All Chapters of The Devious First-Daughter: Chapter 531 - Chapter 540
678 Chapters
Chapter 531 Who Welcomed Commandery Princess Muling
This was Prince Yi's Manor, not her homeland of Yunnan. She couldn't just do whatever she wanted here.This was Prince Yi's Manor. Even if she married the Third Prince in the future, this was still his uncle's manor. The people here were ranked higher than her.This was Prince Yi's Manor. Only they had ever caused trouble for others, never someone else troubling them.This was Prince Yi's Manor, a place that had always represented power. Although the status of a Commandery Princess was high, a princess with a foreign surname was still beneath the rank of Prince Yi's consort, so why was she scolding the consort?...One simple sentence, yet its meaning was multitude. It was enough to render Commandery Princess Muling speechless. No matter what, it seemed that she had no right to scold Ning Xueyan. The person in front of her wasn't just the unfavored Fifth Young Lady of the Lord Protector's Manor. Who knew if she would e
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Chapter 532 The New Princely Heir Is a New Threat From Annan
Ning Xueyan was having lunch when she received Madam Dowager's letter.She pulled out the letter and read it with a thoughtful smile. She would be checking out the Imperial Examination Ranking tomorrow and visiting the Lord Protector's Manor while she was at it. This was a good excuse to gather the family and worship their ancestors together. Even though the excuse was somewhat forceful, it made sense.She put down the letter with a slight smile and a calm expression. "Qingyu, reward the messenger. Tell her I'll check out Brother's ranking tomorrow and will return to the Lord Protector's Manor in the afternoon to worship the ancestors together."The Imperial Examination Ranking was usually announced in the morning. If she wanted to check it out, she would have to visit at that time. Many impatient people would keep watch outside the building, while the bigwigs in the capital would choose to visit during the morning."Yes," Qingyu a
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Chapter 533 The Palace Maid Who Rushed Over
The Emperor had summoned Ao Chenyi to discuss Annan. Little did he expect Ao Chenyi to be so irresponsible as to suggest that Annan hadn't revolted yet. He was so angry that he was on the verge of coughing up blood."It'll be too late by the time they revolt." He looked at Ao Chenyi with a sullen expression."It won't be too late. Brother, they'll naturally retreat if we kill enough of them," Ao Chenyi said nonchalantly. His almond-shaped eyes carried a trace of hostility.His words sounded so blood-thirsty that Ao Mingyu, who sat opposite him, shot him a cautious look and kept quiet."All right. You two should return. If you have any news, inform me immediately." The Emperor waved his hand to indicate for them to leave. He could feel his head hurting. This discussion had been completely pointless."Excuse me then.""Excuse me, Imperial Father."The two of them left.After leaving
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Chapter 534 Different Schemes in the Teahouse
The carriage stopped in front of the Literature Recourse Institution. Most people who wanted to see the Imperial Examination Ranking would wait here as this place offered amazing tea and liquor. It was still early when they arrived. Since it didn't make sense to wait inside the carriage, they exited the carriage with their maids and entered a nearby teahouse. They wanted to go upstairs and request a private room directly opposite where the ranking would be announced.They had just entered the teahouse when they heard a voice from behind. "Fifth Sister."Ning Xueyan stopped walking and turned around. She saw a surprised-looking Ning Qingshan standing beside a carriage with Caifen. She was surprised that Ning Qingshan would come so early. She noticed that there weren't many carriages on their way here, and Ning Qingshan's carriage had been stopped before they got here. It seemed that Ning Qingshan had been waiting here a long time ago."You're he
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Chapter 535 Madam Ming's Former Residence
Ning Yuling was feeling smug as she took a carriage to the Lord Protector's Manor with her maid.Of course, the manor wouldn't have invited a mere concubine like her, but she was Ning Huaiyuan's biological sister, and the manor didn't say that it would kick her out of the family records. Even if Madam Dowager wasn't happy with her attending the ancestral ceremony, she wouldn't say anything in front of everyone. On the surface, at least, she was still a lady of the Lord Protector's Manor.Moreover, she had someone backing her up now. When she left her manor earlier, a man dressed as a guard respectfully saluted her by the road. She immediately relaxed. With a guard who knew martial arts, there were no other possibilities for what she was about to do next.Today would be the day of Ning Xueyan's ruin.She returned to the Lord Protector's Manor in high spirits. Even if the guards at the gate weren't enthusiastic about her return and M
