All Chapters of Rejected by the Billionaire's Family: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
96 Chapters
Chapter Seventy
Alex's eyes follow Baxter's car as he backs out of the hangar, his mouth set into a hard line of distaste. He's not happy at all. I stare up at him plainly, even though my heart races in my chest. What do I say to him now? When Baxter's car finally disappears, he turns to me and as hard as I try, it's impossible to read his eyes behind his sunglasses. "What have you done?". He whispers angrily. I don't know what I expected but honestly, I don't think any reaction of his would particularly surprise me now. This one doesn't either. I take in a deep breath and square my shoulders. "Let's talk on the flight". "Nicole….". I don't stand around to hear his words as I walk past him and towards the jet. The pilot waves at me respectfully and I force myself to offer him a stiff smile in return. I hear Alex back some orders at some people behind me but I don't turn to look as I make my way stiffly inside the aircraft. There's a smiley attendant on standby and she leads me to my seat respectf
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Chapter Seventy One
I don't see Alex for the rest of the trip and I hate how much my heart yearns from him. More times than I can count, I'd startled awake when I heard footsteps, thinking it had to be him. It wasn't. It always turned out to be one attendant or the other. After an exhausting 6 hours, when we finally land in California, I'm damn well ready to be done with the trip. A sweater had been provided for me on the flight and I wrap it around myself protectively as I make my way down the jet. It's already evening here, the sky already darkening above us. Many steps below me, I finally catch sight of Alex as he issues some quick orders to some of the employees in uniform. I'm still staring at him when my luggage is taken from me and I'm led to a car on standby. When the driver opens the door for me, I sigh softly and glance back at where Alex is still standing. And finally, he looks at me. I hold his gaze all the way across and finally, he sighs and takes out his phone. I watch him punch in a text
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Chapter Seventy Two
I don't know how I make through the night but finally, it's morning. I push up from where I had fallen asleep on the floor of my sitting room. The first lights of dawn are just starting to sift through the window but otherwise, it's still pretty dark outside. I'm stiff from sitting all night but I push up regardless, my bones creaking in the process. It's disheartening that it's a Monday, this is not the kind of condition I like to approach a new week with. My hips are stiff but I make the best of what I can and hobble to my bedroom. When I get to the door, I sigh softly as I take in the scene that had been in a state of massacre just yesterday night. It's a surprise that nobody in the neighborhood had actually called the police on me. I would have thought the scream would have penetrated a fair amount of doors and walls. After the initial shock and despite my quavering nerves and wobbly legs, I had walked forward into the room and taken in the scene properly. The cat had been a ging
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Chapter Seventy Three
He's dressed in a dark blue classy three piece today, looking all dapper for work already. I give myself a moment to wish I had his devotion. I glance down at myself nervously. When I had gone through my closet earlier in the morning in search of an outfit, my usual style of coordination had been the last thing on my mind. I had ended up going for a trimmed pair of suits pants and a matching black shirt. I zero in on my shoes and see that I'm wearing red, had I really chosen that? I…. I had been so weighed down that I don't even remember. I see Alex's eyes flit to my feet too and back to my face. Under his close scrutiny, all the last shreds of strength I've been using to keep myself together threaten to loose free. I'm mentally exhausted from all the work drama and bone deep exhausted from the cleaning yesterday night. Not to talk of the weight of the knowledge that I still have that sick bastard out for me, probably constantly watching me. For the first time in a long time, absolutel
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Chapter Seventy Four
I do end up leaving work early. I glance at my watch as I make my way to the car and see that it's barely a few minutes past 5. I sigh exhaustedly as I get in. Today was a pretty exhausting day a good way if that makes any sense. I had kept taking on more and more work, just anything at all that would get my mind off the ongoing events. I had spent most of my time in my office too, seeing nobody and meeting nobody. Once in a while, I had gone into Alex's office to retrieve some documents and at some point, I had even met Carina. As usual, she didn't do a good job of masking her hatred and disgust towards me and on my own part, I had done a good job of pretending she didn't exist. Finally, a few minutes ago, I had received a text from Alex telling me that if I didn't get off work, he'd shut the building down. With a small smile on my face, I had packed up and texted him back wishing him a goodnight. I glance in my mirror and smile at my reflection. My face has definitely brigh
