All Chapters of World-shaking Medical Princess: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
309 Chapters
Chapter 181 I will give you a bigger one
"Princess, the prince of Xiliang Kingdom is very helpful." Yue Ru said, straightening Su Muge's hair.Su Muge nodded noncommittally. She didn't know whether he was willing to help others. At least he helped her today.At this time, there were many people outside the Guerlain Palace. When they saw Su Muge approaching, they all looked at her curiously.It's okay not to look at it, but once you look at it, you can't take your eyes away.The people who came to Guerlain Palace at this time were not said to be directly related to the royal family, but they were more or less related to each other, and they had met Su Muge before.At that time, the birthmark on Su Muge's face was so eye-catching that people didn't want to take another look at her.But who is this charming woman in red and white clothes now? ?In the past, I didn’t want to take another look, but now I don’t want to look away after taking one look!However, Su Muge didn't pay at
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Chapter 182 I don’t like her
"Princess of Eastern Qi State presents a congratulatory gift."There was a tinkling sound in their ears, and everyone followed the sound and saw Hua Rushuang, dressed like a flower and butterfly, walking in with light steps.Hua Rushuang is wearing clothes unique to the Eastern Qi Kingdom. There are no less than seven or eight colors on her body, but they look very good together."I wish the Queen Mother a prosperous sun and a bright moon, and a prosperous spring for the pine and crane."The Queen Mother smiled and said, "Aijia thought she was a fairy from heaven, but she turned out to be the princess of the Eastern Qi Kingdom.""That's right, Queen Mother, when I looked at her just now, I thought the little princess was so beautiful." Nangong Ningxin agreed with a sincere face.Hua Rushuang smiled sheepishly. "Your Majesty, you are so grateful. Bring me the congratulatory gift."The Eastern Qi State gave the Queen Mother a piece of brocade
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Chapter 183 It’s okay to have fun
The marriage grant ended with a word from the emperor.Xiahou Mo sat back next to Su Muge. Su Muge lowered her eyes like an obedient daughter-in-law and poured him a cup of hot tea after he sat down."Your Majesty, don't feel sorry for such a beautiful woman, right?" Only two people could hear this voice.Xiahou Mo looked at her white jade-like fingers and held her hand in his palm just as she was about to put down the teapot."Why do I feel so sour?"Su Muge stiffened and gritted his teeth and said, "The prince is hysterical!"The back-and-forth between the two looked like flirting to others, and they secretly thought that the relationship between King Jin and Princess Jin was so good, which was really unexpected.Quan Ming's eyes fell on the two of them vaguely, and his pupils flickered slightly when he saw their clasped hands."My Lord, I have heard for a long time that Princess Jin has superb medical skills and can revive the dead
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Chapter 184 is not great
"Your Majesty, I heard earlier that a plague broke out in the wounded camp. The second prince was afraid that he would be affected, so he tried every means to hide the matter. Poor my child, he lost his life at such a young age." Wang Jin didn't seem to be interested. I don't intend to let the emperor expose the matter lightly."Nonsense! Where did you hear these rumors about this prince!" Xia Houkun shouted with a serious face. "Father, after my son knew that something like this happened in Shangying Camp, he tried every means to treat the patients. There was no deception.""Those are all serious imperial guards. Even if they died of illness, the second prince should not have disposed of their bodies arbitrarily. The loss of a child was already a great pain, but he never even saw the child's whole body..." The Queen Youyou opened his mouth."Queen, you heard me too. If it is really a plague, the second prince is right to do this!" Concubine Qin said not to be outd
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Chapter 185 Rockery Stone Chamber
Su Muge tried to breathe as lightly as possible to prevent them from noticing his breath."Come out, we've found you!""Hiding behind that rockery, we have already seen the hem of your skirt."Sumuge hid in the gap between the two rockeries and felt the footsteps of the two people getting closer and closer.She slowly tightened the purse in her hand. She only had a bag of poison with her when she came out today, so she had to seize the opportunity.Slowly, the two of them stopped in front of the rockery where Su Muge was hiding. Su Muge held her breath and held the powder in her purse in her hand.Just when she was about to take action, her elbow accidentally hit the stone. She only heard a "click" sound in her ears. The next moment, her body flew into the air, and her whole body fell into darkness."ah!""behind!"The two people who were chasing Su Muge followed the sound she made and found her, but the place where Su Muge was o
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Chapter 186 Who is that person?
