All Chapters of Once Upon a Time: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
359 Chapters
Chapter 131 Aunt Ulan's Recovery
So this was magic of Zhu Mei, the Fifth of the Six Terrors: the magic to control the earth and enable its user to control the movements of a target! This was the sorcery behind the mysterious trap-like enchantment that had us walking around the Labyrinthian Canyon like mice in a maze! This is one of the two most fascinating magic used to manipulate movements, said Old Shang, with the other being Father's Autumn Decline. So this was the reason Godmother would have wanted me to learn something from Zhu Mei, I reflected. Father's magic was like a fairy tale and myth from a bygone age to me; I would never be able to perform the things that he could do nor would I be able to achieve the feats that he did. Learning Zhu Mei's magic, on the other hand, seemed more realistically doable to me. Everyone laid drunkenly sprawled on the floors of the fortress when the feast ended. Delirious and badly-stoned, Old Shang tugged on my arm, asking me to stay for a few more
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Chapter 132 The Homecoming Dinner
I could hardly believe my ears when I heard Aunt Ulan uttered the words. So this was the true reason she was so anxious to expedite matters! She wanted me to bring her to Wu Zhong where she could once again see Father! "Is this even fine?" I collapsed into a chair and fumbled miserably for other options. Still, my mind was completely blank! Just as I was still grappling for ways to answer, Godmother spoke suddenly, "Sister, I think it's better if you stay here." Aunt Ulan stared at her, shocked by her words. Quietly, she turned to Godmother, who promptly continued, "There was indeed passion between Murong Hai and us, Sister. But the time has long gone, and you are a mortal. Mortals grow old. Even today, Murong Hai maintains a youthful and exuberant appearance, while you are now a frail old lady? Do you really wish to let him see you like this? Frankly, Sister, even I... Even I would never dare show myself before him again!" Godmother must have remembered
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Chapter 133 Chongxi's Conundrum
Mr. Zhang and Uncle Quan knew nothing about the history behind Old Man Chen's blindness. In fact, not many at the Institute knew about the affair, not even Old Man Xie, his former comrade, realized that Old Man Chen had gone blind decades ago because he tried to help Shang Pei. Old Man Chen stopped to take a heave from his cigarette. "That nitwit Shang Pei came to Tangshan immediately after the earthquake that year and Brother Hai assigned him to serve at Wu Zhong, as part of a team that comprised of me and Old Xie here. He would spearhead any offense with his sorceries while we provided him our support. We depended much on him especially in duels!" "Quit trying to be humble, Blind Master," Lin Feng added, "Old Shang was full of praises for you both when we met him. He could not stop bragging about how powerful you were! You three were even known as the Triune of Wu Zhong!" "Humph... The Triune of Wu Zhong..." Old Man Xie snorted coldly, albeit, with an a
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Chapter 134 The Marauder and the Burglar
I said nothing at first, leading him to a snooker lounge where we had a game of billiards. But he could see that I had something to talk to him about. Unable to concentrate with the game, he pointed his snooker cue at me and bellowed, "Come on! What is it that you wanted to talk about!?" To me, the Center was a joint venture; a shared interest that should be equally divided between us three. So was the decision which I strongly believed that we should make together. Apprehensively, I asked Lin Feng, "So, how go things between you and Yuanyuan?" He was surprised to hear me saying this; this was one of the last questions he was expecting to hear from me. "Well, what else? We're still the same," he answered after shrugging his shoulders, "My parents are fine. But I have yet to meet her parents." I nodded and took a swig from my can of Coke. "You know Chongxi also has a girlfriend now, do you? A girl called Xiao Yu?" He merely nodded. My head bobbed slowly to
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Chapter 135 Edelweiss' Wrath
With Edelweiss' ferocity, she could easily take down three people herself. More so, since the thief was merely a petty hoodlum who knew nothing other than to cheat and lie. But the crowd of onlookers witnessed only how Edelweiss had pummeled the thief; they did not know that he had tried to steal her purse. With all of them being none the wiser, they wilfully made a report to the police and Edelweiss, together with the thief, were arrested and brought to Zheng Shuang's station. As the clock slowly ticked in the interrogation room, the officer-in-charge's questioning was hardly helped by Edelweiss' restlessness as she was worried about my dinner instead of trying to cooperate. Reluctantly, she merely responded during the interrogation with angered snorts and disdainful chuckles. What should have been a simple inquiry turned into a lengthy wrangle no thanks to Edelweiss' poor attitude and the accusation by the thief that she carried a knife. T
