All Chapters of Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter: Chapter 591 - Chapter 595
595 Chapters
Chapter 591 Six Cave Pests
Meng Xuan wanted to get rid of these four unscrupulous brothers as quickly as possible, but he forgot that his and He Danggui's lapels were knotted together, and when he hurriedly stood up and ran out three arrows' paces, he immediately pulled He Danggui to the ground. And on the ground, coincidentally, threw a long-life fruit that was left behind when the tent was scattered earlier, and He Danggui's white and tender hand coincidentally pressed on it, and the sharp and pointed shell immediately engraved a red spot on it. A red spot was immediately etched on the sharp shell of the fruit.He Danggui spread out her palm and looked at the gurgling blood wound on her white finger, slightly stunned. When Meng Xuan turned around and saw this scene, his handsome face sank, his arms unfolded, and he carried his little wife back to the bed, trying to open the knot, but to no avail, so he undid the jade belt and took off the wedding clothes."Wait for me."Wearing a chiffon c
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Chapter 592 Your wife is in love with me to the bone
After nightfall, the temperature inside the room had risen instead, an unnatural oddity. Wrapped in a large, wide and long towel, He Danggui felt very hot, and the heat she couldn't avoid came from Meng Xuan's sharp and crystal clear gaze.A wind that passed through the window gap, unusually kindly blew out the four celadon shaded lamps, making the room turn darker by two points, leaving only two small arm-thick gold-encrusted red candles, silently spitting out flowing red.A few maids, without knowing whether they were doing it intentionally or unintentionally, had "tied" one of her slender arms into the towel, and she had been thinking about Meng Xuan's whereabouts with trepidation and immersed herself in the shock of his strong physique, so that she had been at the mercy of the maids, and had ended up in such a state of immobility. Alas, Qing'er save her life, Uncle Nie save her life, who can come and save her?Meng Xuan's hair was draped in a wild and untamed m
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Chapter 593 Kashiwa Yangbai's Sexuality
The smile on Meng Xuan's face froze, the corners of his eyes twitching slightly, Big Brother Song in the army? What the hell! Just which fellow surnamed Song is the one who is making up such a story about himself behind his back? Where on earth did this kind of boring rumor come from?Could it be that ... he recalled that not long ago, Bo Yangbai dressed up as a white-faced scholar and went to Luzhou's Qiyang Palace rudder to find him, showing him a kind of eavesdropping technique called the "one-way soul searching method". This kind of interesting technique, he had already learned from Bo Yangbai in his previous life, so he was not too enthusiastic, but the mischievous Bo Yangbai had a wicked smile on his face and had to demonstrate it to him.The mystery is that this technique comes with a kind of strange numbness from the bottom of the foot on the Yongquan acupoints, so that the user is very soulful, so, Park Yangbai shocked the wolf screamed, gradually led to the rud
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Chapter 594 What an honor for a maid
After asking about the situation from the lotus root and other maids, Meng Xuan smiled and said, "This matter is considered to be in the past, none of you should tell the public about it, and you must not talk about it with Song Lan Lan, or else ..."The tone of his voice trailed off, lifting the hearts of several of the maids, not knowing what terrible punishment they would face if they divulged their master's secrets, but the Seventh Master only said jokingly at the end, "Otherwise, if I catch whoever is making up stories about me behind my back, then her monthly allowance for the next month will go to me."The maids let out a slight sigh of relief upon hearing this, their few hundred dollars, at most one or two silver pieces of routine money, how could master master look at it! The seventh master so flirting, that is not angry with them? So, lotus root, Xiangzhi, Lu Yao several maids have expressed, vowed not to mention half a word to others, who mention who's tongue
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Chapter 595 The Princess has been entrusted to a wrong person.
Qi Xuan Yu and Meng Xuan were both from the capital, long before they met He Dang Gui, about five or six years ago, these two were old acquaintances. Although they did not share the same interests, they knew each other to be the type of people who had a deeper understanding of each other, but instead had a little bit of sympathy for each other, which probably belonged to the category of "a gentleman's friendship is as light as water".Because of the age difference, Qi Xuan Yu had always called Meng Xuan "Little Seventh Prince", but now that Meng Xuan has grown up to be almost as tall as the long-limbed Qi Xuan Yu, and is a man with a wife and family, Qi Xuan Yu has not changed his name and still calls him "Little Seventh Prince", which is obviously a bit sarcastic: how could a child dare to take a woman who is not supposed to be in the world into his arms? How can a child dare to borrow the courage from heaven and take a woman who should not appear in the world into his arms?
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