All Chapters of Internet Cafe in a Xianxia World: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
187 Chapters
Chapter 121 Heavenly Zephyr Fruit
After leaving that one stone room, Qin Feng and the others then entered a realm crisscrossed with roads again.Only here is like a pure transition area, which does not contain any special martial arts, there are only some, in the endless years from the previous piece of labyrinth inside the escape from the thin and fragmented traces of martial arts only.Without realizing it, the crowd walked aimlessly for another full half hour.And what was strange was that, not to mention not seeing any other living person along the way, even the bones of those who had once broken into this place but failed to get out were nowhere to be seen.The porch was clean, almost nothing.Dead air."Could we be going in the wrong direction?"Suddenly, Dong Shanzhi stopped and said so.The crowd stopped in their tracks as well.At this moment, Qin Feng looked at the crowd and closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again, still shaking his head.
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Chapter 122 Betting Your Life
"Is this kid afraid he's crazy?"A sneer caused countless people around him to laugh.In such a situation, it was natural for those of them to simply feel that what Qin Feng had said was a pure joke."Young man, do you think this kind of boring joke will be able to save your lives?"That old man still maintained his amiable demeanor, but he couldn't help but carry a few sneers.Qin Feng looked at the people around him who were laughing maniacally, but he laughed just as maniacally.Only after seeing Qin Feng laugh did the surrounding crowd gradually stop laughing."Do you guys think this is funny?"Qin Feng also stopped laughing while saying so.The two groups of people listened to the words but both were stunned, then that Vuhu Sect Leader immediately said fiercely, "That's natural, you're only 15 or 16 years old boy can have what ability, or do you think that with just a few of you, you can deal with so many people from our Vuh
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Chapter 123 The Chamber of Organs
"Phew ..."After letting out a long breath, Qin Feng then retrieved the Sin Question Sword back into its scabbard.Although those two moves just now were both as swift as lightning, for Qin Feng, it really took a lot of chi and spiritual energy."So ... is the utility of this Heavenly Zephyr Fruit really worth putting their lives on the line like this?"Qin Feng walked slowly to the side of the plant and opened his mouth.At this moment, the remaining four had also arrived beside Qin Feng.Dong Shanzhi said, "As one of the Eight Trigrams Spiritual Objects, the years that need to be experienced during the period from sprouting to fruition will even take thousands of years, and also require a rather pure 'Tui' martial arts Dao to continuously nourish, and only then will it be possible to nurture the Heavenly Zephyr Fruit, and because of this, its usefulness is also unnecessary to say. That being said, after letting people of the right age within the
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Chapter 124 Underworld has its own destiny
"That's Shizuo!"That although there was already only a corpse left, but Pak Sen Xu still said so firmly.And as he spoke, his footsteps had taken a few steps in the direction of that corpse.Following behind Pak Sen Xu, Qin Feng opened his mouth and asked, "How did you conclude that he is your master ancestor?"Listening to Qin Feng's words, Park Senxu then replied, "Each generation of disciples in our Qingxuan Sword Sect will have a marking on their bodies, just like this emerald anklet on my right leg. And the marking of Master Ancestor's generation is a ring inlaid with fire agate."As he spoke, he was pointing at the gemstone with a hint of crimson glow on the hand of the withered bone.At this moment, Qin Feng looked down at the ring set with a red gemstone, then he also nodded slightly.However, at the same time, Qin Feng also saw that this seated corpse had its hands folded on its lap, and on top of its hands, there was a volume of b
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Chapter 125 Two Men in a Deadly Battle
A few people continued to move forward within the cave, although they encountered other people a few times along the way, but basically they were either scared off by Qin Feng or resolved by the three youths.As for the side of Bersenxu, it had been as if he was lost in thought.However, it was thought that only Qin Feng knew that he was repeatedly attempting the trial of the Qing Xuan Technique in his mind.Since fate had intentionally arranged for him to become the first Qingxuan Sword Sect disciple to obtain the complete Qingxuan Secrets after a hundred years, he was bound to grasp such an opportunity as well.If it was possible, perhaps this opportunity could even be his interlude.And in the end, not only Qin Feng, but all the people also realized something.It seemed as if all the roads around them were concentrating towards a certain location, and the forks in the road that made the group of five have to take became fewer and fewer.E