After Su Muge wrote down the map, he restored the things on the bed to their original state.As soon as she got off the bed, she saw that the stone door had been closed when she came in, and the entire space was a closed space.If she can't find the exit, she will starve to death here.Just as she was about to continue looking for the mechanism to get out, her feet trembled slightly. Su Muge's expression turned serious, and in the blink of an eye, she saw that the stone door that had been closed was slowly rising.Someone is coming in!Su Muge quickly put out the fire inside and hid under the bed.There was a slight sound of footsteps in her ears. Because the stone room was too closed, the sound seemed unusually clear to her ears.Su Muge shrank his body slightly inward so that no one would notice.Suddenly, a dim yellow light flashed in front of her eyes.Su Muge vaguely saw a pair of black cloud shoes passing by.The man
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Chapter 187: Princess Jin, wait
"Yingying Yanyan?"Xiahou Mo wanted to lift her face from his arms, but Su Muge hugged his waist from behind instead."Everyone knows that Miss Nangong wants to marry the prince. Miss Nangong is fair and beautiful, and has a father who is very powerful in the court. In addition, the Queen Mother loves Miss Nangong very much. If the prince marries Miss Nangong, there is really no harm at all.""Um."Hearing Xiahou Mo's response, Su Muge held his hand tighter but said nothing with a sullen face."I smell a strong sour smell. Princess, do you know where the smell comes from?"Su Muge let go of his hand and stepped back a few steps without looking at him. "have no idea!"Before she finished speaking, Xia Houmo hugged her from behind."Don't you want to know how the carriage was broken when you came?""The carriage you came with?"Su Muge frowned. "The prince is saying that someone deliberately damaged the carriage?"Xiaho
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Chapter 188: The vicious thoughts
"Is there something wrong with Zhaoyi?""I heard that the moonlight in the mirror at the Guerlain Palace is the most beautiful scenery in the capital. It's rare that the moonlight is so good tonight, why don't we go and see it together?" When Hua Zheng said this, she lightly touched Hua Rushuang beside her.Hua Rushuang has known Hua Zheng for many years, so she naturally knows what she means.Although she didn't know what she was going to do, she still cooperated and said, "Yes, Princess Jin, let's go and have a look together. I am very curious.""Flowers in the Mirror, Moon in the Water?" Su Muge tilted his head slightly, and Wang Yi, who was standing behind him, took a step forward and said."The Waterside Pavilion where the banquet was held today is called the Flower in the Mirror, Moon in the Water. The reason why it is known as the Flower in the Mirror, Moon in the Water is because when the lamp is turned on at night, all the lights will be reflec
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Chapter 189: Lost
"Princess, the people around the Queen Mother came and told you to come over immediately." Yueru said outside the door.Sumuge stood up from the water, pulled a clean brocade handkerchief aside and wiped her body dry."What time is it now?""It's the beginning of Haishi."It's Hai hour, and according to the habits of people here, it's time to go to bed long ago."Get ready.""yes."Su Muge walked out of the clean room, and Yueru changed her into a clean dress.By the time they arrived at the courtyard where the Queen Mother was, it was already two-quarters of an hour later."The little princess is so innocent. Please give the queen mother some justice..."As soon as Su Muge was led out of the door by the palace maid, she heard a sad cry coming from inside. Who else could it be if it wasn't Hua Zheng.The maid who had just gone to deliver a message came out. "Princess Jin, the Queen Mother invites you."Sumuge ga
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Chapter 190: Actor-like acting skills
Inside the Guerlain Palace, it is as bright as day.Everyone who had fallen asleep was awakened by the noise outside. One by one, they sent people to find out what happened. After learning that the Queen Mother's house was on fire, everyone's hearts were lifted.They came to the Guerlain Palace to celebrate the Queen Mother's birthday. If something happened to the Queen Mother at this time, it was hard to say what the Emperor would do.So everyone stayed in the house and no one dared to sleep.When everyone was in confusion, a figure quickly shuttled among the people and arrived outside the palace where the treasures were placed in the Guerlain Palace.The late Emperor of Chu State had a hobby of collecting worldly treasures. After he collected those things, he did not put them in the palace. Instead, he liked to place them in the most spiritual place of Guerlain Palace, which is the treasure gathering pavilion in front of him.At this time, most
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