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Chapter 536 Madam Ling's Death in the Water
All of Ning Xueyan and Xinmei's attention was on the dark, indistinguishable objects. There seemed to be words written on them.They walked until they were about five steps away from the well platform and stopped moving forward. They started at the well from a distance for a while before turning around and walking away in disinterest.Someone abruptly emerged from a big rock on their left and charged at Ning Xueyan. Everyone was well aware of how weak Ning Xueyan was. If she were knocked over, she would surely fall on the well platform. Even if she didn't fall into the well, she would still fall on the side of it and wouldn't be able to get up.If someone else pushed her again at this time, she would fall directly into the well.The other silhouette who charged at Xinmei didn't try to bump into her but reached out to lift her. If Xinmei were just a regular maid, she wouldn't be able to dodge the figure but she wasn't. She evaded th
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Chapter 537 Threats at Every Turn
A scream emerged from the dilapidated courtyard, alarming everyone. Ning Zu'an was the first to arrive as his study was the closest to this place. Looking at the well amidst the ruined stones and broken tiles, he saw Ning Yuling holding onto the side of the well and crying so hard that she was about to faint, as well as Ning Xueyan watching everything unfold quietly with her maid."Father! Father, please save Mother! Please save her! She pushed Mother into the well! Please save her," Ning Yuling sobbed, kowtowing to Ning Zu'an with a face full of tears and snot. She looked panicked, fearful, and sad.Ning Xueyan pushed Madam Ling into the well? Ning Zu'an was shocked but now wasn't the time to worry about that. He turned around and ordered the servants to save Madam Ling.A flurry of turmoil later, the servants managed to get Madam Ling out of the well. However, there was no more life left in her. She laid on the wet ground, cold and stiff. Nin
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Chapter 538 The Viciousness of One's So-Called Dearest Family
"Fifth Young Lady, have you gone mad? What nonsense are you saying? Servants! Bring the physician here so he can find out what disease she has, to be saying such crazy nonsense and committing such insane acts. This is terrifying!" A calm-faced Madam Dowager immediately pinned the blame on Ning Xueyan as soon as she showed up.They couldn't afford to care about offending Prince Yi's Manor now. Ning Xueyan was dangerous to leave alive.Besides, Ning Xueyan had committed the crime of killing Madam Ling and they had Ning Yuling as a witness too. She was a criminal. After killing her, they could excuse it as her taking her life out of fear of punishment. All they had to do was produce a body dead by suicide when the representatives of Prince Yi's Manor come.It didn't seem like Prince Yi was sincerely in love with Ning Xueyan anyway. He must have preferred his concubine or he wouldn't have abandoned Ning Xueyan at the Cold Mountain Temple and sought
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Chapter 539 Effortless Confession
"Lord Protector's Manor, it seems you won't be able to give my dear consort justice seeing as you've wronged her in the first place. Follow me to the palace, then. I need to give my dear consort an explanation." Ao Chenyi's sinisterly cold voice sounded like the whisper of a ghost from hell amidst Ning Yuling's screams.Enter the palace and meet the Emperor?Ning Zu'an's expression changed. Speaking about the cause and effect, this was no longer about Ning Yuling framing Ning Xueyan. It was also about Ning Ziying. Now that situation had deteriorated to this state, both manors had practically mucked up their relationship. Ning Xueyan wouldn't conceal the matter from the Emperor. And if the truth about Ning Ziying was revealed, he didn't know how far things would go out of his control.They could have forcibly killed Ning Xueyan earlier, but they couldn't do anything anymore with Prince Yi protecting her.He hated Ning Yuling to deat
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Chapter 540 Who Is Ning Qingshan?
"Even if you're a princess of the previous dynasty, you're still the only I want." His warm breath was right beside her ear, bringing with it a temperature that made her heart race. Unable to hold back her tears anymore, they fell down her face. Her body trembled, but Ao Chenyi simply held her even tighter, giving her the impression that she was being truly and deeply loved.She had been so worried lately, fearful of reliving her past. She was afraid that she would suffer yet another tragic end after she lost her worth. Even if a voice in her head kept telling her that Ao Chenyi wasn't Xia Yuhang, it couldn't calm her panic and anxiety.Ao Chenyi sighed when he felt the woman in his arms tremble. He led her behind a tree for privacy and gently caressed her hair. His thin lips curved into a smile and gentleness surfaced in his unfathomable eyes. "If there's something I want, I'll fight for it myself. I won't exploit my woman for it."Something i
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