All Chapters of Reborn to Be A Noble Wife: Chapter 591 - Chapter 592
592 Chapters
Chapter 591 There are two female nuns on the mountain
The steps sank upwards, Qu Mo Ying was already a bit unable to walk, her body was not comparable to Ji Han Yue's body that day, although after being reborn, she would exercise as well, she still couldn't compare to Ji Han Yue.Ji Hanyue can go up the mountain, she still can not go up until now, all the way to the panting, Pei Yuanjun reached out and pulled her hand, to help her arm when she did not refuse again.Looking upwards, the high mountain love would be beyond her ability to climb.The mountain path grew steeper and there was only one trail, Pei Yuanjun walked just outside of her, taking one step and waiting for her, not rushing her up.Fortunately, the knee has been rubbed open, this time walking is not fast, but even so, Qu Mo Ying white tender forehead above has seen the sweat, the wind blew up the eye veil, to the outside when puffing, raised half a day to cover the line of sight, to the inside when blowing, and the whole pasted on the face, it is
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Chapter 592 From now on, you're the only one I ... have.
The road down the mountain was quiet, Pei Yuanjun remained silent, only later, when Qu Mo Ying's breathing became heavier and heavier, did he stop and look down at the delicate young girl walking on his side.Because of the tiredness, she gasped from the usual thick and heavy a lot, but the color of the lips is not good, looking at it feels weak, but both so, she did not open her mouth, white tender forehead scattered strands of hair, a little messy, but does not detract from her appearance, the corner of the eyes of the winks, so that she looks a little soft and Wan, with some ignorance of the blankness.The deadly enchantment follows the pure, delicate color of the face.Pei Yuanjun's hand reached out and extremely naturally embraced her into his arms, reaching out to her back, gently pressing and caressing her twice so that she could breathe through more easily."Your Highness?" By his sudden embrace, Qu Mo Ying froze for a moment and subconsciously looked
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