All Chapters of Super Elation Under the Sun: Chapter 211 - Chapter 220
333 Chapters
Chapter 211 What is a Swordsman?
That concierge in the distance, reached out to straighten his somewhat messy hair, then reached out to brush the ancient zither in front of him, and then it was stained with a handful of blood, he looked towards the crimson in his palm, and then put it in front of his nose and sniffed it before he smiled and opened his mouth, "Your swordsman's blood doesn't stink, how come your temper stinks so much?"Li Fuyang, who had already wiped his face clean of blood stains, rolled up his sleeve tubes just enough to cover all those blood-stained areas, and he didn't bother to pay attention to the concierge in front of him, but just yelled toward the distance, "What are you doing here, go back!"Li Wenjing, who was trotting along the way, suddenly heard this roar, and surprisingly, his feet slipped, and he fell down in the wind and snow just like that, however, a moment later, he climbed up and continued to run towards this side.The concierge did not turn his head, just wave
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Chapter 212 I Do Want to Kill Someone
Lord Taizai Li Shang, one of the three dukes of the Yanling Dynasty, one of the three most respected readers in the Yanling secular world, even vaguely considered to be the most respected reader in the Yanling Dynasty, after all, among the three dukes, the Taizai is the first, the Taibao is second, and the Taifu, on the contrary, is the most end of the line.Have not seen the lord dazai, I'm afraid that the mind will think that the lord dazai has already been famous Yanling is an old man is not angry and mighty, a mouth is subtle reasoning. But if you have seen the lord dazai, I'm afraid it will be surprised, the lord dazai, tall, the face is not at all majestic, on the contrary, it is very quiet and peaceful, like a neighboring old man in general, can not see any difference.Before Li Fuyang pushed the door, this Lord Crown Prince was sitting under the eaves of the house, and that Minister of Ceremony Zhou He and another middle-aged woman had already been kneeling in th
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Chapter 213 Wild Ghosts
Back to the alley before the journey, Li Fuyao walk slowly, waist hanging sword Li Fuyao while walking and said to himself: "Xiao Xue is suitable for practicing the sword, I have a handle of Xiao Xue, can not help but trembling when I see her, she is the kind of person who was born suitable for practicing the sword, but is not the kind of sword embryo, or is it just and Xiao Xue sword have destiny, can not be said clearly, she practiced or not to practice the sword, all depends on her own will, I will not stay long in Luoyang city before leaving, I will go to look for that senior and ask him if he is willing, but actually have to ask first. It all depends on her own will, I can't stay in Luoyang city for long, before I leave, I will go to look for that senior, ask him if he is willing, but actually have to ask Xiao Xue, if Xiao Xue is not willing, all this is not to mention, but if she is willing. You guys should not stop her either, my feelings for her are deeper than yours."
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Chapter 214 Emperor Yanling's Thoughts
Yan Ling Dynasty Zheng He eighteen years, although it is already past the New Year's Eve, but practically speaking, Luoyang City is still covered by snow, but even so, the hundred officials should go to the court, still have to go to the court.Zhenghe 18 years of the first morning court, the court did not happen any major events, only His Majesty the Emperor lightly announced the death of the Imperial Prince, and then looked at the civil and military officials in the court with a smile, can there be any objections.The death of the lord dazai, although the city of luoyang has a lot of people know, but compared to these courtiers, those people are just a phoenix feather, so when this news was out, the court will be like a pot of water, boom and boil, the whole court, even if there has been a long time has not happened this kind of thing, and so on the sound gradually go after the emperor yanling to let the interior of that yellow eunuch to read out the holy decree, the h
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Chapter 215 The Snow Warms the Heart
"I won't be staying in Luoyang City for too long, and Your Majesty knows that a Sword Qi Realm swordsman won't play much of a role in where we go from here, so I'll continue to travel the mountains and rivers, both for myself and so that one day I'll be able to qualify to stand beside Your Majesty when I'm truly needed.""I'm going to go up to the Star Picking Tower to meet that senior and beg him for one thing, whether he answers or not is one thing, Your Majesty only needs to give me the chance to meet that senior.""The family in that alley, I hope that they can live on in Luoyang City in peace, free from anyone's bullying, and of course, if the Academy insists on making a move, your majesty need not blame yourself."After saying these three conditions, Li Fushang stretched out his hand and pressed it against his heart, calmly saying, "If Luoyang City does not fail me, I will definitely fail Luoyang City."After saying this, Li Fuyang shut his mouth and wa
