All Chapters of Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter: Chapter 481 - Chapter 490
590 Chapters
Chapter 481 Stroking stops the pain
Meng Xuan took off He Danggui's clothes, there is really a little bit of "robbing while the fire is burning" suspicion, while she was in pain without the ability to resist, on her clothes and skirts, after taking off the outer clothes and then take off the thin spring shirt, then the soft silk shirt, then the shirt under the ... under the eyes of her full of doubts, the long fingers paused and smiled awkwardly, "girl do not be anxious, I just take a look at it and then put it on for you. Under her doubtful gaze, the long fingers paused, handsome face awkwardly laughed, "The girl is not anxious, I only look at a glance, look at the end and then put it on for you. Husband and wife are allowed to do this, I once read it in a book."She was in so much pain that she didn't even have the strength to speak, lazily following his lead, with a kind of heavy depression of "this body is not mine, donate my body to the national disaster". In any case, Meng Xuan's person was no longer there
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Chapter 482 Useless Love Affair
Judging from the style of the scrolls and the texture of the paper, she guessed that all these paintings were made by Meng Xuan three years ago, and most of them featured her at play and him watching silently, seemingly setting off his lonesome state of mind with her freedom and ease. Now that the "old Winston Meng" was finally gone, a "new Winston Meng" led her to look at these western scenes, but there was a different feeling in her heart. ..."See, this is full of women's dresses and ornaments," said Meng Xuan, going into the inner room, and pulling open the cupboards and dressing-table, and introducing them to her with ease and cheerfulness, "I think they are about your size, so try them on and see how they fit you, and if you can wear them, I'll have them all carried over to you to-morrow."She went in, from the open door of the closet before passing, a set of new flat women's green satin dress, water green folded gauze skirt, not only looks like she can wear the si
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Chapter 483 A Red Wedding Handkerchief
He Danggui didn't know what kind of place Qi Xuan Yu was talking about, and didn't care to inquire about that, but just stretched out his injured left hand and waited for him to bandage it. He was slightly stunned for a moment before taking out gauze and medicine, first using a blue medicinal juice to clean the floating dust from the wound before carefully applying medicinal dispersions and fruit gelatin, wrapping on two layers of breathable gauze, and reminding her, "This is hardly enough to not leave a scar, and you can't dip this hand in water recently."She noticed that one frothing look on his face earlier and pointed out, "You weren't supposed to be here to see me and heal my wounds, you came to ask for 'that one thing' under the guise of a visit."Her tone is lazy but sure, there is a knife cut in the quick, so Qi Xuan Yu also do not beat around the bush, nodded his head and admitted, "Last month when I visited the king, his 'disease' still have signs of attacks f
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Chapter 484 A feast for the eyes
The garden is in chaos, a group of guards look at each other, do not know have to search the garden of the brocade dresses of the gentleman is what is the head, looks white face weak, who knows that is a hard point, a shot to knock over a group of people. And he hit people casually, but they do not dare to take the knife and halberd to him casually, who all know that this area is a "nobleman area", he said that the lost child, nine times out of ten is also living in this area of the nobility, if he gave him a white knife into a red knife out, back to the future, who will give him to fill the life to go?A stewardess rushed over out of breath, spreading her hands and saying, "That Miss He heard about the commotion outside and refused to come out again. I asked her if she wanted to stop the search of the garden, and she wouldn't make up her mind."Pale was the first to grunt after hearing this, "What a scared canary, it only took something like this for her to get too scar
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Chapter 485 A Beauty to Watch Over the Family
Maybe men are like this, get all do not cherish, can not get the most precious; may be a few months do not see, He Angelica's people fell more beautiful, from a tightly closed bud of the water lotus flower, into a real out of the water clear lotus. In any case, in these few months of very bad luck Guan Mo, suddenly saw those old times he studied in the most obsessed with a young lady, immediately there is a kind of magic to fix him in place.And He Danggui's state of mind is not so poetic, she woke up early until now is still too lazy to freshen up and dress up, Qing'er pulled her out to meet people, and still in front of a garden of subordinates. But since it has been discovered by Guan Mo, she is not good to squat still, put on the prepared masked hat, she walked out around the flowers.Earlier on the second floor of the Water Modesty Residence, when she heard Qing'er talk about Guan Mo's lost child, she immediately thought of the fact that a few days before she got ma
