All Chapters of The devil you know: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
93 Chapters
41, Work mode
Emma had just drifted off to sleep when she was woken by loud voices and people moving around downstairs. She frowned and got up; she had gone to bed in one of her more risqué nightgowns after what Bane had told her. As she didn’t feel like showing it off to the rest of the house, she took one of Banes hoodies and pulled it on. She opened the door and to her surprise she looked at Luke’s back; he was standing in front of the door.“Luke?”“Miss E, please go back inside the room and stay there,” he told her, only turning his head to glance down on her.“What’s going on?”“Nothing to worry about, go back to bed,” he said. Right, like Emma was some dumb bimbo. Something was obviously wrong and Emma refused to be taken off guard again. If there was danger coming, she would be prepared for it. “Luke, you are going to tell me what is going on or so help me god I will perform a vasectomy on you,” she said. She knew threats were how these men communicated to establish some kind of rank. She
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42, End of the night
“I was needed,” Emma told Bane.“Who told you that?”“No one, but I’m not stupid. I knew something was wrong when people started behaving like ants, and then it was easy to figure out my help was needed.”“I have to punish Luke for disobeying my orders,” Bane told her. “Don’t do that, Bane. He did try to make me stay upstairs. I just didn’t let him. It’s my fault,” she said.“Angel, he is twice your size. If he had wanted you to stay in a room, you wouldn’t have been able to get out,” Bane pointed out.“And if he hadn’t let me out, there is a possibility that we would have lost Ben,” she countered. Bane gave her a hard look, but she refused to give in on this. After cleaning up his wound, she knew it didn’t need stitching, but some surgical glue would help the healing. “I’ll be right back,” she said as she walked over to the supply table and rummaged until she found what she was looking for. “Emma, this is serious. What if the people that ambushed us targeted the mansion?” he told h
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43, Punishment
Emma swallowed and stood up, walked the one step to the desk and placed her hands on the hard wooden surface. Bane followed her and stood beside her, placing a hand on her lower back.“Tell me why you are being punished,” he said.“Because I didn’t obey your orders,” she answered him.“That’s right. And why did I give those orders, angel?”“To keep me safe.”“So by not listening to my orders, you put yourself in danger. If one of my men would have put you in danger, do you know what I would have done to him?”“No.”“I would have killed him. No mercy.” Emma didn’t know what to say to that, so she stayed quiet, trying not to think about why that made her feel all warm and fussy inside. “I’m going to spank you as punishment. Since this is your first offence, I will use my hand. Don’t expect me to be so lenient in the future, understood?”“Yes.”“How many swats do you think you deserve?” Bane asked. Emma had no idea, this was unfamiliar territory for her.“Ten?” she hesitantly suggested.
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44, Checking in
After waking up and joining Bane for lunch, Emma wanted to check on Tom. She walked to the guestroom he had been placed in and knocked on the door. The door was opened by a woman in her mid-thirties. She looked tired and surprised.“Hello, you must be Tom’s wife. I’m Emma. I’m sorry to disturb you. I just wanted to check to see how he is doing.”“Hello. Yes, I’m Samantha. Tom has told me about you, please come in.” Samantha told Emma and stepped to the side. “Thank you. How is he doing?” Emma asked.“Better, I think. He was a wake this morning for a couple of hours. But he has been sleeping since then.”“It’s normal. He lost a lot of blood. He will be tired for a while. May I?” Emma asked, nodding to Tom’s hand that was laying above the covers.“Yes.” Emma bent down and took his pulse. It was stable and strong and his skin felt warm but not heated. “He is doing much better than the last time I saw him. I’m happy. How about you? Is there something you need?” Emma asked.“Me? No, not
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45, Relaxation
“Hi,” Emma said and smiled at Bane. She saw him looking over her body. She was almost completely submerged in the water, only the top of her breasts was showing. “Hi,” he said. “Why don’t you join me?” she asked, holding out her hand to him. “The water is still warm and I can offer you a cookie,” she added. Bane gave her a tired smile and walked over to her and crunched down, taking her hand and placing a kiss on it. “Not tonight, angel. I still have work to do. We will be in my office,” he said. “Do you want me to keep you company?” she asked.“No, you relax. Me, Jax and Luke will be at it for a while.”“Okay, have you eaten?” Bane seemed to think about the question as if it was a trick one.“I had lunch,” he told her. Emma nodded and decided to be brave. It had worked for her so far. She took a hold of his tie and tugged on it at the same time that she raised herself a little from the water, placing a kiss on his lips. “I’ll ask Anna to send something up for you,” she told him.
