All Chapters of Alpha's Pride : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
72 Chapters
Episode 11
The ride was silent and it didn’t help her racking nerves. She felt her palms go wet and unconsciously rubbed them on her hip. In a few seconds they were tuned to arrival. The metal doors opened to the most beautiful art gallery Zipporah had ever seen. She stepped into the stunning room which portrayed a dedication to various forms of art. It held a fascinating amount of space which englobed what resembled a study and several paintings, side by side, on each wall. At the end of the room was a large, black desk before an equally sized chair. Guarding the only furniture in the room, by each side, were two shelves filled with books and miniature sculptures of dog like creatures. The room was painted white as the rest of the house, it had the same splash of colors on the ceiling. The air in the room felt like a blanket on her face, it was warm and light unlike the lightening which was cool and dark. There was a glowing bulb in between each painting and an insufficient chandelier which su
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Episode 12
“Whatever it is, I’m guessing it’s worse than the mafia,” Zipporah dropped her glass on his desk and closed a gap between them. “Kingsley said you are doing things for my own good and you lie to protect me. And I know that’s what everybody says to each other but how about you stop assuming what’s good for me and you tell me the truth so I can protect myself?” She sighed when he remained silent, “please. Just for once don’t leave me hanging.” His body froze to her wistful words then he turned to study her face. When she met his gaze, he gritted his teeth and rubbed the back of his neck. “She wasn’t trying to kill you.” Zipporah wasn’t surprised he knew who it was that attacked her despite the fact that she had mentioned the lady in white to no one. “What was she trying to do?” He locked his eyes on hers, the warmth she had felt in the room seemed to bow out to his freezing clutch. The second before he spoke his next words were relished to Zipporah. It was a moment of ignorance, sh
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Episode 13
Zipporah snuggled her cheeks on warm tough pillows, her neck felt well stationed and she didn’t want to wake up from her comfort spot. The only problem was the thumbing and imbalance her brain felt. It was almost like her bed was walking on a treadmill. She groaned when her knees refused to stretch and her legs felt too light and weak. Slowly she flicked her eye lids open. It took a while for her brain to explain to her iris what her current situation was. But as soon as she realized there was no pillow she went into a mild panic mode. Her comfortable pillows were Adam’s arms and chest which carried her, bridal style, up the staircase of her apartment. He had a few more steps to her door when she began to wiggle and stretch out of his hold. “Put me down.” She grumbled as she reached with her feet to the stairs. Her movements were a bit swift and made her head spin. She held steady on the wall and took quick breaths. Adam helped her up the remaining stairs, her fingers rubbed her h
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Episode 14
“I’m so sorry Bella, I wish the others were here so I could really apologize. Are they still watching N*****x?” “Nah, they slept off before the end. I stayed up, I just couldn’t bring myself to sleep.” Isabella had grown up with absent parents, she was used to staying up late waiting and wondering. It was a dreadful feeling and Zipporah cursed herself for putting her best friend through a rerun of such a hurtful experience. “God, I fucked up big time.” She palmed her face and teared up in them, she should have known better, “I didn’t mean to leave like that, I just felt so angry and pressured and I let it get to me in a stupid way.” Her words came off muffled and weak. She didn’t hear Isabella stand when she felt long, firm arms take her into a silent embrace. The next few minutes withered away with her weeping in patience arms. She cried for her mom, for her dad and she cried for the wreckage that was to be her life soon enough. Her fervid tears dropped through Isabella’s elbow.
