All Chapters of Once Upon a Time: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
359 Chapters
Chapter 100 The Sash of the Stretching Rainbow
My eyes reopened to see the infernal priest clutching at his right hand, screaming at the top of his voice in agony! The hand which barely seized me was now grotesquely bent as if it was broken! I jerked my head back to look at my companions, my eyes relaying my question. But both of whom were also watching me with amazement themselves. There was no time to ask about what happened. I yelled at the evil priest, "How do you like a taste of that, you old weasel?" Filled with anger at my taunt, the wicked priest began squawking strangely with fury and charged at me again like a frenzied bull! I began regretting goading him; even in his injured state, the evil priest was still many times as powerful as I am! There was no way I could ever dream of defeating him! In my panic, I began thinking of my father, Master Six, and the founder of my father's order whose picture I saw not long ago. I was in desperate need of help! Suddenly, I remembered, Master Six! Yes! M
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Chapter 101 Who Am I!
I scratched my head bleakly, still feeling sores all over me. I opened my mouth to speak but Master Six beat me to it. "What a sound sleep you had, boy," he said, "You've slept for one whole day." I scratched my head again sheepishly. "But... Why are you here, Master Six?" I asked. "You've caused quite a ruckus, boy," he said again, "Can you blame me for coming unannounced? More so, if you had indeed perished. All the years of my tough labor would have been for naught..." His voice trailed off as if he had suddenly realized he had spoken a little too much. But I was hardly perturbed nor annoyed; Father too usually spoke on such vague terms as if he was avoiding from revealing too much, a trait which I had grown too used to. The Sash of the Stretching Rainbow came to my mind suddenly and I scratched at my head again. "Urm... Master Six," I said meekly, "The Sash of the Stretching Rainbow... I'm afraid it's..." "I know," he said curtly, cutting me off, "The
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Chapter 102 I Am Me!
I felt as if a hole was bored deep into me. For over twenty years I had lived here, and suddenly it was my house no more, and the parents whom I loved and respected for more than two decades suddenly became strangers? Tears trickled down Mother's face uncontrollably as Father shook his head wearily, sighing hard as he pressed again, "Make your choice." I rubbed my face, swinging my legs out of the bed and walked to Father. "Would you still be delayed if I choose to remain?" I asked. Father shook his head, although Master Six's nodding head told me that he was lying. The fact that Father was lying again made it all the more unbearable for me. "Father, Mother," I said quickly without much thought, "You've done enough for me... I..." I could not finish what I wanted to say. Tears streamed down my cheeks. Father was chewing on a cigarette, and he said dejectedly, "Make no mistake, the delay of my ascension from the Human Realm is not because of this. I have m
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Chapter 103-104 Dead Man Driving Chapter and Turmoil at the Zhang Residence
Yuanyuan was a sales girl of female apparels and most of her colleagues were girls about her age. Females of their age all shared a common habit: gossiping. They would spend every minute of their spare time prattling about boyfriends, relationships, and of course, the ever-so enigmatic topic of paranormal incidents. Inadvertently, all eyes around the table were naturally directed upon the one single person who had no short of encounters with the paranormal: me! As the youngest and possibly the most powerful medium in town, the name of Murong Shiyan had become a household topic across the little hamlet of Wu Zhong County. As we ate, my companions and I endured the ceaseless bombardment of weird and strange questions unleashed upon us by the girls. "Oh, Brother Shiyan! Are the rumors about your encounters true, or were they merely publicity stunts?" One of the girls asked. My eyeballs rolled upwards involuntarily while I nearly scowled out loud. But Yuan Chongxi was quic
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Chapter 105 Zhang Zhigui
In the midst of our bewilderment and confusion, the third stranger rushed forward to the restrained Mr. Zhang and extracted something from his pocket, which he used it to wave around Mr. Zhang who was struggling to break free from the strong grip of his captors. With the situation almost under control, I realized that the object the man was using was a large wooden ruler! Lines of graduation, which I was almost certain were not measurements of length, were etched along the side of the ruler. He continued waving the ruler for some time like a magic wand until he finally stopped and motioned to his leader a spot near Mr. Zhang's chest. The leader nodded, and took out a needle and pierce through Mr. Zhang at the spot designated by his companion. Immediately, the thrashing Mr. Zhang began to simmer down like a balloon being deflated and fainted! The leader quickly stabbed more needles around Mr. Zhang's body with astonishing speed; a testament to his impeccab
