All Chapters of THE VICIOUS ALPHA: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
62 Chapters
I woke up to the scent of fresh bread filling my nose.I didn't know how long we'd been here, but it felt like days. It most definitely had to be some days, a couple at least. We were starving and dehydrated and my mind felt all sorts of cloudy, I couldn't even think straight.Was there even oxygen in this place?I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes just in time to see one of the guards shove two loaves of bread on a metal pan into our cell."What's that?" I asked, sleep still clouding my eyes."Breakfast." he said and started walking away but then he stopped and after a long pause he added, "Lunch ... and Dinner." he smiled at me."You've got to be kidding me." Mavis muttered, rubbing her eyes as well.'No, I'm not. Enjoy." and with that the guard left, continuing to shove bread into cells.Once the guard was out of earshot, or so I guessed, I spoke up. "They're feeding us now?" It seemed strange to me. Or maybe a last meal sort of thing?Mavis looked over at me and shrugged. "I guess s
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A completely severed link would only leave room for grieving for the people we've lost, but not like the feeling we had initially of literally having lost your actual head, like you don't know how to go on, like it was impossible.My knowledge on some of these things wasn't too extensive, but I believed that's basically what was happening to us.We live in a kill or be killed world. That's just how it is.Nature's way of taking care of us, again, making sure that life would go on, that life can go on.Helping us grief intensely and thoroughly, but not forever.But this was me, I can't even imagine what the others were feeling, even with the help of a fading bond, there would still be so much sadness for the loss.Which is probably why the dark thoughts seem to be desperately pushed to the back of our minds now."But now that I think of it, I am quite hungry." Mavis said.'Oh no you don't." I said sitting down and pointing a warning finger at her."Maybe you could ask your mate to brin
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We woke up to our cells being forcefully drawn open, the sound of metal bars banging.'Get up, you lazy animals." one of the guards who unlocked our cell, kicked me in the ribs.Ah, it's the red head guard from yesterday.Dan.And I was sure to catch the scowl he threw my way as he kicked me. Sour puss."Ow." I whined, getting up and looking around to see chaos in the dungeons as people were dragged out of their cells. The males putting up a fight since their sedatives have obviously worn off, females less so.At this point though, why bother."Hey, watch it!" Mavis mumbled as Dan kicked her too, not as hard as mine but painful nonetheless.Then we heard a growl."That will be the last time you ever touch her. Got that?" We turned to see a fuming James glare at Dan, a frown marring his handsome face.He rushed to Mavis and helped her off the ground, whilst I stood up also. James cupped her face and asked her if she was okay,and she shyly nodded.James smiled and placed a soft kiss on
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Out of nowhere I found the courage to speak. "And if I don't?" I said slowly, placing the flag behind me and taking a step back, ready to bolt, although I doubt I'll make it far.At least I'll try. He raised his eyebrows fully this time in slight surprise at my sudden outcome."I will take it from you, even if I have to use force." he said as he took a step closer. And I don't know where this came from either, and I really hope I didn't render him incapable of having children, but in one quick move I rose my knee up and hit him in his jewels. Hard.My action must have taken him, and me, by surprise because he couldn't block the shot and he fell to the floor holding his babies as I stepped over him and made a run for it.I heard him let out an aggravated growl just before I was out of earshot. I ran back the way I came, past the stream, through the hedges, through the woods meeting unconscious bodies on the way, both from the blue and red team.I could see the base now, I was almost th
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I just stood there frozen, a pair of gray blue eyes staring at me. Growling and baring its canines drawing its claws as it approached me. I hid further behind the curtains only to have them ripped off leaving me exposed, shaking, scared. Pieces of cloth were stuck between its teeth after it tore the curtain. It let out one more sickening growl before it pounced on me ..."No!" I woke up in a dark room. My heart pounding out of my chest, my breathing heavy. I was sweating but I felt really cold. I wiped off some of the tears that had slipped out of my eyes as I was asleep. When I had calmed down I took in my surroundings. I was on a bed. A bed?I looked around and saw a window, it must be dark out, cause hardly any light came through. Then I noticed some movement with the corner of my eye and its like I saw a shadow in the corner of the room. I sat up abruptly and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes hoping to see more clearly, but the figure was gone."Hello? Who is there?" I tried to get
