All Chapters of The Taming of the Ruffian Hero: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
230 Chapters
Chapter 111 (What Am I?) When True Is Taken for False, False Becomes True
"So do I have to ask you once again? How do you choose? Do you choose to let him win, or let him lose?" asked Chen Wanxin. "Hum, as long as he doesn't take part in the match, there will be no win or loss." Lin Wenxi gave a cold smile. Chen Wanxin did not expect that Lin Wenxi would say this. She felt sad and happy upon hearing his words. She felt sad because according to Lin Wenxi's character, he would make every effort to find a solution. However, once Lin Wenxi got involved in it, it seemed that Zhao Yuan's feelings of joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness on this matter would have nothing to do with her anymore. That was why she felt sad at the same time. Lin Wenxi stumbled away. Although he wanted to see Zhao Yuan very much, he managed to keep an extremely clear head. Lin Wenxi thought to himself. "Chen Wanxin will not turn a blind eye to Zhao Yuan. As for me, I cannot keep myself from saying some impulse words once I see him. He is a fool.
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Chapter 112 (He Must Also Stay Awake) In My Heart I Am Fond of You, but You Are Not Aware
Far into the night, Zhao Yuan packed up everything and returned to the small room he rented temporarily. It was a village in the city, so there were no road lamps late at night. Zhao Yuan was in the darkness, and he couldn't even see his hand. At this moment, Zhao Yuan felt like that all the dormant pains on his body woke up. Burning pains radiated all over his body, especially on his knees. Strolling, he went each step with all his strength. "I want to call Lin Wenxi again. Somehow, when such a big thing happened to my family and me, I even have spent more time in missing him than thinking of my father. At the thought of that boy's smile, I felt my heart is full of strength at once. I want to do my best to guard all of this." "But what if I died in the boxing ring?" Zhao Yuan suddenly understood that what he feared previously was not the death. Instead, he was afraid that he could never again see such a smile as brilliant as f
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Chapter 113 (Wenxi, Why) All Zhao Yuan's Hardships Went for Nothing Like the Ever-flowing Yangtze
"After the final match, I can get the "Mo's battle" credit as long as I try my best. And that I can change a more comfortable bed for my father by making use of the considerable champion's bonus. In the next few months, I may not need to worry too much about my father's medical expense." "Maybe, maybe I can join in the selective matches every time later on such that I can transfer my father to another hospital." Zhao Yuan thought to himself while walking on his way to the boxing field, and his hands slightly trembled. Chen Wanxin held his hands and pressed them against her face. The fists' master guarded the fate of his family in the most primitive way. She believed that her thousands of black hair would only dance for him. Zhao Yuan looked at her silently. Her flaming red lips were close at hand, and her pair of bright eyes gazed at him. Now, they only need a passionate kiss to become the hero and the beauty, the universally a
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Chapter 114 (I Walked the Path You Had Passed) I Walked on the Way You Came
Zhao Yuan dropped out of school, and no one could find him anymore, except Chen Wanxin. When Lin Wenxi came to his sense, he forced Chen Wanxin to give him an explanation. "But I didn't make you wipe out the whole boxing field," Chen Wanxin said with a smile. "I didn't care about this. Whatever the reason was, I still would do what I had done as long as I knew that Zhao Yuan joined the fatal underground boxing match. So it has nothing to do with you! I only want to know why Zhao Yuan would take part in the fatal underground boxing match!" Lin Wenxi asked sternly. "I told you before." Chen Wanxin turned her back to Lin Wenxi. "It was not the first confrontation of us. So you should know that I am not a fool," Lin Wenxi said coldly. "If you are so capable, you can figure it out yourself." Chen Wanxin sneered. Slowly dropping the words one by one, Lin Wenxi asked her. "Who, are, you?"