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Chapter 216 When You Go, There Is Nothing
After Li Fushang was about to make up his mind to ask Li Xiaoxue if she wanted to practice sword practice or not, before he had yet to ask in person, Ye Shengge, who liked to sit under the eaves of the house and watch the snow, said something not too gently and not too seriously, making Li Fushang a little out of breath.At that time, Ye Shengge sat under the eaves of the house and looked at the snow that had become smaller and smaller these days, and casually said, "That girl Xiao Xue asked me the other day if I could let you teach her to practice the sword, and she said that she wanted to be that kind of warrior woman, the kind that hoes down the weak and the strong."Li Fuyao sat on the threshold with his sword case on his lap, silent for a moment, without a word.Ye Shengge then asked, "What exactly did you go to the palace for before?"Li Fuyang calmly replied, "Arranging for the afterlife."Ye Shengge covered her mouth and laughed, "You don't have
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Chapter 217 This Earth is Not Worth It
Walking on the street, Su Night held an oil paper umbrella, Song Pei walked beside his own gentleman, he quickly asked, "Sir, why did that gentleman kowtow to you before ah, did he do something wrong to you?"Su Night thought for a moment, then said, "Maybe it's because he felt that he had done many things to apologize to other people, and his conscience was clear, so it was natural for him to be like this."Song Pei rolled his eyes, really a bit speechless, "Sir, that's not why he kowtowed to you either."Su Night pinched the seal called Nature with a calm expression and walked out a block away before asking again, "Then according to you, why did he kowtow?"Song Pei scratched his head and said in a somewhat frantic manner, "Sir, I've only just met that gentleman for the first time, how would I know!"Su Night laughed out loud and didn't say anything more, only placing the seal in his hand and spreading it out before smiling, "Want it or not?"As
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Chapter 218 The Spirit is Long
These days Ye Shengge's this small courtyard is as clean as ever, excluding Cheng Yusheng who would stand outside the door every now and then to look at his beloved Ye girl, the rest of the outsiders, there is only Li Fushang who stays alone in this small courtyard, meditating and recuperating all day long, before and after the two big battles, which made him suffer from an extremely heavy injury, although there is the Sinking Slope Mountain's Elixir of Excellence, in fact, from the fact that he has been pale and white so far alone, one can see that he current state really wasn't considered too good.Mountain cultivators injured, are not talking about playing, there are many realms of deep cultivators if seriously injured, will also be very likely to block the way forward, take the year the sword mountain old ancestor regardless of the sword thing, that year, after that sword, is not also the sword mountain old ancestor of the sword mountain from then on no longer have half a
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Chapter 219 Uneasy Peace
Out of Luoyang City, Li Fuyang but only walked a small half day, will run into a team of cavalry, the number of people in the hundreds of people, the stars like the moon will be a carriage surrounded in the center, in the official road slowly, the leader of the middle-aged general in armor, the waist with an imperial army belt, in his body, there are two look at the breath realm in the realm of the green silk of the Confucian monks, by the looks of it, are the Ministry of Criminal Offerings.When Li Fushang see clearly that middle-aged general's face, there is a moment of disorientation, that day he beheaded in the House of the Dazai that Dazai, this is the one who came to read out the decree, Li Fushang know that the Yanling Emperor wants to see him, but also through his mouth only to know, this trip trip, the Yanling Emperor has expressly said that there is no need to notify him, he did not do more than this, so this time in the north of the city of Luoyang, this general, an
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Chapter 220 Murder in the Night
The spear that was covered by the white aura and carried a majestic aura broke through the air in the dark night, carrying the sound of whistling wind and pointing directly at the carriage, the intention was so obvious that Yuan Xia drew his sword at the first moment while his body swept towards the carriage, knowing that the young man in the carriage that not many people had seen before was the top priority of this trip.At the same time Yuan Xia to the carriage galloped, the two Ministry of Criminal Ministry of Ministers at the same time to get up, a person toes light, from the fire directly to the pole after the spear, to reach out to grab the spear with a mammoth qi, the other is more direct, the body swept into the night, in order to find out that the person who struck.Li Fuyao patted the sword box, the green silk from the sword box popped up, quickly by Li Fuyao hanging in the waist, to hand on the hilt of the sword after this instantly will be full of sword qi.
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