All Chapters of World-shaking Medical Princess: Chapter 311 - Chapter 314
314 Chapters
Chapter 313 Life is worse than death
"Your Majesty, your Majesty, I've checked everything about this small car." When the officers and soldiers saw Su Yuchen speak, they thought he hadn't checked clearly.Su Yuchen glanced at an old man carrying a load behind the carriage. "Capture him."Only then did everyone come back to their senses and look at the old man behind Jiang Yingxue's carriage. He was an old man wearing patched coarse cloth, with gray hair and a wrinkled face.When the old man saw the officers and soldiers coming towards him, he threw the courage from his shoulders, turned around and ran away. "Get him, get him!"Jiang Yingxue breathed out a sigh of relief as she looked at the people walking further and further outside the car curtain."What are you still doing? Why don't you leave quickly?"Hearing what Jiang Yingxue said, the driver came to his senses, whipped his horse whip, and left the city gate.Along the way, Jiang Yingxue said nothing or asked. She just sl
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Chapter 314: Never living alone
Jiang Yingxue walked to the man and sat down. The man's face was dirty, and he could only see his big and bright eyes in the dark. "Then why are you still alive?"The man was stunned, obviously not expecting Jiang Yingxue to ask him that."Everyone has the right to live."The man sneered. "After tonight, you can say this again."Jiang Yingxue leaned against the cold wall, took a bun from her body and ate it, then took out another and waved it in front of the man's eyes.Jiang Yingxue obviously saw him swallow. "Tell me your name, and I'll treat you to steamed buns with meat."A small hand quickly reached out and grabbed the bun in her hand and stuffed it into her mouth."Is it tasty?"He wolfed down the buns before looking at Jiang Yingxue. "soul.""Broken?" Jiang Yingxue raised her eyebrows."The soul of the soul."Jiang Yingxue moved closer to him and lowered her voice and said, "Xiao Po, this room is full of girls.
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Chapter 315 Time Travel Package
At dawn, the women who were dragged out were brought back and thrown into the house like rag dolls.Jiang Yingxue looked at the desperate and empty eyes on their faces and slowly closed her eyes.For three consecutive days, Jiang Yingxue stayed in this broken house. Because the rash on her face was too scary, the thieves did not touch her."You've finished eating your buns and jerky.""Yeah, so it's almost time to run away."Jiang Yingxue spent three days observing the daily routine of these thieves.She didn't know outside, but they didn't assign special personnel to guard the women in these broken houses. Just like Po said, if they wanted to get out of the cottage, they had to pass through the wine cellar and the patio full of thieves. , the wine cellar is all. It is impossible for a woman with no strength to break through the patio. If she breaks through, they will only be torn into pieces by them!So she had to wait for the opportunity.
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Chapter 316 Teleportation Technique
The structure of the wooden house in front of me looks more exquisite than the one over there.Jiang Yingxue looked around the yard for a week and found that except for the dog hole, there seemed to be no gate at all.The yard is not big, only about 500 square meters.How could she get out without a door?Dive back from the dog hole? But those people have come back, and if you crawl over now, you will definitely be discovered.Jiang Yingxue carefully walked outside the room and took a look, but didn't hear any movement inside.Looking through the window, she could only roughly tell that it was an ordinary room. She opened the unlocked door and walked in.It is not accurate to say that it is an ordinary room. It should be said that this is a study room with two large bookshelves. As soon as you enter, you can see that in front of the bookshelf is a large desk with pens, ink, paper and inkstones on it. Look It was stained with ink, and it felt
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