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Episode 15
Seaming rays of the sun basked into the airy, open kitchen through yellow waving curtains. It enchanted everything it touched, from the light blue cornered walls to the grey cabinets and cream tiles, with the soothing glow of sunshine. The air in the room enveloped the spicy steam from the pot on fire. It was stirred by his woman, she was a model to the sun as it coated her wild, dark hair and sleek, brown shoulders. The short, white, off-shoulder gown she wore was a layer of dancing silk that exhibited her beautiful skin and each time she whisked around the room she drugged his senses. The moving picture paused to smile at him, her fingers gestured for him to come to her from the shadows. He went her without a second thought. He took her small, full body in his arms. Her waist settled perfectly in his embrace before she rose to her toes and blessed his lips. She tasted like the morning sun, enriching and pure. He closed his eyes, his senses lost to the world as his mouth twinkled int
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Episode 16
Adam placed the call on speaker and dropped his phone on the bed to search for clothes in his black, leather duffle bag. The clothes in the massive walk-in closet belonged to his father and brother, it seemed unnatural and disrespectful to wear them. He picked a black jean trouser and crowned it with a grey top and jacket. There was a quick shuffle on the other side of the call then Everest voice came through sounding worried, “Adam? Are you there?” “Yeah. And nothing is wrong with my mood.” He sneered. “Tell that to your tone,” Everest scoffed. Adam rolled his eyes in annoyance, he blamed himself for having his cousin and childhood best friend as his beta. There was no fear in the way he was addressed, he was used to it but presently wasn’t in the mood for it. “Is there a reason you called?” Getting the message loud and clear, he delivered, “there’s been news of several attacks in the east of the pack hold. Three minor wild packs has reportedly gone missing, their bodies have t
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Episode 17
The day had just began and it wasn’t starting out well for Zipporah. Waking up to a free bed and breakfast from Rose was great. The girls dropped a note that they would be back soon and had to be at work or an interview. Once she finished her breakfast of toast and scrambled eggs, the rest of her day morphed into chaos she didn’t really care for. She had slept better with her friends by her sides and after her call to her dad, she woke up feeling more grateful for the people she had in her life. She wanted, desperately, to focus on the good in her life. She was young, smart with great friends and a new found closeness with her dad. Everything was falling apart but she wouldn’t give up on trying to hold it all together. Her day went to absolute shit when she was on her laptop. Her last hour had been spent researching all the things she needed to know about men that turned into wolves. And boy was it a lot of information and opinions. Werewolves were one of the most popular mythologies
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Episode 18
It was at that beat a quick rap on the door interrupted their poignant moment and her day got extra shitty. Zipporah thoughts flowed between, so being saved by the bell, or knock, was truly not a myth but she wished they had the chance to finish this conversation so it wouldn’t keep her up at night to figure out a lie, she was terrible with those. She was the worst person to keep a secret about the supernatural. When another knock bounced through the room, she pulled her hands from his and moved to answer but he held her wrist back, “don’t worry babe, I’ll get it.” She watched him go and hoped it was not the girls, hopefully the delivery Isabella had texted her about. She glanced at her laptop, it still displayed a documented article on ‘the supernatural unknown’. She crossed her living room to slam it shut, her palm rested on its flat surface with her shoulders hunched and her head down. She suddenly craved for the cooling solace of ice cream. She turned when she heard footsteps.
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Episode 19
“Why are you here?” She spoke after a miserable few minutes of silence, she had found a band to tie her hair into a loose bun. She remained by the counter while he modeled, sexily, behind the couch, his hands on its headrest. “I need to talk to you.” He spoke smoothly, no trace of what had occurred almost twenty minutes ago in his voice. He was almost too calm for the fury he drove in her.“Talk? You needed to talk?” She threw her hands up then down, “oh yeah you need to talk, so why not barge into my home and be a dick. It’s almost like every time I’m around you I end up with one problem or the other.” Her voice was borderline cynical, “is there a reason you could not call? Or just find a way to let me know you were coming to ruin my peaceful fucking life again!”He shoved his weight from the couch, in the quickest strides, he crossed to stand in front of her, a short, habitual distance between them. She could smell the temper that sparked from his eyes, she’d never seen green on fi
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Episode 20
What happened to him? “Oh, I didn’t know you had a brother.” It reminded her of so many things she didn’t know about him but she was determined to learn. Even though it had taken a soul harvesting woman to bring him back and her into his world, she was not going to be a burden, she would learn all she had to and be able to protect herself and her family. “Where you two close?”“Once.”“Do you have any other siblings?”“No.”She frowned at his one worded response, his brother felt like a trigger that returned him to cold and distant, “so I did something that may sound stupid.”That got his attention, “what?”She used her face to unlock a note on her phone, “I wrote a list of question I’d like to ask you about, you know, you and everything you are.”He drove with one hand, the other pinched his bottom lip, “that’s not stupid, weird maybe but not stupid.”He felt his wolf skip when she smiled at him, then groaned. “I know, I know. It’s very weird but I just didn’t want to forget as I was
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