All Chapters of I Never Wanted You, My Mate: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
294 Chapters
Chapter 61
Liam povI listened to Derek and followed Anna to our room she looked exhausted as she peeled off her clothes and got in the shower. She rubbed at her neck and head again like she was on pain which I knew she would be she barely sleeps. I strip and get in with her making her gasp she wasn't expecting me to just get in. I move behind her as the shower rains water down on us and pull her against me fuck I missed holding her."you need rest baby",I kiss her head as she nods her back still facing me. I turn her and the tears hurt me."I'm sorry, she whimpers, I'm so sorry Liam ",she is a mess and I just do the only thing I know to stop her is kiss her gently and softly. Her arms wrap around my neck as she cries and kisses back. I just lift her and help her wrap her legs around my waist as I put her against the shower wall. My cock is so fucking hard and leaking as I line it up and enter her tight pussy with a groan. I thrust a few but stop and she whimpers."baby talk to me tell me how yo
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Chapter 62
Derek pov Alarms sounded letting us know the rogues are here attacking our pack. I gave orders to get the pups in the panic room and Anna went reluctantly cause she wanted to help."baby go now please",I begged her."fine be careful please",she cries and I hate her being upset. We run out helping fight as pack members run for our safe bunkers. Liam is in wolf form fighting with rogues trying to harm our members. He goes down and an old lady picks up a branch smacking the rogue off him."your a bad boy",she scolds hitting another going after him. She protecting her alpha as he gets up and nods at her. "go miss Jenny please",she sighs and hits another giggling shit she enjoying this."fine ruin my fun I'm old I don't get thrills no more",she mumbles walking away. He shakes his head and goes back to fighting. I shift and we start helping but they keep coming. Liam is exhausted and frustrated but we keep fighting. The moon goddess touches us and we fight harder, faster and more vicious.
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Chapter 63
Derek I headed for Anna and found her sobbing so hard thinking the worst. "Baby,I cooed scooping her up, we are fine my love. We handled it and we stopped the war",She sniffled and hugged me then reached for Liam whimpering so he rushed towards us. "Oh sweetheart stop crying it makes me want to cry",he kissed her softly. "You were gone for let me out to see if you were okay....I waited",she sobbed, falling apart as Liam looked at me, his eyes filling up. We hurt her. I should have mind linked her. "I'm sorry baby we were fighting but I stopped the fight",I filled her in and she sniffled checking us for injuries and wiping tears. "my sweet girl we told you we were coming back",I kissed her and just held her between us. I pulled Liam behind her and we sandwiched her between us comforting her. "I was scared",she whimpered again and held on trembling. We seriously need to get her settled and to trust us to come back from any battle. I just hope my way works cause if we con
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Chapter 64
Derek povWe go to Anna and scoop her up tomorrow is the meeting where everyone hears this. My goal is peace and no matter what I'm getting it."tomorrow is a meeting pass it on",I issue through the mindlink to everyone in the pack before cutting the link."let's spend time with our mate",I pull Liam with me towards our room."yeah I need sleep ",Liam yawns allowing me to hold his hand pulling him behind me to get to our room. We are still locking our shit cause even If the rogues stopped fighting I still trust no one."bed then tomorrow we let them all know whats going on",I sat holding our beautiful woman as sleeps. At the meeting "welcome everyone I have things to say so if you could please just listen I will try to get this out. The moon goddess kept me in a six month coma so I could see what our future would look like with and without my son Levi. The future with we flourish and werewolves do well and there was no drama or fighting, I pause as eyes widen in worry, now without we
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Chapter 65
Derek pov I led them all to the walk in shower and got In it was huge and we could all fit. "Derek ",Anna looked up at me and I kissed her. "let's shower baby and just relax for now",I just want a few moments of peace and it will be just us. "this feels nice",Liam loves the shower we are getting sprayed from all directions. It is calming and I really love how it relaxes you, making everything better. "Why are we in here?''Anna looks confused but I just wanted a few moments for us and not talk about our son and how some idiots want him dead. "I just wanted to relax and not think about everything that is happening so just enjoy this",I almost snapped at her but stopped myself. "Okay sorry ",she starts washing her body and hair trying to get done so she can get out. I can feel she wants to get out. She finished fast and left pretty quickly, shocking us. Usually Anna takes long showers but she was out in under ten minutes. I felt awful almost snapping at her but I was tired of expla
