All Chapters of Maria: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
89 Chapters
Better? Worse?
Jackson had gone with Mrs. Jones to drop her off, and he might not come back, she did hope he didn't, it would be better to talk to her and try clearing the misunderstanding. The truth always found ways to out, but not like this. Not when she was sick, weak, and helpless and the only place she knew to draw strength from turned out to be nonexistent, an imaginary build-up. Maria tried putting herself in Mrs. Jones' position, she'd be torn too, and she would crack, even though their intentions were pure, just as she said, a lie was still a lie. There was no sugarcoating it. Maria relived standing in the middle of the room with Mrs. Jones penetrating gaze grazing her skin, with nothing to say, no explanation. She had stared like an idiot, it was excruciating. Maria had never been so clueless, the only woman whom she had grown to respect in the whole of the universe now presented her, but she was in love with his son. Pathetic. It made no sense, her life wasn't a movie. It made no sense
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First meeting.
Tell him. Don't tell him.He needs to know, this is the best time to do it.Do not tell him yet. Maybe you could swerve all of this and push it away when you talk to Andrew.But I should be the one to let him know first if Andrew beat me to it-He wouldn't. See him first then come back and report to Jackson. Can't you see how stressed he looks?He did look stressed, he was hiding his hurt behind his lively facade, he was an expert at that, being uneasy to read. Being happy and composed even when his world withered. Every time she thought to open up to him, something else always happened, something unexpected that sent her stumbling backward, like this one. He was already broken and he was probably trying his best to hold it together. Coming out to dump her trauma on him would do no good, not when he was preparing to meet his mother. Images of Mrs. Jones' reaction the previous night breezed into her mind again, in fast, and violent glimpses, and her hands began to shake. She had mess
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Don't fret. Don't show fear, he has nothing on you. All he has are bits and pieces, just speculations. Nothing original. Do not let him get to you.The voice in her has chanted. If he had nothing on her, if all that he said didn't matter, why was she trembling? Why were his supposedly empty threats sending her thoughts to shatter? Why was it gnawing at her stability!?"Sit, mi Amor," he wasn't asking, he pointed to the chair before him. Maria eyed the chair, that voice kept chanting for her to walk out, for her to not lose to him but the part of her that feared the consequences far outweighed the unafraid fragments. She sat. Maria was good at hiding it. If she could hold it together a little more, her facade wouldn't slip. "Let's get down to discussing, shall we?" He smiled, biting his bottom lips as his eyes rummaged her entire body like it were a book he desperately needed to study. His looks were demeaning and awfully uncomfortable, she could feel herself choke up. How much more
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Theo would always remain one of the best things that happened to him. After that conversation with him, Jackson felt his fear melt a little, maybe her trust could be redeemable and maybe she'd understand that he only did this to make things easier for her, even though he didn't think it through. Maybe she'd understand that he loved Maria and their relationship was true, everything was true. He felt sorry for her, he had based everything on a lie that nullified Genuity of his emotions. His fear had reduced but the nervousness didn't go away. Jackson entered the living room, that feeling of alienation still hung in the air, just as it had always done. In the corner of the room, she was seated with a book in her hand, she loved books. That was one of the reasons Jackson sometimes read too because it made him feel closer to her. He didn't announce his presence yet, it was comforting watching the little smile sit on her face as she tenderly flipped the pages. It was almost magical—how she
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Here goes...