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Chapter 106 The Champions of Yishui
The sudden remark made everyone's head turn. It was Xiao Qi and the rest of the Seven Sisters. She approached us, patting on my shoulder before patting on Zhang Zhigui's shoulder as if wanting us to back down, saying, "We will buy everyone a meal for the trouble today. We'll have it no other way; our brother-in-law's life would have been in danger if not for all six of you!" Zhang Zhigui was flabbergasted to find six women appearing around him suddenly. With a dumbfounded look, he bowed to them. "My greetings. You are..." In what seemed to be a fit of magnanimous profusion, Xiao Qi began introducing her sisters proudly. "Greetings to you too, Brother Zhang. I'm Xiao Qi. This is Xiao Liu, and that's Xiao Wu... That would be Xiao San.." And Xiao San hissed with great annoyance, "Off with you!" With an impish chuckle to Xiao San, Xiao Qi continued again, "Mr. Zhang's wife is the eldest of us Seven Sisters. That is why we are thankful for your help today. But you three are
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Chapter 107 Mobilization
The Creed of the Eight Trigrams was finally decimated after a long and arduous struggle. But that was hardly the end of my trials; or rather, it was only the end of the beginning. From Master Six and Father, I then found out that I, Murong Shiyan, was an unnamed orphan of unknown origins. Father had found me when I was still a toddler, and there was a sword with me which bore the name "Shiyan". Hence, I was so named, and I was raised until I reached adulthood. Something about how Master Six and my parents conveyed the trembling message told me that they knew about me and where I came from. I could see that there was something against them telling me the truth. But that mattered not to me. In anyhow there was nothing I could do save to wait and see. For a motor accident later cast us into another mysterious adventure where we met the three Champions of Yishui—Zhang Zhigui (born Zhang Ying), Lu Bugong, and Yan Jishi. The sudden appearance of m
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Chapter 108 Inner Mongolia Revisited
The cry of "Young Master" was clear and unexpectedly strong, that I instantly realized who it was! There was no one else among the female brigands at Aunt Ulan's encampment who would address me as such; only one: Alatan Qiqige! I looked hard at the woman, and there she was, the one and the same Edelweiss who once disguised herself as a village farm woman and had tried to steal my bag! I would not have recognized her, given her present appearance in au courant fashion and makeup! Her current look was a stark difference to the amazonian female brigand I met in Mongolia that I was too bewildered to react! Lin Feng let out a whistle before saying, "Oh my, it's Edelweiss! Look at you now! I would have mistaken you for a woman of the metropolitan!" The remark made me I eye Lin Feng with narrowed eyes. Quickly, I chuckled weakly and returned Edelweiss' salute. "Really, I was not able to recognize you earlier," I admitted and said, "So you are the messenger that
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Chapter 109 The Lordling of Horse Bandits
What should I do, I asked myself. Should I share a room with Edelweiss, or should I bang on the doors of Yuan Chongxi's or Lin Feng's room and sleep with them instead? I might be in for a terrible and excruciating night if I indeed suggested to Edelweiss that we share the room together... A taut silence fell upon us both as I peered at her, hoping to detect any reactions that would help my decision, only to find myself the first to falter into shyness after we stood there, staring at each other for minutes. Finally, she said, "What are you waiting for, Young Master? Open the door." "B-but..." I muttered drearily, "W-we only have one room... H-how should we..." To my amazement, she bellowed as-a-matter-of-factly, "Why, you, of course!" I was stunned by her reaction and stammered, "B-but what about you?" Only to regret my probity. She began to realize what I was thinking of and began blushing herself. "I'll sit out here. Someone has to guard outside here so that you can
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Chapter 110 Showdown
The members of the caravan who were dancing and singing merrily around the fire realized they were being surrounded by a ring of bandits and were horrified, more so, when Edelweiss let loose a shot from her gun which instantly smothered the music and laughter. We dismounted and marched ferociously into the campgrounds. The people inside were terrified by the sight of my six spirit wolves and the seething glares from the stony-faced female bandits. None of them dared move as Edelweiss raised her gun menacingly at them. There was even a plump tourist, clad in a windbreaker with a roasted lamb's leg in his hand, who was about to enjoy his feast when he was frozen in his tracks by our sudden arrival. I could see the fearful stares from the flickering illumination of the fire. They were no strangers to news of bandits roaming around the lands, although they did not expect to be assailed by a group of women led by a young man looking barely out of his early twe
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