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Chapter 66
Derek povAnna was beaten almost to death and it was hours before her battered body was found. Liam told me what he said to her and I was mad. When Miss Jenny started screaming after opening the supply room door my heart sank.Looking in our mate was bloody and struggling to breathe right. I flipped and the doctor showed up fast with a stretcher to take her to a room. Everyone could see how bad it was and it was fucking bad."her jaw is dislocated, so is her shoulder and I think her ribs are broke. She has swelling of face and wrist. I need x-rays and MRI to check for a brain bleed but first I need to put her jaw in place and her shoulder so she can lay better and breathe",the doctor talks to the staff ignoring us the whole time."pull cameras find out who did this I want them fast ",I growl watching my mate as they popped her jaw back in place her muffled screams kill me. When they do her shoulder she is crying. Fuck I feel awful."it was the nurse she choked out she did this",a warri
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Chapter 67
Derek pov Walking in I see the bitch sitting there looking scared and she should be she fucked up. "why?"I just stared at her waiting. "because she deserved it and I was hoping she would have died ",I refrain from attacking cause I want her to feel fear. "so you ran like a chicken shit instead of staying. Shows how wimpey you are",I watch her face scrunch up in anger. "I loved beating that bitch it felt so good and if I could I would do it again" she looks smug but she won't be when we are done with her. "oh really you decided beating the luna of two packs was a good idea",I'm wanting to get her on video admitting it then I let some people beat her. "I don't give a fuck if she is the luna she put her hands on me I got revenge and I would do it again but the next time she would be dead and I would crush her skull",she was extremely smug so I nodded standing. "cut the video, I said and my warriors did, whoever wants a piece of this bitch come hit her but I get to kill her",I watc
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Chapter 68
Derek pov I took Anna down to the cell to have her moment with the bitch that almost killed her. Walking in the bitch sits there looking horrible but her fucking mouth still runs. "see that I didn't kill you bitch you look like shit",she tries to goad my girl but Anna remains calm and just stares at her. "I made it because my mates actually want me. Yours took one look at your whore ass and ran",I stare at Anna in shock. "fuck you bitch you know nothing ",she fumes at my girl angry that Anna nailed it. I watch Anna pull the pipe from behind her back and smack it against the table making this whore jump. Anna moved around her chair running the pipe over the table as the wolf moved around uncomfortably. "It seems you're a bit nervous there. Does this scare you?",she was fucking with her now and seemed to be enjoying it as she smacked the pipe making a horrible noise in the room. I chuckle and get a glare from this whore which I didn't care to even know her name so we refer to her b
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Chapter 69
Derek pov "tight pussy",I growl and continue thrusting in her. She moans and whines my name as I increase the pace. Anna cums and I follow growling at how good her pussy feels clamped down on my cock. I ease her to her feet worried I was too rough but she hugs me tight and kisses my chest. Fuck do I love her more then I thought I ever could."thank you that felt so good",she stayed in my arms. I kissed her head loving how much she trusted me not to hurt her. "Baby I would never intentionally hurt you but I'm thankful you trusted me enough to let me have you. Are you in pain?"I look over worried when she catches my hand. "no I needed it and I trust you and I trust Liam I want you both to know that. You two never made me feel unsafe during sex",she looks at me and smiles softly. I nodded and kissed her gently. I adjusted the shower and gently washed her, loving her little body. She needed more weight but she was still beautiful. After stepping out I put the cream on her back and bruis
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Chapter 70
Derek pov The meeting is a fucking mess of yelling and screaming about the five being locked up. It is mostly their parents and I sit listening till I hear a jab about Anna being weak. I roar so loud everyone submits and I play the tape of Anna their Luna being snuck up on and how brutal the attack was and how she was left laying there bleeding. Then I play the videos of the five bitches meeting to plan how to kill their Luna. Every mouth is dropped as I pause it on them saying poison should be easy. "any fucking more you all want to say or should I play her beating with the pipe once more",I stand chest heaving. "We are sorry Alpha",is said but to me sorry isn't good enough. "Sorry, it just isn't going to work anymore. Anna did nothing wrong to anyone. I did wrong fucking a whore and yes she was a whore that only cared about what she could get. Ellie took and took with no regard about others",I growled playing her video next. She was on screen saying she hated having her pup and t
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