All Chapters of Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
590 Chapters
Chapter121 I had seen the sister
“Big villain?” He Danggui raised her eyebrow.“Yeah,” Feng Yu lied with sweat on his forehead. “Don’t be cheated by her appearance. In fact, besides telling lies, she usually likes fighting, abusing, and even killing. So, you must leave her without a word as soon as meeting her. And remember not to tell her the thing that our Childe ever lived with Childe Ning in Luo’s Mansion, please!”After thinking for a while, He Danggui asked, “According to her accent, she comes from the capital… Ling Miaoyi knows Childe Feng and Childe Ning, doesn’t she? Where are they from?”Feng Yu regretted what he just said. He said immediately with his hands shaking, “No, no, no. Our Childe has never been to the capital with Childe Ning. Particularly Childe Feng is from Yangzhou. He has been to nowhere except Wudang Mountain in his all life… Though he has met Ling Miaoyi, he’s not familiar with her. They have never ever met in the capital because we hardly went out.”
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Chapter 122 Six people played Go
He Danggui remembered that Earl Baoding Meng Shan had eleven sons. The Seventh Childe Meng Xuan should be his legitimate son, who was a Young General of the Earl Mansion. But why he was chased by imperial guards?As far as she knew, Meng Shan was brave and battle-wise. He was not only a trusted follower of the Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, but also was one of the scarce founding fathers commanding a large number of troops. Liu Bowen, Lu Zhongheng, Chen Huan and others, who were labeled at the same time, were all demoted, whereas Meng Shan always kept his position in the field. Since he followed Zhu Yuanzhang, who was over-suspicious, for 30 years and was always trusted, it could be described as a marvel. It was obvious that Meng Shan was not a simple person and different from other lead soldiers.Meng Shan was a man with a full forehead, a round chin, long eyelashes and deep eyes. He must be a handsome man when he was young. It was no wonder that his son Meng Xuan
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Chapter 123 Old enemies met again
On the Go board in Xin Rong Hall, He Danggui played Go with Meng Xuan three times. In the first round, both of them experienced inadvertence, attention, solemnity, hesitation, and anxiety. Finally, the game ended in a draw.It ended in a draw? He Danggui stared at the man in front of her angrily and thought that there was really a child prodigy in the world who could combat with her on the Go board and draw a match in his teens, wasn’t there? Playing Go was one of her best skills. How could she be defeated! He Danggui thought about the match. She was perfunctory to a child in the first half of match, then she was in stalemate gradually. If she took it seriously in the beginning, she believed she could win in thirty steps!However, Meng Xuan also stared at He Danggui angrily. He actually lost the game, didn’t he? Even if he started first, he lost the game by one step! How ironic! He had lived for nineteen years in the previous life, and eleven years in this
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Chapter 124 A dusty pearl, bah!
Luo Baiqiong’s smile froze on her face and opened her eyes widely. She looked around, finding that everyone, besides Peng Jian, was spitting the tea out into their mugs. And the cousin called Peng Jian spayed the tea on Peng Shi’s face, which irritated Peng Shi.Luo Baiqiong was confused. Then she drank the tea and spat it out on the fine carpet immediately. “Bah, what’s wrong with it? Mammy, you said this tea was...” Her voice became higher and was quite different from her gentle voice just now. She was scared and looked at Mammy Tang. Then she looked at Madam Luo who sat in the main seat. And finally, she turned her head and stared at He Danggui.He Danggui was puzzled about their response. For ten years, no one had responded like this to her Hawthorn tea. But why did eight persons spit out her tea today? Therefore, she picked up her cup and tasted the tea with doubt. Then she was stunned.Madam Luo was extremely angry to see the tea show bei
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Chapter 125 Appreciating the extraordinary beauty
Peng Jian curled his lips and said, “Come on! Could a childe who likes drinking juice take a sword?”Peng Shi also chatted with Meng Xuan, “Master Xuan, which academy are you in?”“Yinghui Academy at the capital. What about you two?” Meng Xuan answered while looked at He Danggui who was on the opposite side of the passage. That little girl tilted her head and showed a thoughtful look. Meng Xuan wondered what she was thinking about.“Well.” Peng Jian smiled, “We were schoolmates. My brother and I attended at Yinghui Academy before, but now we’ve transferred at Chengxu Academy.”“The learning atmosphere of Chengxu Academy is not as good as Yinghui Academy. I can tell by your accents. You come from the capital. But why did you leave to study at Chengxu Academy in Yangzhou City?” Meng Xuan looked at that little girl again and found that she smiled as if she figured out something. It seemed that opening a casket which held a legendary l