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Chapter 126 The Beast of the Sleeping Abyss
"Roar!"Deafening roars were still being released from the mouth of the Water Lion Qilin, and after that huge voice stepped through one side of the stone wall, it directly fell down towards the direction of the platform.And just at this time, the two people on top of that platform also leaped and came to that one wire bridge opposite Qin Feng and the others.The moment the Water Lion Qilin landed on the platform, it directly stepped on half of the stone platform without causing it to crazily collapse, and even the iron cable bridges on both sides were constantly shaking, as if they might collapse at any time."All of you grab me!"Looking at the crazily shaking wire bridge, Qin Feng's mouth then immediately released such a cry.And then, the remaining four people did not ask any more questions after hearing the words, but all of them were up and grabbed Qin Feng.Right after confirming that the four had already grabbed a firm grip, Qin Feng
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Chapter 127 Become Your Spiritual Root
"Why are you crying?"Listening to the furious cries from the Water Lion Qilin's mouth, when Qin Feng intentionally or unintentionally turned back to look at Cang Xun beside him, he saw two lines of tears hanging unknowingly on her face.And Cang Xun, who had heard this question from Qin Feng, at that moment also raised his hand to wipe away his tear tracks, even as he still looked like he was completely unaware of the situation.But then she let out a slightly older general sigh."The descendants of the Ancient Divine Beasts all possess the ability to be able to express meanings with their voices, or to peer into certain things from the cries of other living beings." Cang Xun changed his earlier childlike appearance at this time and spoke thus.Seeing this, Qin Feng looked at Cang Xun in front of him and was really a bit surprised."So says ..."After a slight beat, Qin Feng asked, "You do know that you yourself are a descendant of an ancie
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Chapter 128 A Crime of Great Magnitude
On the other hand, after Qin Feng didn't enter the darkness.When he took a step into the empty darkness, he first had the feeling that he had crossed over from one world to another, but this was only an illusion under a slight sway, and he soon adapted to this bizarre feeling.However, when looking in before coming in, it was pitch black.But when Qin Feng entered inside this darkness, it turned into a party of brightly lit stone chambers.And between just a single sweep, he immediately saw a person, or rather a body, sitting cross-legged in the center of the entire stone room.The clothes on that body had become tattered under the wash of years, while the body under the rags was still intact, preserved as if it had just died.If it wasn't for the fact that Qin Feng couldn't feel any semblance of vitality from his body and that his skin was purple and black, Qin Feng would have really thought that this guy was still alive and was just meditating
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Chapter 129 The End
As Qin Feng gathered the 'Main God Space' back, this wall behind him started with a crack and eventually collapsed.And the air currents inside and outside this place, which were originally blocked from each other, also communicated with each other at this moment.When Qin Feng turned his head back, he just happened to stare at the little black dragon Cang Qiu, who had already transformed into a dragon form, while the Water Lion Qilin on the other side also stood up after slightly moving its eyelids."Mother, you did it."Although the voice in Cang Xun's mouth was also still slightly surprised, it was in fact justified, as if she had known since the beginning of her greatness that this was the result.At this moment, Qin Feng looked at Cang Xun, so he also gave a symbolic nod."Since now that you have ended that sinner, then I should also fulfill my earlier promise now." At this moment, the Water Lion Qilin had also slowly approached Qin Feng.
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Chapter 130 The Second Spiritual Vein
"What the hell is going on here?!"All the people present, including the two youths, were also incomparably shocked as they watched this amazing scene unfold before their eyes.However, this kind of thing that happened at this moment had also completely exceeded the cognition of all the people present, and naturally, there was no one who was able to give any answer to it."However, since the peak has fallen, it also means that from now on, this Spirit Warrior's Secret Treasure will never come into existence again. There is only one last Spirit Martial Secret Treasure remaining within the Qin Kingdom." One of the youths said so.And as soon as the words fell from this side, another youth arched his hand."In that case, we will take our leave."After saying that, he turned around and swept in a direction."Older brother, wait for me." Immediately afterward, the other youth also quickly followed.As they watched the two gradually disappea
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