All Chapters of Once Upon a Time: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
359 Chapters
Chapter 50 The Resolution
"Because there was still part of your Karma not yet resolved!" Master Six bellowed, shaking his head since she was unwilling to give in. Apparently, the dark man was working as a convoy bodyguard of a convoy escort agency. Every time before embarking on a trip, especially convoys with people, he would first visit a temple and offer some prayers, hoping for some blessing. But on this trip, the Lord Buddha had intentionally tried to delay him by means of some entanglements with the local magistrate because an area he would be passing was part of a battlefield. If not for any external interference, he would have first been arrested for investigation but would be released later. The truth would be revealed not long afterwards: the fabric store owner would have been sentenced to payment of hefty sum as punishment, and he would also have to re-compensate the girl while the girl would be safely sent home. The sales agent, the true instigator of the whole matter, would be seve
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Chapter 51 Ludicrous Absurdity
Here I was, thinking that Father would utter with his own lips the name of a prestigious and illustrious sect or order. Instead, Father had merely revealed that the man in the picture was his teacher with the monotonous mood as if he was speaking to a sleepy class of students, which made me wonder if his tone could not be more condescending. During dinner, from nowhere, Father took out a sword and handed it to me. "Take this sword, since the previous one was broken," he said. I took the sword from him and studied it. What the, I gasped quietly. This looked exactly the same as the previous one! Did Father buy these swords in bulk? The sword looked oddly similar to the ones used by old men and women in their morning taiji exercise no matter how I looked! As we chomped on the food, I asked Father, "How did you know that incident involved Master Six?" Father gave a sly chuckle. "I knew about it since the beginning. But what I did not know, was that even Celes
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Volume 3 Family Feuds --- Chapter 52 Jousting with Jiangshis
Despite bestowing me with a booklet complete with a set of illustrations of a fantastic discipline of swordplay, Father had only demonstrated it once to me. I could still remember the sword coming alive, flying in the air without being wielded when Father had shown me the swordplay that evening. For an entire year, I pored through the book, looking for answers that might have eluded me before, still, none of my attempts to pattern what he had displayed that night bore any semblance to his. But just then, the police officer named Zheng Shuang, had come back to us, seeking help from Yuan Chongxi, Lin Feng, and me. There was a very case so sensitive and critical that he needed our help with. As Zheng Shuang was already a friend of ours, he cut right to the chase: a child was reported missing in Wu Zhong County and news of the child's disappearance had been spreading on the Wechat like a flame in the wind. A police task force had been set up to specially handle this case w
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Chapter 53 The Evil Cult
Lin Feng burst into a raging frenzy when he heard me! Both he and Yuan Chongxi were gripped with fear, quivering like mice before cats when they thought we were dealing with true Jiangshis! But now that we had discovered that they were actually humans in disguise, Lin Feng, reflecting back at his humiliation just before, felt his pride immensely hurt! He thought of my lone stand against the two "Jiangshis" and was filled with rage! With a leap into the air, he delivered a kick at the tall man! The tall man tried his best to stand his ground, but he could not resist howling in pain! With a loud "Argh!" he fell on one knee. The other imposter, his shorter partner, realized that things were not in their favor and was about to flee! Lin Feng tossed a dart swiftly and hit the shorter man in the wrist, forcing him to drop the item that he had earlier used to parry my sword! The object fell from his hand and clattered on the ground. The dart Lin Feng threw had a rope tied to
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Chapter 54 Night at the Brick Factory
The woman never intended to entertain the priest, wishing only to send him off as soon as possible. But the Taoist priest showed him a wooden chest. "I have kept in this chest a talisman that I have enchanted and sealed. You will only have to pray to it day and night, and the cloud of woe circling your house can easily be dispersed!" The Taoist priest explained. "How much for this wooden chest?" "Three hundred thousand yuan!" The woman bowed to the priest and said, "I am but a poor widow with two more mouths to feed. We do not have much money left!" "How much would you be willing to spare for this means of salvation then, ma'am?" "Well, I had given you 1,000 yuan earlier. I can spare another 2,000 yuan for the chest and your troubles; it'll be 3,000 yuan altogether, if that's fine with you, Master Priest." The Taoist priest pondered quietly for a few seconds. "Very well then," he said, "So be it, 3,000 yuan. Consider this a show of my benevolence!" With an additional 3,000 yuan in h