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46, Cookies
It had been two weeks since the ambush, and Bane was in a bad mood. They still had no solid proof of who had been behind it. Not that Bane didn’t have his suspicions, he was certain that the fucker Walker had orchestrated the whole thing. But he had been clever about it. All the men had been hired guns without affiliation to any organisation. The ones they had let live long enough to talk had said that they had been hired by a Mr Smith, a man they all described differently. Everyone had been paid in cash and the money had proven almost impossible to trace. Almost, it was possible, but it would take time. That was why Bane was in a foul mood. He didn’t like the fact that someone had struck against his family and that he hadn’t been able to retaliate. That also left the organisation vulnerable to more attacks. It left his angel in danger. Bane had wanted her to stay with in the mansion grounds. She had happily obliged the first week. But over the last couple of days, she had become rest
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47, A trap
Emma had been in a bad mood for a couple of days, she felt trapped in the mansion. She had never been one for just sitting around, and now it felt like the walls were creeping in on her. Bane and Jax had even stopped taking her to the club. She knew why, but it didn’t stop the feeling of being trapped. She did regret yelling at Bane, she was hoping he wouldn’t see it as defying him and make him punish her. Or did she? She had conflicting emotions about it. To distract herself after shutting herself in her room, that didn’t really feel like her room anymore. She decided to call Simon, he had seemed a bit down lately, even though he insisted everything was fine. “Okay, spill it,” she had told him after they had talked for a while.“Spill what?” he asked. “What ever has got you in a bad mood.”“Looks who is talking.”“I know why I’m in a bad mood, I need to know why you are. I need the distraction. I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours,” she said.“Fine. You know that Luke and I had
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48, Simon's story
“Yes,” Emma said and looked at Luke. “Losing his grandmother like that has made him, I guess you can call it sensitive, for when people don’t touch base with him. Especially if he knows there’s a risk involved. He just needs to know that everyone is safe.” Luke nodded.“After his grandmother died, he hit a rough spell again. She had left him her house, so he had somewhere to live. But she didn’t have that much money, so he needed to work instead of going off to college,” Emma continued. “It was before I knew him, but I think he was depressed and vulnerable. That’s when he met Jonas. Jonas was older, almost twenty years older than Simon, and from what I have heard, he was just confident and took charge over situations. Simon fell hard for him and Jonas took over parts of Simon’s life.” Emma paused again, even if this wasn’t her story, and the pain in it didn’t belong to her. It still affected her deeply.“It got to a point where Simon was more or less emotionally dependent on Jonas. Jo
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49, The phone call
Chapter 49The spa day was just what Emma needed. She had thought the spa would be some small facility that acted as a front for Bane’s other business. But it turned out to be one of the most famous spas in the city. Not only that, but it had been completely empty except for the staff. “Mr. Velky has booked the spa for the day,” a sweet girl told her when Emma asked about it.“Yeah, nothing serious about that relationship,” Simon teased Emma. They had the most relaxing day, being pampered and talking. Simon told her he had already started working on some things for Bane. Amongst other things, Emma’s suggestion to charity. He also told her that after Luke’s confession about his fears to Simon, things between them had become better. Simon sounded happy and in love. Emma was more than happy for him.As they left the spa, Emma felt like a new person. Her muscles felt like rubber, her hair was shiny and her skin glowed and felt smooth. They dropped Simon off at his apartment before going
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50, An invitation
Bane knew that something had changed, and he didn’t like it. Emma had always been comfortable around him, maybe with the exception of the first day. But now it was like she tried to put up a wall between them. It had started the night he and Jax had met with two of the other families to talk about Walker. Jax had made an idiotic comment that had Bane wanting to kill his friend. Jax had made it sound like they were heading out to party with women. To make the fucking mess even better, Bane didn’t have time to get away and call Emma like he had said he would. When he had come home to find his bed empty, he had gone into panic for a moment, fearing that something had happened. When he had found her sleeping in her room, he had been pissed. After that night, something was different. At first Bane had considered that Emma had been upset by him not calling. But she didn’t seem upset. She was her usual happy self, and she was just as passionate when they had sex. She just wasn’t as present.
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