After confronting Andrew today, Maria decided to tell Jackson. No matter how messy the truth came out, she had to make him understand, if Andrew reached him before she did, then everything was at stake, their relationship was at stake. Maria was seated on the couch, shaking her feet and gnawing at her fingernails as she waited for Jackson to be back. The anxiety was overwhelming and her every attempt to make a speech or a sample scenario in her head ended terribly. Was she confident? No.Was she having doubts? Yes, a whole lot of them. It wasn't the right time to table the matter, not with the situation with his mother, he was already disoriented, and as hard as he tried to hide it, she knew. Maria could only hope that things go well with Jackson and his mother, that at least, he'd feel a bit of happiness before she ruined it by mentioning Andrew.It was late evening already and he'd be home soon, he replied after she texted him earlier and gave her an estimated time at which he'd
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hold your seahorses! Before getting to the secret-revealy part, hehe. *inserts smug grin emoji* I'd like to include Harry's POV. That dude is ALWAYS plotting something! So, enjoy.Also, thank you so much for reading.~~Bewilderment was such a small word to describe how I felt as I watched her walk through the door, the memories of it plagued me, even though it was already hours later. I knew Maria was obstinate and strong but this — this one on a level I didn't quite understand. I had pictured, even before the meeting, how terrorized I was going to make her feel, how broken she'd be before as she begged to be forgiven because I remained her only chance at redemption. Without me, everything will break apart, I know it. I am what makes her complete, what defines her!How could she not see that? How blind was she to realize that this wasn't our home?! Everything and everyone were fleeting, they were merely a passage of time in our everlasting journey. No matter how many t
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This was the easiest her heart had gone in a while, her fears had begun to liven right before her eyes. She watched him stare confused at his screen as he asked that question. Maria was bummed. What did he say? Most importantly, what had Andrew done?"W-what? No, I mean yes, but that's- that's what I was trying to explain, it is messy...but why? Why do you ask?" His hands were shaking, and so was every other thing she'd laid on the line for this."There's a weird...picture of you and..." His stare grew more intent, "I don't understand what's going on, Maria..." He flashed the screen before her face, "there's something weird about this...I got an attachment from an email address and it contains pictures of you and double....there's also an audio file."Maria looked at the screen, one of the pictures was of her and Andrew at woodscreak, it was taken from behind her where she sat before him and his hand was on her hair. It must have been from the brief moment he tried to touc
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One sentence
But she loved me, right? Jackson questioned as he drove. Even though her intentions weren't exactly the best at the beginning, a part of her must love him, right? Jackson had been left stupefied, but even with the cloud of emotions, he still wanted her, to be with her. He felt stupid for defending her. It was his feelings at stake her, he had been used!Was that her plan all along? Was falling in love with her the exact thing she wanted? It was frightening to think about it that way, but the stories added up. Who better to approach if you want to be in a limelight than someone who was already in the limelight? The pain in his heart was physical—it ached, so bad. Every thought of her felt like a similar pierced through his chest. People could really be deceptive, people could really be liars and you'd swim in their lies without figuring it out, till the truth found its way out—like this.She must have known Andrew was trying to contact him, that was why she chose to open up. The per
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm sorry I keep doing this, phew. So, I figured I should make this chapter Harry's. I have never done this but it's the only way I can truly voice his feelings. Thank you for reading! ~~I heard him the first time, but I wasn't sure if I heard right. Sister? Where was coming from? It was hard to comprehend, I was already bumped by the fact that she was around. No, she had been snooping around trying to find me, the security officials that patrol my area had shown the CCTV footage of an elderly lady loitering before my apartment, almost every day. She would have been arrested and interrogated, or worse if I hadn't confirmed known her— or so I think. I had been shocked beyond reason while watching that footage. I wasn't going crazy after all when I told Maria I saw her. Her presence had been a heavy weight sitting on my shoulder. Why was she back? It's been so long already, why now? Her presence in my life overall had been seasonal, a sight here, an absence there. I'v
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Re- (2)
It took more than a day to 'not feel sad.' It took more than just a few hours to get rid of that ache in your chest as though it meant nothing, and you wear a pretty smile because it was better than looking like half of the earth had crumbled on your shoulder. That was why Jackson's facade was always intact because it was safer and more powerful to look happy than sad. It had been quite a while since he woke up with his heart feeling so heavy, the weight caused him to walk slower than usual. He couldn't shake the pain off, it was impossible. His world was suddenly in a blurry grey, maybe it always had been, but for a while there, there was an exciting shade of black and white that made life more meaningful. That shade could have been an illusion, something he made up and clung to because he had been in the grey for so long.All through the night, his bed had been nothing but discomfort. No position made him feel better and he took the pleasure of rolling on both sides as he wondered i
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