All Chapters of Twin Alphas' abused mate : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
97 Chapters
Embers of hope
Liberty’s POV I made polite conversation on our way back to the pack house, but I remember very little of it. The whole time my head was spinning with Marcel’s accidental revelation. A pup. I am pregnant, right now. Esme has known this whole time. I hadn’t seen the signs as they happened, but looking back, they are as clear as day. The way she touched my stomach and told me we would talk later, when she insisted that I take better care of myself and eat properly, telling me I need to rest and that stress is not good for me. I took it all with a pinch of salt and assumed she was just being my overprotective Aunt. This cant be right. Christian and Zander didn’t look or feel surprised by the news either. When Marcel’s words sunk in, I felt like I was falling down a rabbit hole into some crazy world where nothing made sense. They, on the other hand, seemed barely fazed. Even Christian, Christian… I don’t know exactly what has happened in the last day or so, or what is going on with my ma
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Top table
Hunter’s POVMy beast watches the affectionate display of our Alpha through my eyes. I feel his yearning for his mate and my mind drifts back to Esme as it has many times today. She has kept herself to herself since getting here, only leaving her room when Zander bumped into her earlier. I know people change, and sixteen years is a long time, but she is nothing like the young woman I used to know. It’s like she isn’t really here or present in the moment. From our talk this morning, I know she has a lot on her mind. I had hoped to be able to shoulder some of her burden, but typical Esme, she refused to relinquish anything more than she felt the need to.The main hall is absolutely crammed with the entire pack, it’s like stepping back in time to when the late Alpha and Luna sat up here, with their boys at their sides. They have all come to see their Luna, and no doubt decide for themselves if the rumours about her are true. Some of the talk has been very entertaining, like the story of
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Dropping the bomb
Liberty’s POVThe soft, cradle of the sofa cushions does absolutely nothing to help me fight the tiredness creeping into my bones. I roll my head, stretching my neck and fighting a yawn that would surely swallow the word. Today has been the longest day ever, and coming from me that is saying something, trust me.“We can put this off until tomorrow love, you should rest.” Christian reasons with me, his body blocks the lamp light and casts a shadow over me and about half of the sofa. I love the way his voice still has a gruff undertone even though he softens it whenever he speaks to me. It’s such a contrast to the way he sounds when he addresses anyone else, apart from Lottie maybe.“I will be okay, and I’m not sure I would get much rest knowing how much has gone unsaid and that trust is spread a little thin right now.” I look over at Hunter and Marcel, silently making my point.“Very well, but if you get too tired, you let us know. There is nothing we say tonight that we cannot say tom
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Uriel's bad morning
Uriel’s POV“WAKEY WAKEY FUCKERS” My bellowing voice carries down the long concrete corridor and I bang my fist on every door as I walk from one end to the other. I can’t sleep, so the pretty boys don’t get to sleep either. Early morning training will give them all something to complain about, I’m sure.“It’s 4am Beta.” A brave but stupid soul grumbles and sticks his head around his door.“You think the pack’s security is nine to five, get your lazy ass up. Everyone is to report to the training field in ten minutes.The lLast man there gets the privilege of being my demo buddy.” My words are drowned out by twenty new recruits hastily getting their shit together and grumbling like crotchety old men. It’s music to my ears. I walk away shaking my head, not even bothering to hide the shit eating grin on my face.Yeah, yeah, I know, maybe I could have given them fifteen minutes, but what’s the fun in that? So, they don’t get to comb their hair and ponce about drinking coffee, at least I’ll
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Morning glory
Zander’s POVI swear to the Goddess, if those two don’t have a bloody good reason for waking me with their nonsense so early, I might just have their pelts for area rugs in our new suite.“Still awake then?” Christian asks over the link, so as not to disturb Liberty’s sleep.“How did you know?” I huff, lifting my forearm to lay across my closed eyes. The rain is beating, hard against the window and the wind is rattling the shutters. It’s peaceful, an almost hypnotic kind of white noise, despite the ferocity of its source. I think the storm Liberty has warned us about might be on its way.“I can feel you seething from over here.” The fucker replies with a hint of amusement. There is literally only Liberty separating us, I’m not surprised he can feel my displeasure with our half wit Betas. Though, to be honest, most of my foul mood is from thinking about what the day has in store for us.“Mmm, well, it doesn’t seem like you are in a much better mood.” I try to shut him down and get a fe