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Chapter Seventy Five
I can practically hear the wheels churning in my own head as I desperately think of the most convincing lie to give. But it's taking too long, and Alex is beginning to get suspicious. There's definitely nothing I can say now that's going to sound good enough. So I stand you straighter and swallow nervously before taking a step further into the room. "It's nothing I can't handle". "This is it? What you said you could handle.....". He glances around at the knife, cameras and locks in disbelief. ".....if it's serious enough for all these....Nicole, don't you think you should talk to me?". My heart thumps in guilt and I avoid his eyes as I reach for the knife on the floor and put it back where it belongs in it's compartment. "Alex, let's go talk then". I say quietly, finally looking up at him. He stares at me in disbelief at first and then all of a suddenly, reaches over and pulls me into a tight hug. How is it that he's so able to unravel me and my emotions without even doing anything
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Chapter Seventy Six
In one strong motion, Alex reaches over and slides me all across the distance between us and onto his lap. I straddle him, not once breaking the kiss. It's only been a day or two and I already miss him so much. The taste of him is like the most intoxicating drink ever and fuck, I'm drunk on it. Our kiss is different this time, it's hot and feral and hungry and needy. I'm desperate for every possible contact I can get from him and I get to work undoing the buttons of his shirt. His splayed hands caress my back and when they come forward to tease the undersides of my breast, I throw my head back and moan loudly. He caresses the sensitive nubs of my nipples with his thumb and each action sends a jolt of electricity straight into my core. When his hot mouth closes around one nipple, I grip his head and cuss out loud."Fuck....oh my goodness, fuck Alex.....". The cotton of my pants tease my engorged clit and the sensation sends shivers up and down my spine. I can already feel the satiny sm
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Chapter Seventy Seven
I wake up the next morning groggy and disoriented. When I sit up, I see that we are still in the sitting room, Alex and I. He's cocooned against the backrest while I'm somehow pressed against him. It's a miracle that I didn't fall off overnight. Our clothes are strewn all over the floor in a messy pile. A furious blush works it's way up my cheeks when I remember the events of last night. It had been a series of good sex, and together we had explored every single corner of my house possible. I let my gaze travel across the room as I take in everywhere we had fucked. My lampshade lies across the floor haphazardly and what's amazing is I literally have no memory of ever hearing it fall. I do remember the fireplace though. I had gripped the mantle so hard with my ass in the air while Alex had fucked me into oblivion. My core throbs slightly from the memory again but I quickly push up to my feet. And that's when it hits me. Today is Tuesday. With alarm, I glance at the clock and see that i
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Chapter Seventy Eight
He hasn't changed at all since I last saw him. He still stands tall and handsome like the very first day I saw him. But now, I see it clearly. His features lightly darkened by hate and contempt. He walks forward and plops into one of the fancy sofas in my office. I only stare at him emptily as he makes himself comfortable. And when he's done, I walk forward stiffly and settle down in the seat across. "Have you been well?". I ask. He's staring at me intently and I can see that he's genuinely trying to understand me right now, underneath the mocking inflection of his voice and generalll demeanor. He cocks his head and peers at me, causing a sheet of his long dark hair to fall over his face. If he wasn't such a bitter person, he would be absolutely gorgeous."You don't look exactly..... unhappy. Or bothered". He says, his voice raised in inquisition. I lean back on my seat and let a slow, mocking smile spread on my lips. "Unhappy? Bothered? Why the hell would I be unhappy or bothered a
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Chapter Seventy Nine
He steps in further into the room and my back stiffens instinctively. He glances at me worriedly but I avoid his eyes as I turn to face Ray, my gaze hard and my voice harder."Leave my office". I say stiffly. I hate that the bastard has to see the discord that he has caused so visible between us. But the truth is I can't even think of pretending. Those words had struck a place in my heart and it shows. Alex's gaze run over my haphazard frame and when his eye catches on something on my neck, he steps closer to take a better look, his brows furrowed in concentration. I don't want to pull away from him just yet but the proximity between us right now doesn't do anything to aid the tension that I feel. As he edges closer, I find myself instinctively stepping away and he halts in his steps and looks at me in questioning confusion. I avoid his eyes, turning away from him. But it seems I just offered a view of exactly what he had been curious about as he steps forward briskly and takes my nec
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