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Chapter 126 Searching the mansion
“Riding and archery? We can’t choose that!” Madam Luo was vexed, “Music? Yi can play the instrument, but she needs to read books when having music class, right? In fact, Yi was busy learning instrument, go, dance and music in childhood, so she had no time to learn how to read. I plan to let her learn needlework, virtue and etiquette in the academy first, then she can learn some words. Anyway, the classes in women’s academy are relaxing, whatever the educational background of a girl is, she will not lag behind. By the way, Qiong will have music classes and she can play the instrument very well.” She pointed at Luo Baiqiong who was sitting in front of the instrument at the center of the hall and smiled, “Shizi, please listen.”He Danggui carefully looked at Duan Xiaolou’s profile, full of confusion. He didn’t know Meng Xuan, the one he had chased before, and even her. Hadn’t he lost his memory? Or he just pretended not to know her? But why? It wasn’t a secret that they ha
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Chapter 127 A secret mistress of Childe Duan
“Don’t bother.” A hoarse voice came from the door, “It’s me.” Along with this voice, a young woman in blue stepped into the palace slowly. It was Luo Baiying. She glanced at Luo Baiqiong coldly and scolded, “You are nervous and shouting when you encounter something unexpected. You are not calm at all. Is this how Luo’s Family’s daughter should be? Don’t make yourself a joke.”Luo Baiqiong pointed to He Danggui and said aggressively, “Why do you blame me? She started this. She said that someone was eavesdropping on the roof. It was going to be dark, and there were officers and soldiers outside to search the mansion and confiscate our possessions. I was scared at the moment.”Luo Baiying didn’t look at He Danggui. She still squinted Luo Baiqiong and said, “I’m talking about being the daughter of Luo’s Family. Since you are a family, listen to me carefully and bear what I said in your mind. Why bother to care about others? Haven’t you heard of the story that t
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Chapter 128 The vampire lord as a matchmaker
The villain who captured Madam Luo was about 1.7 meters tall and his voice sounded hoarse. If it wasn’t his innate voice, he must be hiding his true voice deliberately. According to his Adam’s apple, skin color and body shape, they could be sure that the villain was a man on his thirties.He Danggui also noticed that there were attractive purple lights in his red eyes. And maybe he was the person “you-know-who” that Chan Yi mentioned. If his purple eyes weren’t born that way, it could be caused by practicing some immoral kung fu and then he was possessed by the Devil. Thinking of his action of sucking blood, the truth was more likely to be that. However, these were not what He Danggui cared about the most, and what she wanted to know badly was that--“Come clean! Where did you get this facial mask?” He Danggui stood up rapidly and took some steps forward to the vampire lord. Her voice sounded anxious. Why was he wearing her collection?This was
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Chapter 129 Asked for a good idea
Later, Duan Xiaolou came and begged Geng Bingxiu to act as a matchmaker for proposing to the little girl. On the surface, Geng Bingxiu found several excuses such as “it’s not right to make decisions without parents’ permission”, “you should marry a matched woman,” or “it’s better to consider comprehensively about marriage”. In fact, he was just a little afraid to see those eyes again. He didn’t know if it was his illusion. After he saw that scene in the back alley of the kitchen, he thought of the last time when Tai Shan asked He Danggui to reply their question about the resurrection from death. At that time, her eyesight was so cold as if he were judged by her!After that, he went back to the capital. Duan Xiaolou, who failed to propose marriage last time, heard that he was about to go to Yangzhou City again for work, and then came to ask him again to act as a matchmaker and propose to Luo’s Family. Then, he didn’t know why he agreed.Therefore, when he ca
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Chapter 130 Madam Luo’s last words
Luo Baiying probably understood that Madam Luo wanted to tell her some “last words” which could not be said publicly. But she was unwilling to take a risk. If she was also taken as a hostage by the masked man, it was worthless to hear Madam Luo’s last words. Luo Baiying waited for a moment and expected the masked man to stop her from offering the tea. Since he refused He Danggui to come near, he certainly would not call her to send tea. But waiting for a long time, the masked man was still silent, so Luo Baiying had to face Madam Luo’s expectant eyes, “Grandma, I’m sorry that I don’t know how to make tea.”Madam Luo also knew that it was dangerous to call Luo Baiying here, but she was the most stable and reliable member of Luo’s Family present. However, Madam Luo didn’t expect that the granddaughter she loved most should refuse her “last request”! Madam Luo was extremely angry, so she looked at Luo Baiqiong and ordered, “Qiong, offer me a cup of tea!” Madam Luo was glad
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