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"So keep all sorts of pressure away from the injury for about a week and you'll be good to go. You are actually healing very fast, its amazing." Dr Hawkins told me with a reassuring smile. I looked at my arm that had been put into a fresh cast after the doctor cut off the old one to inspect my arm.He got up and packed his stuff and Latifah escorted him out.I already took my bath, which was extremely hard with just one hand, and changed into some fresh clothes that Latifah provided for me, which wasn't easy either.I looked on the bedside table and picked up my half eaten breakfast. Bacon, sausage, eggs and toast. I had my breakfast in my room instead of downstairs at the dining table because I seriously wanted to avoid some people and Latifah understood completely.I only drank my tea and ate the toast and a bit of the Bacon and eggs. I'm not a big fan of sausages. I placed the plate with my leftovers on the tray and took the tray in my right hand and walked to the door. ! gently use
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"The one up North or down South?" James asked Damon. Damon ran a hand through his hair before he turned to look at me. His breathing was heavy, ragged. He turned around again, his back facing us."Take her up north." and with that he stormed out of the room.*****"Where exactly are you taking me?" I asked James quietly as we were walking through the woods.We left as soon as Damon left my room. I couldn't even change or say goodbye to Latifah. He just wanted me out of his house.I think I even killed someone. It was an accident, but he wouldn't even listen. So now here I am, going off to God knows where."I'm taking you to an isolation cell." he told me, giving me a sympathetic smile. A cell?He's sending me back to a cell?"A cell?" I said. "Don't worry, it's not actually a cell, it's like a small cottage." he assured me. "The Alpha has a soft spot for you, he never sends anyone to the one up north, the one down south is even worse than a cell, trust me. This one isn't so bad." he sa
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I woke up abruptly to the sound of something crashing. The bathroom door was broken down and a shirtless Damon stood before me.'What are you doing here?" I asked him sitting up.He ignored my question and came over to me and picked me up in his arms. I slung my arms around his neck and looked him in the eyes."Damon?" I asked, he was acting weird. He looked me in my eyes his blue eyes shining."Shhhh ... " he said before leaning in to place a soft kiss on my lips. He pulled back with a small smile. I was just staring at him wide eyed. A small smile creeping onto my face."I'm sorry." he said. I smiled and buried my face in his chest. He held me tighter.He's sorry?He's sorry. Finally."I love you." he added. I love you, I love you, I love you. I love you ......"Latifah, what are you doing in here?" I suddenly woke up staring at a sad looking Latifah. I sat up abruptly, banging my head against the toilet.Ow." I whined. I looked around, I was still in the bathroom.Wtf?! I was dreami
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After three more hours of reading I finished the first book. Well that's one book down. Four more to go. I immediately took the Sea of monsters and continued my reading adventure.It was getting to five o'clock and I was beginning to get tired. The book was nice and all, but I needed to do something else. I was beginning to feel dizzy. I put the book down and went to my room. I walked to the window and opened the curtain.Looking out at the woods at this time is not half as creepy as when it's in the night. I really want to try and forget what I saw two nights ago. My childhood nightmares keep coming back to haunt me. Nobody even knows what I dream about, not even Mavis. Its not something I like to discuss. I opened the window and stuck my head in between two bars. To my far right I could see the sun getting ready to set. It really looked beautiful in the now orange looking sky. This could be a very nice landscape drawing.Maybe when Latifah comes, I could ask her to get me a sketch pa
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Damon stood there, all sweaty and breathless.He walked over to me in the fireplace.He bent down and took my hands and carefully pulled me out of the small space, my left arm hurting slightly as he did so. When I stood up my knees buckled because I had been in that position for quite a while and blood flow had sorta ceased.I wasn't about to fall down but my legs did wobble so I put my arms on his shoulders to steady myself as his hands also grabbed onto my waist holding me in place.I looked up to see his scorching blue eyes looking back down at mine. His eyes roamed my body and my face for a minute before he spoke."Are you alright?" His voice was very low and he actually managed to look concerned. And I found myself falling for it. I just nodded still in shock from what just happened.One minute I was running away from here, the next I was being chased back hereby some rogue. And now I was being saved by my 'mate'. Which wouldn't be necessary if you would just come out when I need
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