. I sometimes, well, most times, hated how my brain worked.“I’m not leaving you, but I need to use the bathroom.”He let go of my arm and opened one eye to follow me as I walked from his room to the hallway and down to his bathroom. When I was done, I washed my hands, and as I patted them dry, I notic
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Chapter 28 - Surprise visit
Dominic POVSeated at my desk, I carefully scrutinized the documents related to a plot of land that I was keen on acquiring. The seller had quoted an exorbitant price for the land, which made me wonder if there was any way to negotiate a better deal without losing the plot altogether. The land was situated in an undeveloped area that had huge potential, and I was eager to acquire it so I could transform it into something spectacular.Nathan and his team of architects had already drawn up a superb housing plan, which got me excited about the prospect of bringing in fresh ideas to revitalize the city with high-end condos. Our city had a rich history and a thriving tourist industry, which presented an excellent opportunity to attract wealthy investors to settle here and open new businesses.As I gazed out the window, I smiled when the sun finally emerged from behind the clouds. The weather had been atrocious for the last few days, with snowstorms and freezing rain causing chaos and disrup
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Chapter 29 - Why waste a good thing?
Dominic moved inside of me, making my channel tighten and become wetter. I moaned against his lips and held on to his neck while he pushed me higher against the wall of my room and rammed me forcefully.“Fuck. I can’t get enough of this, of you moving in me. It feels so good.”The recent changes I had noticed in Dominic were more apparent. I didn’t know if they were brought on by me inviting him to accompany me to Lena and Chuck’s wedding or by us simply becoming accustomed to being together. But I particularly remembered how his eyes softened when I asked him to be my date and how he was sweet throughout the rest of the day. I wasn’t sure if he would want to go to the wedding because his own engagement had ended terribly. I didn’t want Lena’s big day to cast a shadow on what could have been if Isobel hadn’t died.Dominic groaned and dropped his head in the crook of my neck, inhaling the scent of my hair. He then lapped his tongue on my sensitive skin and reduced his speed without hind
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