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Chapter 115 (I Will Do That) Making a Guarantee against His Own Will
In a hotel in a small city. "Boss Mo, you have always been scared that Director Lin and Director Chen will thoroughly ruin their relationship. I'm afraid that no one can get any good in the end." It was Zhang Dong who was speaking. At the beginning of Zhang Dong's freshman year, the bodyguard group of Chen's family, which was led by Mo Qian took a fancy to Zhang Dong and a batch of students. Zhang Dong signed a contract to work for Chen's family after his graduation. As a guarantee, Zhang Dong could be exempted from tuition and fees, and he would receive the most rigorous training in this university. And at the same time, he would get an advance payment, which he could use to buy a better house for his parents. The performance of Zhang Dong in the past few years was indeed beyond everyone's expectations. He had been making contributions in those years and got many medals. The pattern stood for rank on his epaulets started with a bar and a st
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Chapter 116 (She Was the Protective Cover)
Thinking in Depth and Planning Carefully, Zhao Yuan's Father Tried to Protect His Only Son "Who is she?" On the alert, Zheng Zihuan looked Chen Wanxin up and down. "My classmate, Chen Wanxin, she comes here together with me to see my father. What is my father's situation today?" Zhao Yuan said. "Your father mentioned her..." Zheng Zihuan paused a little and said with a smile, "He will be fine. You see, now he is having a good rest." Zheng Zihuan moved out of the way. He bent down to get the basin with some filth in it and brought it out. He looked so solemn that it seemed as if he was accomplishing his longed-for wish. In the hospital bed, the mouth and nose of Zhao Mingjiang were under the breathing mask. He slept very well. He looked as if he had never suffered from any pain. "You look pretty much like him. He is as handsome as you." Bashfully, Chen Wanxin slightly twisted her head. While nibbling her lips with
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Chapter 117 (Zheng Kai, You?) The Son of Zheng Zihuan Had a Manner of a Dragon or Tiger
"Zheng Kai, why are you here?" asked Zhao Yuan. Zheng Kai looked suspiciously at the three of them and asked, "Zhao Yuan, I haven't seen you for a long time. You, why are you here?" But each of the three people had their secrets in the heart, so they remained silent. Zheng Kai said with a smile, "In the elevator just now, I heard some people talking about that a crazy man wearing a red quilted jacket had been waiting for the elevator for a long time. Finally, he chose to take the stairs, carrying a bunch of things. Now I see that it must be you. Lin Wenxi, you have walked up 29 flights of stairs..." Zheng Kai thought to himself that Lin Wenxi's bright red quilted jacket looked as red as fire, and the color of it seemed like that of the jersey Zhao Yuan wore all the time. Lin Wenxi smiled with a little embarrassment. Zhao Yuan couldn't help clenching his fists and gazed right at Lin Wenxi who turned his head and lo
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Chapter 118 (Only You Can Help!) Zheng Zihuan Knelt Before Wenxi to Ask for Help
"Uncle, what are you doing?" Lin Wenxi was very shocked, and he hurried to help him up. "Please hear me out, and I won't get up until I finish!" Zheng Zihuan choked with sobs. "Uncle, if you have anything to say to me, I'll feel more comfortable when you stand up and tell me. Otherwise, the only thing I can do is to run back and ask Zhao Yuan why." Lin Wenxi knelt down, too. "Wenxi, you are A Yuan's roommate and Director Lin, Lin Ziwei's son, are you?" Upon hearing Lin Wenxi's words, Zheng Zihuan rose unsteadily to his feet and helped Lin Wenxi up. He was to speak and then hesitated. But finally, he opened his mouth. "Zhao Yuan have told you..." Lin Wenxi wondered. "Zhao Yuan's father and I are life and death childhood friends. Everything happened in his family, except for him and his son, I know best. Do you know why your Uncle Zhao became like this?" Zheng Zihuan asked. Lin Wenxi suddenly looked a
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Chapter 119 (This Is a Declaration of War!) Lin Wenxi Declared War on Wanxin
"Do you love him?" Lin Wenxi asked. "What do you think?" "Oh, even if he is not your boyfriend, you will do everything you can to help him, right?" Lin Wenxi said with a sneer. "What are you trying to say?" Chen Wanxin was not in the mood to beat around the bush with Lin Wenxi. "He's your nominal boyfriend, but my real man! My eighteenth birthday was spent with Zhao Yuan. At that time, what should happen had happened." Lin Wenxi giggled, but Chen Wanxin was too angry to go any further. She had enough impulse to push Lin Wenxi into the fast-moving vehicles on the road. "Do you really think there's something between you two, like Shu Xiaoman said, about pure love? Sh*t! If everyone is like you and Gu Xi, human beings must be extinct!" said Chen Wanxin, pointing to the tip of Lin Wenxi's nose. Lin Wenxi stretched out his forefinger and middle finger, slowly pushed Chen Wanxin's hand aside, and said with
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Chapter 120 (More Afraid of Life than Death) Mo Qian Tortured Zhang Dong
At this moment, in a dark underground room, a man's hands were tied to a cross and his feet were soaked in cold water. He had been stripped of his coat, and there were visible whiplashes from his arms to his chest, some of which were already stained with scarlet blood. In front of him, a man of wretched figure was beating his abdomen with a wooden stick. In severe pain, he still stood up and accepted the stick with the wind. After one and another blow, if he relaxed a little, his back would be pierced by a sharp iron thorn behind him. Such inhuman torture did not make him beg for mercy. He just clenched his lip without any scream. "Zhang Dong, You don't want your parents' lives anymore? Boss Mo hasn't killed someone for a long time. Do you really want to be killed?" Luo Yang said, dropping the stick. He hit hard on the body of Zhang Dong. Without a guard, his back immediately stuck in the iron thorn, and he was painful to snort. His red face
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