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Liberty’s POV The tension in the study is suffocating and everyone is on edge. I can’t say I’m surprised after last night, it was a lot for certain people to get their heads around. Poor Hunter has been put in the middle by his history with Aunt Esme and his Beta ties to me. Uriel went off on some kind of ‘kick the troops in the pants’ campaign, in the early hours of this morning. I don’t really know enough about all of that to have an opinion. None of my visions have included much detail about the warriors, which frustrates me to no end. Justice and Ari have been working together over their link whilst I have spent time with Christian and Zander. Ari has been mentoring Justice on our gifts and how to use them effectively. She has told Justice more about what they actually are, and how to tap into them when needed, rather than a sudden vision putting me on my arse for hours. That’s the most inconvenient thing about it all. When I’m not prepared it’s so draining. I have forced a coup
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Gabriel's plan
Gabriel’s POVBetween Uriel’s bullshit antics in no mans land and the landslide of shite threatening to bury us all, I’m silently relieved my Alphas agreed that there is no need to keep diving into the past or looking too deeply into the visions our Luna has. What she and Esme know can be dealt with when the imminent danger is put to bed.I’m grateful to have the advantage her visions give us, but that advantage is soon neutralised by the stress involved in dissecting each and every detail. So, for now, the Luna, Esme, Marcel and Hunter, will be at the centre of operations, they will delegate to the rest of us, only giving us the information pertinent to our objectives. I like this plan, it’s less messy, to the point and means we will be out in the field where we thrive, rather than stuck in the study talking shit to death.It pains me to admit, Uriel has a point about the new recruits and what happened this morning. He could have handled it differently, but the point is the same. The
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Clairvoyant War General
Liberty’s POVEvents have taken an unexpected turn over the last few days.With her deep understanding of the pack dynamics, a Luna typically plays an essential role in keeping her pack connected. She brings important issues to light to ensure a healthy and harmonious environment for all pack members. She serves as a comforting and supportive presence who is always available to listen. It was a role my mother excelled in, and I had hoped to be able to learn how to best help my new pack.My role has evolved into something more like a Clairvoyant War General, and one long wall of my office reflects that. Oh yeah, I have an office now. Well, I call it an office but it’s more like Christian and Zander’s study, only with a feminine touch.There are half a dozen rolling white boards filled with bullet points of what each of the four of us know, maps of our territory and the surrounding pack lands to help us plan out strategic moves and visualise what takes place, where and when. Post-it's w
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Key to success
Zander’s POVEsme and Marcel have made themselves right at home since their arrival. I’m glad they are here, for Liberty’s sake, but I miss the little bubble we used to occupy, just the three of us. The recent changes around here have triggered an immensely positive and unexpected outcome, Liberty has gained the ability to express herself with poise and confidence. She now stands her ground assertively and voices her opinions forcefully, just like a true Luna. This entire experience has been a real transformation for her, and it has opened her eyes to the fact that her gifts are just that, not something to hide from or fear.When she commanded the rogues Uriel and Gabe caught to shift, I felt her power, as did everyone in the pack. It wasn't a command, more like she was drawing on something within us all. Rather than making us weaker, as one might expect, I felt invigorated.The rogues have not been forthcoming, and we have tried almost every method available to us to get them to talk
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The Doctor will see you now
Doctor Wood’s POVOur Luna is nothing short of a medical miracle.She has been poisoned with silver and drugged with wolfsbane for the last four years. Endured beatings, that would bring a grown man crumpling to his knees, for almost a decade. She has witnessed the most atrocious acts of depravity, yet she remains a bright and beaming beacon of hope for us all.There is no conceivable way any typical werewolf could survive such a history of physical and mental abuse and neglect, never mind coming out the other end remarkably unscathed. Of course her time as Kendrick’s captive has had it effects, but by rights she should be dead. We can work on her body and her mind, help her heal and become whole again, but there is something I just couldn’t fathom for the life of me.How?How did she survive? Yes, she is Celestial, and they are known to be the closest descendants of the Moon Goddess, but that cannot mean they have godlike immortality, if that were the case, her pack would not have b
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