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Chapter 486 The Covetousness of Another's Concubine
He Danggui said goodbye to Guan Mo again and again, and knocked him with words that it would not be good for him to have more right and wrong, but he still could not ask Guan Mo to take a step back."Hoo ..." Guan Mo urged his true essence and blew a long breath, directly blowing off He Danggui's white veil bucket hat, at that moment, a clear and elegant autumn water clear face was exposed in front of his eyes, there was a kind of shock and ecstasy that grabbed his breath in an instant. At that moment, he didn't even do the respectful surface work anymore, the whole person posted up with open arms, with a kind of gesture of wanting to rub the little beauty into his arms and love her.Qing'er also smelled the taste of danger, at this time they two lonely girl family, even a accompanying did not bring, originally wanted to hurry to come, quickly go, who expected that after the matter is resolved, will be stained Guan Mo this piece of watermelon rind that can not be shaken
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Chapter 487 Where the Glass Begs Fall
When He Danggui looked over, that old man is not the sitting famous doctor Wu Yide Wu doctor of Sanqing Hall, how did he run to Qingyuan.I saw that doctor Wu greeted He Danggui into the house to sit, wait for her to sit steadily, only then flicked his beard and laughed, "Meng Qi Gongzi early in the morning in the back alley of the Three Qing Hall intercepted the old man, half dragged and half lied to the little old man to pull here in the car upside down my bones are scattered, the heart is anxious, hey, the original is to the three young lady to see a doctor. If I had known it was like this, he said that it would not be over, the little old man is absent from the three Qing Hall also have to come to visit Miss three which."Because of the itchy powder event, Wu doctor from He Danggui blindly learned a set of "cool four brocade", surprisingly have to relieve all kinds of itchy miraculous effect, since then, between the two have more medical exchanges. The son said, thre
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Chapter 488 Preparations for the Roundhouse
Yi Tong laughed and said, "There is nothing else, I just want to ask you if you are willing to stay in the garden and be the grandma of the house, or are you willing to follow Master to Qingzhou? A round trip of one to two months, of course, the road is a bit bumpy and hard, the food is not as good as at home. The day of departure is tomorrow, if you want to go, you should prepare early.""I still have the right to choose whether to follow or not on my own?" He Danggui couldn't help but be surprised, and after some thought, asked, "Did the Seventh Master ask you to ask my opinion?"Yi Tong put down the tea bowl and said in a serious tone, "When my son goes out, we can't always take care of the things we need to take care of, and after thinking about it, you're the most suitable person to go with him. If you are willing to go with me, I will recommend you to my son, and he will definitely agree."He Danggui ba the paper box to see inside the ledger and other things,
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Chapter 489 Sending a love brother
"You show off this momentary pain, the next day's consequences are all do not want to think about?" He Danggui's long hair was gripped tightly, her scalp had a tugging pain, and there was a tremor in her voice that she couldn't stop, "You want to make enemies of Lu Jiangbei and the Meng family?""Wrong answer." Sekimo declared so, "You should be punished." Then with a tug of his hand, half of her lower garment was thrown to the ground.She only felt her legs were suddenly a cool wind, people also trembled like autumn leaves, she forced herself to defend, "The number of times my daughter offended you, but only Cheng Xu read love letters, Luo family and the old lady complained of those two times, you are so bad my reputation, completely detrimental to yourself, is not it? You first go down ..."Where the words came to an abrupt end, Guan Mo's hand lightly pinched her thigh, and at the same time, his entire body was lifted upside down and flew diagonally out of the wi
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Chapter 490 Tears and Togetherness
"Master, someone is looking." It was Tactile Long's voice that rang out in the courtyard outside the building of the Water Modesty Residence.He Danggui stiffened suddenly upon hearing this, the tide of pleasure faded halfway, and the thought that she had just sunk to the depths in that man's arms, suddenly, a massive amount of shame sought her out, causing her to whimper a few times."I know why you hate him, but you shouldn't hate me, I've grown a little fond of you, why did you start hating me instead?"Meng Xuan turned a deaf ear to Yi Long's call, he lowered his head and kissed the beautiful woman in his arms, pressed his lips against hers and patiently explained to her, "Maiden, I didn't intentionally let Guan Mo in to slight you. The former Meng Xuan and I know one thing in common, there is a rare treasure buried under the ground of the Qing Garden, I thought he was hitting on something like that, that's why I let him in, wanting to secretly dispose of this
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