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Chapter 136 The Eld of Yuan Chongxi
The farmer would have thought this would have been a trivial case of just keeping his chickens safe from predators and the encounter with the weasel might discourage the beast from having second thoughts about his chickens ever again. But in the second morning when he woke up, his fields were covered with litters of bricks and roof tiles! Still wearing his trademarked blank and dull expression as he listened intently, Chongxi merely responded with a blunt and short "oh" when the farmer's tale reached its end. He peered at his future mother-in-law and the farmer. "Which sort of fertilizers do you use at the farm?" he asked quietly. Puzzled by his question, the farmer blabbered, "Manure from horses and mules, of course!" Chongxi chuckled viciously. He whispered into the farmer's ears who nodded, taking in everything he said and gave the farmer a name card, telling him to place another call to us; we would accept the case. Chongxi then declined the offer of an upfront pay
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Chapter 137 Wile for a Weasel
With great effort and time, we finally managed to recover Aunt Ulan's soul and saved her before returning from Inner Mongolia. It was in this journey that I had had the chance to know another of Father's former paramours, who later became my Godmother. My life was nearly lost during an avalanche when I was thrown off a cliff and Edelweiss leaped into certain death after me. Thanks to Godmother's magic, we were both alive although Godmother was initially perturbed when she found out I was the progeny of Murong Hai after saving us. Fortunately, all's well that ends well was true. Godmother eventually joined us in the rescue of Aunt Ulan. What was more, the avalanche had also broken the ice between Edelweiss and I that we were now lovers. In a conversation with Godmother, I later discovered the true reason Father had refused his ascension into the Heavens: it was the disappearance of the Dragon-slaying Blade which was once possessed by Bian Das
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Chapter 138 Checkmating the Weasels
From the sound of it, Yuanyuan and her friend could hear that we were going to help with a client about some spooky cases, and they agreed to help us. Chongxi was already pestering us to get a move on even as we barely finished lunch. He was anxious to meet the farmer, this being the first time he had handled a case by himself. The farmer had already completed his work of flipping the fertilizers into the ground when we reached his fields. He immediately tossed his cigarette to the ground and grounded it with his boot when he saw us stopping the car and got up to his feet, walking towards us with brisk steps. He was in good spirits; offering each of us a cigarette while thanking us, "What a tall order you've accomplished indeed! You guys are the real deal!" Real, of course, I mused wryly, we are as real as it gets. Chongxi chuckled gleefully, extremely pleased at himself, "Don't mention it! It's just a simple task for us!" I breathed and exh
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Chapter 139 Night's Errand
As our car crunched along the way out of Wu Zhong, Yuanyuan began a delivery about her hometown Linnancangzhen Town like a tour guide. It was in the 1970s when the township of Linnancangzhen Town started a mining company to quarry coal, an operation that would continue for decades until 2016. Everything was fine when the mining operations began. But years passed and residents in the vicinity began to observe cracks slowly appearing around their houses. No one realized that the tremors from the mining operations were the cause of the damages to the residents' houses, until the buildings around the quarry were toppling down with devastating alacrity. The cracks began to spread and grow like ivy and webs on a wall and the residents began to fear the worst. My mind slowly drifted away as Yuanyuan rambled on about the residents' ardent pursuit for their interests and compensation. Instead, my thoughts closed in on the area which the ground had sunk.
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Chapter 140 The Forest Sprite
With my Spirit Sight, I could see the thick tendrils of foul aura curling around the demon. It must be at least centuries old like Godmother. But why did it surrendered itself as soon as it saw us, behaving so meek like a sheep? In anyhow, I would gladly choose to talk rather fight any day. Feigning arrogant magnanimity, I heaved a puff from my cigarette, and stared down at it. "Enough fretting," I said, with all the frostiness I could muster, "Speak up. What are you and what evil have you wrought? I'd have no lies from you!" My cold and steely voice sent a chill down the monster's spine. It looked even more fearful than before as if Death was lurking from behind every syllable I uttered. Its lips quivered as it struggled to summon the courage to speak, until he spoke at last, "Er... Er... P-please! H-have mercy on me!" The monster's courage was no better than its hideous looks, I mused. Then I smiled and said, "Very well, mercy it is, for now," I added quietly, trying
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