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Chapter 55 One Fell Swoop
The lid of the wooden sarcophagus slowly opened, the wooden board grinding heavily to the side until it fell off its edge. A head popped out of the opening; a female head with long, unkempt black hair. From the distance, they could not see her face in the dark. The female stood up, revealing herself to be dressed in bright-red clothing that oddly reminded the two observers of blood before she hopped out of the coffin and began walking outward. Yuan Chongxi and Lin Feng stayed their positions, crouching in the shadows. It was as I had instructed: they were only to engage anything that came out of the coffin only if it returned. The female figure left the compound of the factory for a little more than an hour, and returned later, cradling a bundle in her arms. She meandered back to the coffin, replacing the lid back unto the coffin but she kept it half-opened. With a leg already inside the coffin, she placed the bundle into the coffin before climbing in herself and was a
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Chapter 56 Execution of the Thirteenth
With the way things were, I was afraid that this man might not even survive the night. "We're from the De Chang Center for Paranormal Studies. Come, eat freely and relax. Come with us to our Center after this meal and I shall find a way to solve this problem for you! I'm sure you'll be able to brave through this obstacle safely!" I said to him. But the man had neither the stomach for dinner. He waited beside us until we finished, and followed us back to the center. Back at the center, I took the sword that my father gave me and handed it to the man. "This sword will protect you from all evil and foul beings. Hang it over the head of your bed. It will vibrate and buzz when evil is near. Remember! Hold the sword tightly by its hilt! Do not let it fly!" The man accepted the sword with trembling hands. "Would you not come with me?" he asked hesitantly. "Of course not!" I remarked, and he immediately said, "But you know not of where I live! How would you find me then!" "Hav
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Chapter 57 Bolt the Door and Beat the Dog
Speaking of this uncle Zheng Shuang, I had heard of him already. After all, I was quite familiar with the circles of the rich. Therefore, about Zhou Kun, I did know something about him. However, he had kept this mistress of his hidden well without being discovered by anyone. I didn't know about this until I was told by Lao Shisan. Then Chongxi and I spent a whole night on fortunetelling to learn the entire story. At the same time, we planned a despicable scheme. In the present, the three of us drove to Xi Guan to meet up with Zheng Shuang. After I met Zheng Shuang, we went to a villa with two floors. We rang the doorbell many times, but no one answered. We looked at each other in the eye, and Zheng Shuang said, "Well, this is a bad start!" I laughed and teased, "Take it easy, the trouble is yet to come. Keep ringing the doorbell." After we repeated it many times more, a young woman finally opened the door. When she saw us, she questioned our purpose and looked at us as
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Chapter 58 The Bet
Zheng Shuang gave the order to the other policemen to stay there and clean up the aftermath. Then Zheng Shuang and the three of us took the child and headed to his home. Seeing that we entered the house, the hostess ran to us and grabbed the child to her arms. The child started crying out loud after going back to his mother. At this moment, standing on the side, Zhou Kun got shocked, with his face full of doubts. I turned to him, shook my head a bit, and smiled. Seeing that I smiled at him, Zhou Kun also smiled with embarrassment. Then his cell phone rang. After he picked up the phone and heard the other person through the phone, his face got stiff with his eyes wide open. He became totally speechless. Looking at his face like this, I teased him on purpose and said, "What happened? Did they dig out the timber pile?" Zhou Kun got stunned after hearing this and asked, stammering, "You, you, how do you..." I laughed and interrupted him, "You want to know how I know that,
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Chapter 59 The Bat Spirit
Actually, letting a policeman disguise as the criminal Lao San and attracting the monster to make the rescue, the whole fake scene arranged yesterday was just a deliberate camouflage. The real purpose was to obtain information on the monster. I knew that the arclight wasn't enough to wound it. But it wouldn't run too far away and would secretly come back soon. We didn't tell the policemen the truth in case they ruined the act. We actually pretended to be frustrated just to act in front of the monster. At that time, I patted on the policeman who did the disguise to let the Bee Scout out, while Lin Feng and Chongxi were waiting nearby unnoticed. And when the Bee Scout passed by, they followed stealthily and found the monster's lair without alerting it. Today, I continued the act and deliberately led the monster to the place of custody to let it see Lao San. Then when it came down to attempt the rescue, I released the sword. Although what I did wasn't above board, I was n
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